
Fruit Leather

Preparing the base for this fruit leather is a 5-minute job that reaps rewards which last much longer. Being able to put a homemade, naturally sweet snack into my kids’ lunches makes me feel like a superhuman—and I’m the only one who needs to know just how simple the process is. Bonus: Because strawberries are so naturally sweet, a few drops of stevia is all it takes to perfect their flavor.

Makes four 10-inch rounds

In a blender or food processor, puree all of the ingredients until smooth. Pour 2 cups of the puree into the center of a dehydrator tray lined with a nonstick dehydrator sheet and spread into a 10-inch circle, leaving about 1 inch around the border. Repeat with three more lined dehydrator trays and the remaining puree.

Dehydrate the fruit leather at 118°F until the center is firm and dry and the fruit leather peels off easily, 6 to 8 hours.

Peel the leather off the dehydrator sheets and arrange each piece on a sheet of parchment paper. Roll each up into a log and wrap in an additional piece of parchment to keep moist. The fruit leather will keep, tightly wrapped in parchment at room temperature, for up to 3 months.