The Oval Office, The White House
Washington, DC
President Starling sat behind his desk, massaging his temples. His country was falling apart around him, the eerie calm outside his window, making it far too easy to forget the horrors most of the nation was living with at this very moment. The SecuraVault system was rolling out across the country, and in less than 24 hours, thousands of installations had been completed. Phoenix apparently had full control of their traffic control systems again, as did Chicago.
It gave him hope. The public was clamoring for their city to be next, too desperate to believe their public officials when they were told it was in progress.
Thank God I met Croft before Harry was kidnapped.
He leaned back in his chair and sighed as he stared at the Presidential seal in the plaster ceiling.
Why the hell did they take him? And use non-lethal force?
None of it made sense. It had to be related to the current crisis, but how? The only theory he and his advisors had come up with, was that whoever was behind the disaster now facing their nation, was pissed that Vance had brought Croft in. With Croft’s system now being installed, it was disrupting the plans of the Utopians, or the Assembly, or whoever the hell was behind this.
From what he knew of the Assembly, they had no boundaries. They wouldn’t hesitate to kidnap or kill anyone, including the Vice President, or even himself, for that matter.
It had to be the Assembly. His latest briefing from FBI Director Fitzgerald, indicated they thought the Utopians were patsies in this entire situation, the founder duped into providing a fantasy plan on how to bring the cities to their knees.
He bought that.
Morrison was right.
He had to be. It had to be the Assembly, but how the hell were they supposed to stop an organization they knew almost nothing about? He sighed. At least once SecuraVault was installed nationwide, their systems would be protected. The problem was it wouldn’t bring those behind it to justice, leaving the Assembly free to manipulate the affairs of mankind with impunity. They had to be stopped, but he was at a loss at how to do so.
His phone buzzed and he pressed the intercom button. “Yes?”
“Mr. President, I have Director Leif Morrison, National Clandestine Service Chief, on the line for you. He says it’s urgent.”
“Put him through.” His phone beeped again and he lifted the receiver. “Yes, Leif, what can I do for you?”
“Mr. President. Is it true that Croft Technologies has been given a contract to install its SecuraVault system nationwide?”
Starling’s eyebrows rose slightly at the odd question asked with such urgency. “Yes. I gave the order last night.”
“Mr. President, it’s essential that you halt the rollout of the SecuraVault system immediately, and detain anyone involved in the installation.”
Butterflies assaulted Starling’s stomach. “What? Why?”
“The Assembly is behind it, Mr. President. They’re behind everything. They created the crisis so that you would install their system. We’re playing right into their hands!”
Starling gripped his prize pen, given to him by his late wife on their first anniversary. “Are you sure? Harry recommended it to me personally. He’s known Roger Croft for decades. Hell, I met the man last night right here in this office.”
“Mr. President, Vice President Vance was a member of the Assembly.”
The pen dropped, along with his jaw. He stood, running his hand through his thinning hair. “Bullshit.”
“No, sir. We have his confession on tape. He confirmed he was a member, and named six others. They’re all dead or soon will be.”
Starling twigged on a word that had been said.
“Do you know where the Vice President is?”
“No, sir, but he’s dead. Executed by a former Assembly agent.”
He dropped into his chair. “And you’re certain Croft is involved.”
“Yes, Mr. President. You have to stop the installation of the SecuraVault system immediately, otherwise the Assembly will have complete control of all of our systems.”
Starling closed his eyes. “What have I done?”
“Mr. President, please. Minutes count.”
Starling bolted to his feet. “Understood, Leif. I’ll issue the order immediately.”
“Thank you, Mr. President. You’re doing the right thing.”
“From your lips to God’s ears, Leif. Because if you’re wrong, I could be condemning millions of people.”