Description: Chapter Header

Operations Center 2, CIA Headquarters
Langley, Virginia


Leroux spun toward Tong. “Get me the Director!” He turned to the rest of the room. “Analyze any signals from that area. We’re looking for something new in the past few minutes. I need to know where it’s coming from. Now!”

His team leaped into action as Tong cleared her throat. “Sir, I’ve got Director Morrison.”

Leroux adjusted his headset. “Sir, we have to abort the strike on the bunker, now!”


“I just spoke to Kane. He’s inside and alive. We need to give him a chance to send the abort message.”

“We can’t get the message through, Chris, the system’s locked us out.”

Leroux shook his head, getting frustrated at not being understood.

There’s no time!

“No, sir, you don’t understand. That bunker is the only way to get the message through. Destroy it, and we lose any chance of stopping this!”

Morrison cursed. “Okay, stand by.”