Praise for
Christ the Lord:
Out of Egypt

“This is a straightforward tale set firmly—thanks to Rice’s considerable strengths in research—in the geographic and historical context of the time.… Rice retains our rapt attention with the use of small, visual details. We can almost taste the food Jesus would have eaten, experience the sights and sounds, the chaos and bustle with which he would have been familiar. We’re introduced to a world more brilliant and tangible than the sketchy outlines of the traditional narrative.”

Los Angeles Times

“Taking what some might perceive as a wildly daring gamble … the author, in the first person, takes on Jesus’ voice. But she’ll silence the Philistines. It works.”

New York Post

“The best spiritual book of the year.”

“By embracing the miraculous, [Anne Rice] gives us a Jesus who is divinely human.”

The Philadelphia Inquirer

“In her attempt to breathe life into a historical religious figure, Rice’s superb storytelling skills enable her to succeed where many other writers have failed.”

Library Journal

“This is historical fiction at its best.… Rice’s legions of fans surely will enjoy it.”

—Cleveland Plain Dealer

Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt poses an interesting view of the early life of Jesus through carefully applied details and research.… What makes this novel such a wonderful surprise, however, is the passion Rice brings to the story.”

Orlando Sentinel

“Rice’s novel is an inestimably valuable contribution to the discussion of Christian history as well as a tender look at the young Jesus.”

The Denver Post

Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt is powerful, and Rice does a remarkable job focusing on Jesus’ thoughts as he struggles to come to terms with his gifts.”

The Columbus Dispatch

“Few authors attempt to write a biography of Jesus. Fewer still are successful. In her latest novel, Anne Rice imagines a reverent glimpse into one year of his life.… Christ the Lord, the first of a series, is written with passion and empathy and is a thought-provoking novel well worth your attention.”

The Tennessean

“Rice gives us the child Jesus’ own incarnation theology in a way that’s convincing and new.”

The Minnesota Daily