Photograph of the War Scroll from Qumran (1 QM)
(Israel Museum, Jerusalem)

Arch of Titus in Rome celebrating his victory over Jerusalem
(Alinari/Art Resource)

Photographs of a mikveh (ritual immersion pool)
on the southern side of the Temple Mount
(exterior, Z. Radovan, Jerusalem; interior, David Harris)

Line drawing of the Herodian Temple (Leen Ritmeyer)

Photograph of tefillin (phylacteries) discovered at Qumran
(Z. Radovan, Jerusalem)

Photograph of the synagogue at Sardis (Courtesy of the
Archaeological Exploration of Sardis/Harvard University)

The inscription at Aphrodisias (S. Friesen)

Photograph of the Theodotus inscription (Israel Antiquities Authority)

Photograph of the heel bone of the crucified Yehochanan,
from Givat ha-Mivtar (Z. Radovan, Jerusalem)