Coronavirus Lockdown – Day 103
Dear Diary,
If what they say is true, that “cleanliness is next to godliness,” well, then I’m a fucking saint! And just when I thought my hypochondria was subsiding, along comes the coronavirus. Unfortunately, my anxieties most always manifest themselves as physical symptoms. So, to say I’m paranoid about handwashing, about wiping down packages, about washing produce, is right on point – twice a day I sterilize doorknobs, telephones, computers, etc. I’m going crazy. And if I think my clothing touched a contaminant, I wash it. I’m so exhausted. I’ve had sore throats I thought were COVID-19, a cold I thought was COVID-19, headaches, body aches, and blurry vision.
Believe me there is more, but I’m running out of paper.
I feel so vulnerable, so out of control and crazy. OH MY GOD, I CAN’T STAND ME! I have hunkered down in my house for more than ninety days before going out into my own backyard. I have kept my husband prisoner because he has underlying conditions and is a senior. And if you think that was easy… OY!
However, I’ve ordered a new gadget that’s sure to make life more convenient and bug the bug. As soon as anyone walks through my door, they’ll be bathed in ultraviolet light, sprayed with Lysol from a dozen different nozzles, and a choir will sing a medley of the “Hallelujah Chorus,” “Happy Trails,” and “So Long, Farewell” by the von Trapp Family Singers.