Abu Dhabi
Accounting firms, moral hazard of country classification and
Accounting standards, in Southeast Asia
Advertising. See Marketing, in emerging markets
in Colombia
in Haiti
in Laos
in Myanmar
Agtmael, Antoine van
Aibel Group Ltd
Akamatsu, Kaname
Allen, Paul
Altman, E. I.
American Free Trade Association (AFTA)
Analects (Confucius)
Analytical software
Arab Spring
economic growth
essential economic freedoms
investing issues
private equity flows
Laos and
nations compared
Asian Development Bank
Asian investors, perspective on indexing and passive investment
“Asian Miracle, The” report (World Bank)
Atos Euronext trading system, in Oman
China’s military and
economic growth
EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
BanColombia (CIB)
Bandit economies
economic growth
investing issues
private equity flows
Banking systems. See also Central banks
credit markets in Central and Eastern Europe and
in Haiti
Bank of New York Mellon
Banque Pour Le Commerce Extérieur Lao Public (BCEL)
Barclays Bank PLC, recapitalization of
Barrow, R.
Beijing Genomics Institute
BEM (big emerging markets) designation
classification issues
hydropower development
investing issues
bin Said Al Said, Qaboos
Birth rates. See Demographics
Bloomberg Emerging Market Ranking
Bond indexes, EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
BRAC-EPL Securities
economic growth
global competitiveness and
governance indicators
investing issues
private equity flows
productivity factors
ratings upgrade
Breakout Nations (Sharma)
Bribery. See United Kingdom Bribery Act; U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
BRICK nations
BRICM nations
BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). See also specific countries
acronym creation
classification issues
economic growth projections
essential economic freedoms and
media and
Southeast Asia compared
stock markets in
trade with developed markets
BRICS nations
BRIIC nations:
doing business criteria
essential economic freedoms and
global competitiveness and
investment decisions and
stock market aspects
Brown, Gordon
credit markets and
essential economic freedoms and
governance indicators
private equity flows
Bums Problem
Burma. See Myanmar
Business conditions:
cultural aspects
private equity flows and
classification issues
economic trends
investing issues
IPOs and
Korean stock market and
legal system
marketing in
noncorrelation with developed markets
private equity flows
real estate market
Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX)
Cambodia Stock Exchange (CSX)
economic growth
Haiti and
Inclusive Wealth Report and
private debt in
Capitalization-weighted indexes, EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
Caribbean, private equity flows and
Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA)
Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
Carlyle Group
Cash management holdings, time frame of
Cathy Industrial Biotech
Cell phones. See Mobile phones
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). See also specific countries
credit markets and
private equity flows
Central bank(s):
in Colombia
in Mongolia
in Oman
in Southeast Asia
in sub-Saharan Africa
Vienna Initiative and
“Century of Humiliation,” in China
Chen Deming
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group. See Dow Jones
Colombia and
economic growth
governance indicators
sovereign ratings and
“China Elephant” parable and
cultural issues
economic growth
economics, finance, and business in
global competitiveness and
global redistribution of trade and
governance indicators
history and
Inclusive Wealth Report and
investing issues
Laos and
manufacturing competitiveness
marketing in
military in
Myanmar and
opportunities in
private equity flows
production factors
production in emerging markets and
Chinese Communist Party, politics and power of
Chodan, Wojciech
CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa)
Classifications, of developing markets
Asian investor perspective on indexing and passive investment
consequences of
country or industry dominance issues
frontier market providers
Inclusive Wealth Report and
investable emerging markets providers
issue of bias toward large and accepted stock markets
issue of lack of differentiation between investable economies and investable securities
issue of moral hazard
issues, generally
separate assessments of countries and stock markets proposed
in Colombia
in Mongolia
central bank
economic fundamentals
economic growth
foreign direct investment in
governance indicators
investing issues
natural resources
outlook and cautions
stock market
strategic location
Colombia Stock Exchange (BVC)
Commissions, private equity flows and
Commonwealth of Independent states (CIS), private equity flows. See also specific countries
marketing to, in developing markets
private debt and
role in recovery of developed markets
Corruption, in emerging and frontier markets. See also United Kingdom Bribery Act; U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Costa Rica
Country risk, UK Bribery Act and
Craft, Nicolas
Credit markets, in Central and Eastern Europe
background and current situation
banking systems and
individuals countries and
obstacles to problem resolution
Vienna Initiative and
credit markets and
essential economic freedoms and
global competitiveness and
private equity flows
Cultural issues
Currency issues:
in developed markets
in Mongolia
in Southeast Asia
Current account deficits, in frontier markets
Czech Republic
Data mining
Debt. See Private debt; Public debt
Debt weighted indexes, EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
Deloitte. See “Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index”
Democratic Republic of Congo
in developed markets
in emerging markets
in frontier markets
in Laos
in Southeast Asia
in sub-Saharan Africa
Deng Xiaoping
Developed markets, current status of
economic growth requirements
financial crisis and
production factors and
regional decoupling of trade
Developing markets. See also Emerging markets entries; Frontier markets entries; specific regions
development status and growth potential groupings
factors in sustained
future of
rise of
terminology changes
Dhaka Stock Exchange Index
“Doing Business” Index, of World Bank
Dow Jones, investable emerging markets classification of
Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
Economic framework conditions
doing business
essential economic freedoms
financial center rankings
global competitiveness
global manufacturing competitiveness
governance indicators
investor factors of importance
stock market aspects
Economic freedoms:
applied to investing
critical factors
Economic power balance, global shift in
rise and fall of superpowers
Economic sustainability
Ecopetrol (EC)
EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
asset class perceptions
defining investment universe
in China
frontier markets and
in sub-Saharan Africa
EEB Colombia
Eléctricité du Laos Generating Co. (EDL)
Emeralds, in Colombia
Emerging markets:
classification issues
conclusions about stability and direction of
corruption and
cross-cultural behavior issues
liquidity and
marketing in
nature and structure of
Emerging markets, growth path of
demographics and
financial crisis and public debt
political framework for
productivity factors
Emerging Markets Database, of IFC
Energy. See Power generation
Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao
Entrepreneurship, in MENA countries
Environmental analytical data factors
Environmental Performance Index, of Yale University
Environmental sustainability, Inclusive Wealth Report and
Equity indexes, EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
Essential economic freedoms. See Economic freedoms
Etiquette, cross-cultural issues of
European Banking Co-ordination Initiative/EBCI. See Vienna Initiative
European Union:
economic growth
financial crisis and public debt
Everest Capital
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
Exogenous shocks, frontier markets and
Facilitation payments. See United Kingdom Bribery Act; U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Failed markets
Failing states
FIBV (Fédération Internationale des Bourses Valeurs/International Federation of Stock Exchanges)
Financial center rankings, investment decisions and
Financial crisis of 2007–2008:
developed markets and
emerging markets and
emerging markets support of developed markets and
Fitch’s ratings
Flying geese pattern
Focus Media China
Foreign direct investment (FDI):
in Central and Eastern Europe
in Colombia
in frontier markets
in Haiti
in Laos
in Myanmar
in sub-Saharan Africa
Forest Products JV Corp.
corporate debt
economic growth
financial crisis and public debt
Inclusive Wealth Report and
private debt in
rise and fall, as economic power
sovereign ratings and
Frontier economies, practical perspective on
investment considerations
liquidity and front-running liquidity
noncorrelation with developed markets
price discovery
specific research suggestions
Frontier markets
advantages of investing in
corruption in
demographics in
drivers of opportunity in
economic growth
education and
evolution of
foreign direct investment in
foreign investors’ difficulties in
integration with global economy
legal system and
market valuations and
private equity flows
public debt and
risks to investing in
shrinking current account deficits
technology and
term coined
Frontier markets, classification issues
Frontier markets, classification providers
Bank of New York Mellon
Bloomberg Emerging Market Ranking
FTSE Frontier 50 Index
Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Frontier Markets Index
Morgan Stanley—Frontier Market Universe
NASDAQ OMX Middle East North Africa Market Index
S&P/IFCG Extended Frontier 150 Index
S&P Select Frontier Index
FTSE Frontier 50 Index
FTSE Global Equity Index Series
FTSE International Ltd.
Futures exchanges, lacking in Southeast Asia
Galinsky, Adam
GCC (Gulf Cooperative Council). See also Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
consumers and
demographics in
economic growth
financial crisis and public debt
Inclusive Wealth Report and
manufacturing competitiveness and
patent registration in
private debt in
rise and fall, as economic power
global competitiveness and
governance indicators
investing issues
private equity flows
Global Competition Index, of World Economic Forum
Global competitiveness, investments decisions and
pillars of
Global Financial Centers Index
“Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index” (Deloitte and U.S. Council on Competitiveness)
Global redistribution
frontier markets and
Global Venture Capital and Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index
Goldman Sachs
Golomt Bank
Governance (formal economy). See also specific countries
avoidance of corruption and
stock market aspects and selection criteria
Government structure:
Sub-Saharan Africa
earthquake and economic recovery efforts
economic outlook
investing issues
Hedging, lacking in Southeast Asia
Herding effect, moral hazard and
Heritage Foundation “Index of Economic Freedom”
Ho Chi Minh Stock Index
Hong Kong:
economic growth
EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
governance indicators
Myanmar and
Hong Kong Stock Exchange
HSBC Emerging Markets Index (HSBC EMI)
Hu Jintao
Human development Index (HDI), of United Nations
Ibrahim, Mo
IFC. See International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Impossibility Theorem, of Rodrik
Inclusive wealth
Inclusive Wealth Report (United Nations)
Indexing, Asian investors perspective on passive investment and
“Index of Economic Freedom,” of Heritage Foundation
cross-cultural behavior issues
economic growth
global competitiveness and
governance indicators
Inclusive Wealth Report and
investing issues
manufacturing competitiveness and
private equity flows
productivity factors
Individual wealth, shift away from developed nations
economic growth
global competitiveness and
governance indicators
Inclusive Wealth Report and
investing issues
in Colombia
frontier markets and
in Haiti
in Mongolia
Informal economies:
frontier markets and
private equity flows and
Information aggregation
Information technology
analysis tools
analytical data characteristics
developed versus developing market issues
liquidity and
in Mongolia
in sub-Saharan Africa
Insha’allah (God’s willingness), in MENA
Insurance companies, hub strategy in MENA
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), Haiti and
International Finance Corporation (IFC), of World Bank
Emerging Markets Database
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
International Monetary Fund (IMF):
financial crisis and U.S.
global shift in economic power balance and
Mongolia and
Southeast Asia and
Investable economies, lack of differentiation between investable securities and
Investable emerging markets, classification providers
Dow Jones
FTSE Global Equity Index Series
Goldman Sachs GES
HSBC Emerging Markets Index
Lipper/Thomson Reuters
Morgan Stanley Capital International Index
Morgan Stanley Investment Management—Emerging Markets Equities
Rising Star AG
S&P Global Equities Index Series
STOXX—Emerging Markets Index
Investable securities, lack of differentiation between investable economies and
Investing, time frame of
Investment prosecution (access)
Islamic banking and finance, in Oman
demographics in
economic growth
financial crisis and public debt
private debt in
rule of law and private equity flows
sovereign ratings and
Ivanhoe Mines, in Mongolia
classification issues
demographics in
economic growth
EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
Inclusive Wealth Report and
manufacturing competitiveness and
Myanmar and
private debt in
Jiang, Jason
Jiang Zeming
Kennedy, Paul
classification issues
investing issues
private equity flows
Khan Bank of Mongolia
Kingdom Breweries
Korea Exchange (KRX), Cambodia and
Korean Mobile Telecom
Kruck, S. E.
Kuhn, Robert
essential economic freedoms and
exports and
governance indicators
investing issues
private equity flows
Lao Airlines
Lao Brewery Company
Lao-Indochina Group Public Company
classification issues
demographics in
economic trends
foreign investment since 2004
integration with ASEAN
investing issues
IPOs and
legal system and
natural resources
private equity flows
real estate market in
stock market
Lao Securities Exchange (LSX)
Lao World Group
Latin America, private equity flows. See also specific countries
Legal system:
in Cambodia
emerging markets and
frontier markets and
in Laos
in Myanmar
in Oman
in Thailand
in United Arab Emirates
in Vietnam
Levant. See Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Lewis Curve
Limited government, as essential economic freedom
Lipper/Thomson Reuters, investable emerging markets classification
in Central and Eastern Europe and
frontier economies and
in Mongolia
selection criteria and
in United Arab Emirates
credit markets and
governance indicators
private equity flows
stock market aspects
Liu Xiucai
London Stock Exchange (LSE), Mongolia and
Mabey & Johnson
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
governance indicators
investing issues
Manufacturing competitiveness, investment decisions and
Mao Zedong
Market-based economies, private equity flows and
Marketing, in emerging markets
Martelly, Michel
McGregor, Richard
Mekong region. See Cambodia; Laos; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
governance indicators
stock market aspects
“Tequila Crisis”
Middle East and North Africa (MENA). See also specific countries
challenges for international investors
culture and business environment
demographics in
improved conditions
job creation needs
personal relationships and
private equity flows
stock markets in
MILA (Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano)
in Laos
in Mongolia
Min Metals Lao
Mobile phones:
in Southeast Asia
in sub-Saharan Africa
Modigliani-Miller theorem
Mohammad, Dr. Mahatir
central bank in
classification issues
currency issues
inflation and
investing issues
liquidity and
mining industry
natural resources
private equity flows
stock market
strategic location
trade and
Mongolia Stock Exchange (MSE)
Moody’s ratings
Moral hazard, country classifications and
Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI)
All Country World Index
Emerging Markets Index
Frontier Markets Index
inefficient markets and
investable emerging markets classification
private equity flows and
World Index
Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM), Frontier Market Universe
Muscat Securities Market (MSM), in Oman
economic outlook
economic sanctions against
investing issues
legal system and
noncorrelation with developed markets
real estate market in
stock market
Myanmar Citizens Bank
N-11 (Next 11). See Next Eleven
Naga Corp.
Natural resources:
in Colombia
developed markets and production factors
global redistribution of trade and
in Laos
in Mongolia
hydropower development
investing issues
Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE)
Nestle of Switzerland
New Zealand
Next Eleven (N-11) (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Turkey, and Vietnam)
classification issues
economic growth
Inclusive Wealth Report and
investing issues
private equity flows
Non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), lacking in Southeast Asia
North Africa. See Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development):
Anti-Bribery Convention
economic growth inside and outside of
governance indicators
Haiti and
membership of
MENA Investment program
Pisa study
rule of law and private equity flows
Oil, in Colombia
central bank and
exports and
investing issues
legal system and
private equity flows
Oman Brunei Investment Company SAOC (OBIC)
O’Neill, Jim
Open markets, as essential economic freedom
Options exchanges, lacking in Southeast Asia
Oyu Tolgoi gold and copper deposit, in Mongolia
Pacific Rubiales (PRE)
classification issues
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
investing issues
private equity flows
stock market aspects
Panko, R.
Papua New Guinea
Partnership risk, UK Bribery Act and
Passive investment, Asian investors perspective on indexing and
Passive management
Patent registration, in developed and developing markets
“Pendulum Theory of Emerging Markets”
People’s Liberation Army
Personal attention, cross-cultural issues and
Personal space, cross-cultural issues
Colombia and
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
ratings upgrade
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
governance indicators
investing issues
private equity flows
Phnom Penh Water Authorities (PPWA)
Phnom Penh Water Supplies (PPWSA)
Phu Bia Mining
economic growth
financial crisis and
governance indicators
marketing in
Political risk, frontier markets and
Power generation:
Bhutan and
Colombia and
Laos and
Myanmar and
Nepal and
Price discovery, frontier economies and
Private debt, in developed markets
Private equity flows
business conditions
changes over past decade
difficulty measuring
enabling conditions
as lead indicator
as next wave of investible markets
opportunities and
in practice
private equity defined
stock market governance and
Private equity investors (direct investments)
as summary indicator
Procter & Gamble
Production factors:
in developed markets
in emerging markets
Professionally managed assets
Property markets. See Real estate markets
Protectionism, in Oman
Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Export Development (OCIPED), in Oman
Public debt:
emerging markets and
financial crisis and developed markets
in frontier markets
overreliance of developed economies on
in Southeast Asia
Public equity, private equity contrasted
Barclays Bank and
exports and
governance indicators
investing issues
personal income in
sovereign ratings and
Qualitative analytical data factors
Ramey, V. A.
Rating agencies. See Sovereign ratings
Real estate markets, in Mekong region
Redlick, C. J.
emerging markets and
regulatory efficiency as essential economic freedom
REITS, in Thailand
Relative market capitalization, private equity flows and
Republic of Mongolia. See Mongolia
Reputation, frontier markets investments and
Rio Tinto
Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, The (Kennedy)
Rising Star AG
anti-bribery legislation
frontier markets and
private equity flows and investing
selection criteria and
Rodrik, Dani
Rule of law. See also Legal system
as essential economic freedom
private equity and enabling conditions
credit markets and
economic growth
financial crisis of 1998
global competitiveness and
governance indicators
Inclusive Wealth Report and
private equity flows and
S&P Country Ranking Framework
S&P Emerging Markets Database (EMDB)
S&P Global Equities Index Series
S&P/IFCG Extended Frontier 150 Index
S&P/IFC Global Frontier Markets index
S&P Select Frontier Index
Santos, Juan Manuel
Saud Bahwan Group
Saudi Arabia:
demographics in
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
exports and
governance indicators
Inclusive Wealth Report and
private equity flows
Sector indicators, of investable economies
Securitized debt markets, classification issues
Segmentation, EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
Self-interest, legal framework of markets and
Shang Ming
Sharma, Ruchir
Short selling, proposed separation from stock markets
economic growth
EDHEC-Risk Asia Indexing Survey and
governance indicators
Inclusive Wealth Report and
manufacturing competitiveness and
marketing in
Slovak Republic
Social payments:
developed markets’ recovery and
emerging markets’ economic growth and
Sourcing of investment (information)
South Africa:
correlation with sub-Saharan Africa
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
governance indicators
Inclusive Wealth Report and
population estimates
Southeast Asia
accounting standards and
demographics in
economic growth
foreign investors’ issues
globalization and
growth of China and India and
improving investment factors in
issues of concern and risk
lack of sophisticated instruments
low debt to GDP
market capitalization and
MSCI inefficient markets
stock prices and
volatility and
South Korea:
classification issues
economic growth
governance indicators
investing issues
Myanmar and
rule of law and private equity flows
Sovereign ratings
corporate debt
economic growth
private debt
public debt
rating and
rise and fall, as economic power
Speculative holdings, time frame of
Spreadsheets, IT data analysis and
Sri Lanka:
investing issues
private equity flows
Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)—Emerging Markets Equities
State capitalism, in China
Stock market(s):
in BRIC nations
in BRIIC nations
classification and moral hazard
classification bias toward large and accepted
in Colombia
developing market classification and
economic framework conditions and investment decisions
emerging markets and legal system
fundamental criteria for orderly
governance issues and selection criteria
in Laos
in Mongolia
in Myanmar
not primary selection criteria
in Oman
private equity flows
in Southeast Asia
in United Arab Emirates
Stolper-Samuelson theorem on trade
STOXX—Emerging Markets Index
Style versus sector breakdowns
Sub-Saharan Africa
correlations with South Africa
dynamics of investing in
economic growth in
improving investment factors in
improving operating conditions
practical aspects of researching opportunities
private equity flows
Superpowers, rise and fall of
Supervision of investment (transparency)
China and
economic growth
governance indicators
investing issues
Taiwan Group, in China
Tavan Tolgoi mine, Mongolia
China’s demand for free
frontier markets and
Tesler, Jeffrey
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
governance indicators
investing issues
Laos and
legal system and
marketing in
Myanmar and
private equity flows
real estate market in
36 Stratagems
Time management, cross-cultural issues
Trade Development Bank of Mongolia
Transaction risk, UK Bribery Act and
Transfer payments, private equity flows and
Transparency International:
anti-bribery principles
Colombia and
Corruption Index
Tsang, Donald
governance indicators
investing issues
private equity flows
classification issues
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
financial crisis and public debt
governance indicators
private equity flows
UAE. See United Arab Emirates
Unclassified economies
United Arab Emirates (UAE):
Barclays Bank and
classification issues
cultural aspects
essential economic freedoms and
exports and
governance indicators
investing issues
legal system and
private equity flows
United Kingdom:
corporate debt
demographics in
economic growth
Inclusive Wealth Report and
patent registration in
private debt in
rise and fall, as economic power
United Kingdom Bribery Act (2010)
risk factors and adequate procedures
structure and key provisions
territorial scope
U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act compared
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
United Nations University International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (UNU-IHDP)
United States:
Colombia and
consumers and
decline as economic power
economic growth
financial crisis and
Haiti and
Inclusive Wealth Report and
Laos and
manufacturing competitiveness and
Myanmar and
Oman and
patent registration in
private debt in
sovereign ratings and
Urbanization, in sub-Saharan Africa
Uribe, álvaro
U.S. Council on Competitiveness. See “Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index”
U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
Velez, Alvaro Uribe
Verbal communication, cross-cultural issues
Vienna Initiative
economic growth
essential economic freedoms and
investing issues
Laos and
legal system and
marketing in
private equity flows
real estate market in
Visualization software
Volatility, in Southeast Asia
Water supply, Cambodian IPO and
Wen Jiabao
Wickham, H.
Wong, P. J.
World Bank. See also International Finance Corporation (IFC)
“Asian Miracle” report
Colombia and
Development Research Center
“Doing Business” Index
financial crisis and U.S.
global shift in economic power balance and
governance indicators of
Haiti and
investing in developing economies
MENA and
Mongolia and
Southeast Asia and
“Worldwide Governance Indicators”
World Bank Group Entrepreneurship Survey
“World Competitiveness Reports,” of World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum:
Global Competition Index
“World Competitiveness Reports”
World Economic Freedom Index
World Federation of Exchanges (WFE)
World Federation of Stock Exchanges
“Worldwide Governance Indicators,” of World Bank
Xac Banks
York International Corporation