Description: Chapter Header

Unknown Location


Sherrie White woke to find Fang’s breathing shallow once again. She rolled onto her knees, checking the woman’s pulse. Rapid and weak. “I’m going to give you another transfusion.”

Fang shook her head. “No, you’ll end up killing yourself.”

Sherrie ignored her, instead inserting the needle once again in her arm.

“I said no.”

Sherrie stared at her. “I feel fine. We both need to survive long enough for them to find us, and this is the only way.”

“I’m dying. I’ll be dead long before anyone gets here.” Tears filled Fang’s eyes and she raised a hand, taking Sherrie’s and weakly squeezing it. “Tell Dylan…I love him, and I’m sorry.”

Sherrie raised Fang’s hand to her lips and kissed it, squeezing her burning eyes tight as she fought the tears that demanded release. “You’re going to tell him that yourself.” She placed Fang’s hand back down. “And what the hell do you have to be sorry for?” She switched out the IV drip for the tube she had previously used for the transfusion.

“For leaving him alone.”

Sherrie paused, and she thought of Leroux. What would he do if she died? He had been alone until they met, and though he had grown over the past couple of years, she feared he would revert to his former self, turning inward once again, shutting out the world around him.

Perhaps Sonya will make a move.

Her stomach flipped at the thought, already jealous of the woman for what she might become to him.

You’re being ridiculous. You’re not even dead yet, and you have him shacking up with his staff.

“We’re both going to live, we’re both going to go home to our men, and we’re both going to kill that bitch that put us here.” She watched the precious fluid flow through the tube toward Fang’s arm. Fang reached to pull it loose, but Sherrie swatted the hand away. “Don’t make me put you out.”

Fang smiled slightly. “Fine. Kill yourself.”

“That’s the spirit.” She looked about. “You know, I’ve been thinking. I don’t think she’s watching us. If she were, she’d be providing us with supplies to save your life. She has to know that if we’re supposed to be some sort of security for her, then we have to be alive to be of any value.”

Fang nodded. “Yeah, but she knew I was wounded.”

Sherrie motioned toward the supplies they had been left. “Yes, which was why she left what she did. I can’t believe IV bags and XStat were in her original plan. But I don’t think she counted on the wound being as bad as it is.”

“I told you, I’m dying.”

“Piss off with that talk. You’re depressing me.” Sherrie grinned. “Now, like I was saying, there was no food left for us, so that means we aren’t meant to stay here long—probably no more than a few days.” She tapped her watch. “And we’ve been here about half a day. We just need to last long enough for whatever endgame she’s after to play out, and we’ll probably be set free.”

Fang sighed. “You don’t have enough blood in you to keep me going that long.”

Sherrie smiled. “Don’t you worry, we’ll be fine.” She looked away, not trusting she wouldn’t reveal her true fears. For Fang was right. She might be able to do this one more time, if that. Any more and she risked her own life. She was willing to do it, and she would, yet she feared whoever did find them might find two corpses. They had to get out of here—waiting wasn’t an option.

She stared at the door then up at the ceiling. “When we’re done, I’m going to check out that ceiling.”

Fang moved slightly and Sherrie looked at her. “You okay?”

“Yeah, just getting sore from lying in one position for so long.”

“You have to stay still.”

“Tell that to my bum.”

Sherrie chuckled. “Yeah, I hear ya. Mine’s getting a little sore too.” She pointed at the door. “How do you suppose that’s locked?”

Fang closed her eyes. “Could just be a simple lock. Key, tumblers. Nothing special.”

“Right. But this place was prepared. There’s the camera for one thing. The wires are hidden, so it wasn’t just slapped in here. And a door with no lock or any hint of hardware on one side, isn’t a standard order. This place was prepped long before yesterday.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Well, if this was prepped, I wonder if they’d use something as simple as a key. Keys can get lost, keys have to be duplicated if you want more than one person to have access. I’m thinking they might have gone a little more hi-tech.”

Fang shrugged and winced. “Well, even if they did, it’s all on the other side of that door, so we can’t get at it.”

Sherrie’s head slowly bobbed. “I wonder…” She let out a quick breath. “I wish Chris were here. He’s the tech guy. He’d probably already have us out of here.”

“So would Dylan.”

Sherrie patted Fang’s shoulder. “Well, they’re not here, and it’s a well-known fact that we’re not only beautiful, but intelligent. I think it’s time we puzzled our way out of this box, don’t you?”

Fang smiled, already appearing a little better than a few minutes before. “Absolutely.”