Description: Chapter Header

Moore Residence, Abbotts Park Apartments
Fayetteville, North Carolina


“Leon, come here!”

Atlas glanced toward the bedroom door as he dried his hair. He and Dawson had been covered in dirt and blood by the time they left the accident scene, and he had been called up as he reached his girlfriend Vanessa’s apartment. “What is it?”

“An Emergency Broadcast Alert. You’ve gotta see this!”

Atlas rushed into the living room and watched the brief broadcast, his eyes widening the entire time. It repeated, and he turned it off.

“What does it mean?”

He looked at Vanessa. “It means we’ve got big problems.”

“Is this why you were called up?”

“I’m guessing.” He pointed at the phone as he rushed back into the bedroom to finish dressing. “Call my sister.”

Vanessa dialed as he quickly pulled on some pants then stuffed his undershirt into them. She entered the room, holding out the phone. “It’s ringing.”

Atlas took the phone and Vanessa pushed him onto the bed, grabbing his shoes from the corner.


“Hey, Larissa, it’s me. You okay?”

“Oh, Leon, what a day! It’s been crazy here! First—”

“No time. Did you hear the Emergency Broadcast?”

“No, what—”

“Just listen. Can you leave the city?”

“No way, it’s gridlock out there. Nothing’s moving.”

“Okay, here’s what I need you to do. Go to your nearest store as soon as you hang up. Buy as much water and canned goods as you can carry, then bring them home. As soon as you’ve done that, go do it again. Keep doing it until there’s nothing left, understand me?”

“Leon, what’s going on? You’re sounding crazy.”

“Listen, Sis, they’re choking off the cities, okay? That’s what’s going on here. If things go south, you’ll need food and water.” Vanessa finished tying his shoes and he flashed her a smile. “Wait, do you have any prescriptions?”

“Yes, but I just refilled them a few days ago.”

Atlas breathed a sigh of relief. “Good, then that should last. When things get bad, stay inside. Do you have a gun?”

“You know I’ll never have one of those things in the house!”

Atlas frowned. “You live in the Bronx and you don’t have a gun? You’re a very trusting person.”

“Don’t you start—”

“You’re right, I’m sorry. Now, what are you going to do as soon as you hang up?”

“Get as much food and water as I can.”

“Exactly. And keep doing it until it’s no longer safe.”

His sister’s voice finally sounded as scared as he felt she should. “Leon, is it really going to get that bad?”

He closed his eyes, picturing his sister and her kids, all alone thanks to that deadbeat bastard of an ex she had. “It could. Just get yourself stocked up, don’t tell anyone you have supplies, keep the door locked, and if it truly hits the fan, I’ll come get you, understood?”

“They’ll let you?”

He stood. “They might not have a choice.”