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ahimsā, 165-67

Arjuna, 278

bhakti: definition of, 117, 120-22; how to cultivate, 162ff; characteristics of, 191 ff; forms of, 199 ff; culmination of, 207-08

Buddha, 110 ff, 223 ff; teaching of, 230-32, 237, 252-53; Upanishads and teaching of, 233; his attitude toward God, 234; negative ideas of, 236; death of, 238

Christ, 253 ff

cycles, 239

disciple (śishya), 136, 139, 140

Draupadi, 277

duty: a relative concept, 14, 20, 45 ff; of householders, 21 ff; definition of, 46; and love, 49-50; nature of, 94-5

equality, 106 ff

food, 162 ff

freedom, 100 ff, 213-15

Gitā, 294 ff

God: embodiment of freedom, 214ff; in everything, 220; Personal, 240-241

good and evil, 60, 69, 70

gunas, 12

Hanumān, 265, 266, 267. See also Rāma

image, 154 ff

Incarnations, 146 ff

Ishta (Chosen Ideal), 158 ff

Iśvara, 124 ff

Jews, 226

karma: meaning of, 3, 4 ff; without motive, 9; as worship, 41. See also karma-yoga

karma-yoga, 3 ff, 8, 17, 44, 68, 89 ff; teaches freedom, 103. See also karma

Krishna, 249 ff; teaching of, 250 ff; 294, 295-96

knowledge: meaning of, 4

Lakshmana, 263 ff, 266. See also Rāma

Mahābhārata, 274 ff

Mohammed, 254, 255

Mohammedanism, 246

non-attachment, 36 ff, 92-3, 110

non-resistance, 16 ff

Om, 150 ff

parables: monk and princess, 26 ff; mongoose and sacrifice, 42; monk and butcher-saint, 51 ff; ghost and dog’s tail, 63-4; Śuka, 79-80; mango orchard and leaf-counting, 141; pearl-oyster, 160; king and sage, 191-92; man catching a Tartar, 251-52; Rāma and squirrel, 268

Pavhari Baba, 54, 96-7

pleasure and pain, 104 ff

priests, 224-25, 226, 227, 229

Rāma, 260 ff

Rāmāyana, 257 ff

Rāvana, 264. See also Rāma

religion: freedom is ideal of, 212; good of, 222; quarrel about, 248

renunciation, 169 ff

Satyavān, see Sāvitri

Sāvitri, 283 ff

Sitā, 261 ff, 269, 272ff. See also Rāma

Sphota, 151, 152

symbols, 56-8

teacher (guru), 136, 139, 140, 141 ff

Vālmiki, 257 ff

Word, 58-9

Yudhishthira, 275, 280ff, 289-90, 297 ff