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ahimsā, 165-67
Arjuna, 278
bhakti: definition of, 117, 120-22; how to cultivate, 162ff; characteristics of, 191 ff; forms of, 199 ff; culmination of, 207-08
Buddha, 110 ff, 223 ff; teaching of, 230-32, 237, 252-53; Upanishads and teaching of, 233; his attitude toward God, 234; negative ideas of, 236; death of, 238
Christ, 253 ff
cycles, 239
disciple (śishya), 136, 139, 140
Draupadi, 277
duty: a relative concept, 14, 20, 45 ff; of householders, 21 ff; definition of, 46; and love, 49-50; nature of, 94-5
equality, 106 ff
food, 162 ff
Gitā, 294 ff
God: embodiment of freedom, 214ff; in everything, 220; Personal, 240-241
gunas, 12
Hanumān, 265, 266, 267. See also Rāma
image, 154 ff
Incarnations, 146 ff
Ishta (Chosen Ideal), 158 ff
Iśvara, 124 ff
Jews, 226
karma: meaning of, 3, 4 ff; without motive, 9; as worship, 41. See also karma-yoga
karma-yoga, 3 ff, 8, 17, 44, 68, 89 ff; teaches freedom, 103. See also karma
Krishna, 249 ff; teaching of, 250 ff; 294, 295-96
knowledge: meaning of, 4
Lakshmana, 263 ff, 266. See also Rāma
Mahābhārata, 274 ff
Mohammedanism, 246
non-attachment, 36 ff, 92-3, 110
non-resistance, 16 ff
Om, 150 ff
parables: monk and princess, 26 ff; mongoose and sacrifice, 42; monk and butcher-saint, 51 ff; ghost and dog’s tail, 63-4; Śuka, 79-80; mango orchard and leaf-counting, 141; pearl-oyster, 160; king and sage, 191-92; man catching a Tartar, 251-52; Rāma and squirrel, 268
pleasure and pain, 104 ff
priests, 224-25, 226, 227, 229
Rāma, 260 ff
Rāmāyana, 257 ff
Rāvana, 264. See also Rāma
religion: freedom is ideal of, 212; good of, 222; quarrel about, 248
renunciation, 169 ff
Satyavān, see Sāvitri
Sāvitri, 283 ff
Sitā, 261 ff, 269, 272ff. See also Rāma
symbols, 56-8
teacher (guru), 136, 139, 140, 141 ff
Vālmiki, 257 ff
Word, 58-9