The world’s legends are replete with tales of those who sought to defy the gods — from Prometheus to Maui to Doctor Faustus — and to themselves become godlike, whose hubris brought destruction rather than their visions of sublimity. Within the West, for generations there have been those who imagine through their wealth or some other ego-inflated attribute, that they can, godlike, remake ‘mankind’ in an image more palatable with their own visions.
Believing that man is infinitely malleable, or ‘perfectible’ as was the word used in the much-vaunted Age of Enlightenment, from whence the trash today called ‘modern’ emerged, and can be reshaped at a whim, an array of individuals, ideologies and movements sought to deconstruct and rebuild humanity to serve some new purpose. In so doing, millennia of traditions and customs, of what is regarded as normal for having been formed and accumulated through generations by an array of historical processes, along with races, peoples, cultures, nations and states, are expected to disappear on command, to clear the way for something proceeding from nothing, or from the abyss at most. Such grand new visions have indeed resulted in something from the abyss, or at least from the darkness of cerebral recess, creating ‘hell on earth’, but always in the name of high ideals.
The West has suffered under such grandiose schemes in the name of ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’, la droit humaine, ‘humanity’, ‘progress’, behind the inspired leadership of the Marquis de Sade, Marat, Robespierre, Marx, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Mao, Jim Jones, Soros, Rockefeller, Julian Huxley, Musk, Zuckerberg, Bill Gates; with the expectation that to reach the utopia that seems to become ever more distant, any sense of permanence and duration — what Soros disparages as the organic, and the Critical Theorists condemn as ‘repressive primary ties,’ of family, homeland, and faith — are discarded as passé.
The Perversion of Normality examines an array of individuals, doctrines and movements, most claiming to serve behind the banners of science, progress, and humanity. What seem to be divergent converge by what Dr Richard Spence, a genuine scholar, calls ‘connecting the dots’. What emerges is a movement over the course of several hundred years, pushing forward an artificial construct in the name of ‘humanity’, but for the benefit of a self-anointed elite of oligarchs and technocrats. In hellish pandemonium normality is toppled on its head, in the name of ‘normality’, and the absurd, sick and destructive become the new normal.