
Chapter Seventeen


The trip back from Boston the next day was less stressful since I had been able to work something out with Jason. Foster and Waylon also noticed the difference, and it seemed to make it easier for everyone to breathe. As soon as we got back, Jason managed to get a huge printout of the ley lines that had once run through New York City.

Unfortunately, they didn’t line up. Some spots were on the line, others weren’t.

The next day, I was doing a self-tour of New York as I explored all the weak spots. A storm was brewing, the clouds dark and angry, making it seem almost like night in the city. There hadn’t been any new tears reported yet, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t going to happen soon. I needed to get ahead of Laikynn and quickly.

This place is disgusting. Berry sneezed in a bad attempt to clear his nose. It wasn’t going to work though. The smell of piss and sourness clung to every surface in the alley. Why must we be here?

“Because there’s a spot around here somewhere.” I glanced around, reluctant to touch anything. I was pretty sure we found the homeless’ version of an outhouse. Large bins of overflowing garbage lined one side. The brick walls were dark with stains that were better left alone, and there was a fence near the end to prevent access to behind the building.

Find it soon. I do not want to be here.

“Neither do I.” Something glistened from the cell phone light I was shining all over. It was tempting to ignore it because it was down the alley and I did not want to go further in, but we had a job. If that meant I had to go into a rat-infested sewer, I would. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case yet.

The closer I got, the more I felt Faerie’s magic. It wasn’t a tear and the magic wasn’t accessible, but it was there, just underneath the surface, waiting to flow through.

“Did you remember seeing any of this at the other two sites?” I pointed to the gooey looking residue that had reflected off my light. It was a glimmering silver.


“Something different then. And the other two sites were older ones. Something changing in the process maybe? Come on, there was a little grocery store around the corner. I want a sample.”

After getting what I needed, I carefully scooped up some of the weird substance and sealed it away. I snapped a picture and sent it to Judah. Maybe he’d know something.

It didn’t take long for the phone to ring with Judah on the other side.

“What is this?” he asked.

“A substance I found at one of the sites. I need to know if you know anyone who can analyze it. It’s the first time I’m seeing it, but when I go to see other sites, I’ll look out for it. It feels like a piece of Faerie, but it isn’t anything I’m familiar with.”

He didn’t respond right away, but I could hear him moving around on the other end. There was a scraping sound, like a chair against the floor and then the sound of clicking. “I have a contact who works in a specialized lab. She’ll be able to analyze it, and she’s fae too. She understands the importance of discretion.”

“Good. Meet me at the next location and I’ll give it to you there. I’m headed that way.”

After giving him the address, I smiled down at Berry. “Ready?”

Yes. We are never coming back to this location.

I chuckled. “I hope not.”

We were almost to the exit of the alley when a shadowed person stepped into our path. Berry jumped in front of me, releasing a low growl that rumbled around us. I lifted my phone and stared into silvery eyes, the pupils too narrow to be mistaken as human.

Another fae.

There was an unfocused look to him. His clothes were disheveled, and I would have thought he was a homeless person if I didn’t recognize that he wore expensive items like the watch on his wrist, the wedding band on his finger, and his suit.

“I feel it,” he mumbled, taking a staggering step forward. “I can taste it.” That last part was more of a hiss. He wasn’t looking at me, but behind me, toward where the weak spot was. His nose flared as he took in breaths. He breathed in over and over again, the pleasure on his face making it seem like we were back in Faerie, where air was pure and clean. Fresh. Not in some dark, dank alley used as a toilet.

Is this where I say he is absolutely bonkers.

“You need to stop watching weird things on the TV.”

He is crazy.

“I agree.”

The man stepped forward again. Berry shifted so that he pressed against me, forcing me to step to the side. The man hadn’t noticed us. We were right in front of him, but he was too enraptured with the weak spot to care.

We didn’t move, watching the man warily. There was only one way out of the alley, and it was past him. He shuffled closer. I wasn’t worried about him hurting me. I’d be able to take him. Hopefully. There was no telling what he would do in such a manic state.

I held my breath as we came shoulder to shoulder at that point. He still hadn’t said anything. Desperation wafted off of him. I was ready to get out of there when he went for another step and instead stumbled. Berry was between us, so he tripped over him and then tried to catch himself, but that meant pushing me.

The stranger whipped his head around so fast, I thought he was going to break his own neck. The slit eyes constricted briefly, the haziness disappearing, leaving behind only hunger as he focused on me.


Berry growled as I moved away. I could make a run for it, but the fae looked like he was about to chase me down. He decided I’d become his prey.

Too fucking bad. I would always be the predator.

“Back away from me if you know what is good for you,” I warned.

“You taste of magic. You have Faerie. Give her to me.”

“I have nothing for you.”

“Bullshit.” He tried to reach for me, but I stepped away while Berry snapped his jaw, scaring the stranger enough that he stumbled back and landed on his ass.

I winced, not wanting to know what he currently sat in. Nothing good for sure. The fae didn’t seem to care at all though. He scrambled to his feet.

“Give her to me.” He lunged at me. I didn’t move, confident in Berry.

My familiar didn’t disappoint as he lurched forward and smashed into the man, taking him to the ground. Berry pinned the fae to the ground, his massive form heavy enough to keep him there.

I strolled over and looked down at the man, showing no pity for him. “I might as well use this as an opportunity to get some answers.”

I doubt he has any answers to give.

“We’ll see.” In a dominating tone, with enough haughtiness in there to exert myself as the alpha, I threw questions at the man. It took a few attempts to get the fae to realize he wasn’t going anywhere until I had my answers. “What are you doing here?”

“I can sense it,” he whispered. He tilted his head so he could see further into the alley. “Her magic. I haven’t tasted it in so long.” He licked his lips.

“You can sense the weak spot.”

“Yes.” He hissed, sounding too much like a snake.

“And you want it?”

“I found the tear in the park. I tasted her. So powerful. More. I need more.”

“There is none to be had here.”

“But you have it. You took it all, didn’t you? Give it to me.” He tried to reach for me, but Berry shifted his weight, forcing the guy still. “Give it to me.”

“Mine is not to share. Let’s go, Berry. He’s an addict. There isn’t much else to do.”

I can put him out of his misery. Feed off him.

“No. He might give you rabies.”

What is rabies? Are they delicious?”

“No. Rabies makes you crazy. Eats at your mind until you’re forced to be put down like a crazed animal.”

Berry snarled at me. I am not crazy, nor an animal.

I didn’t bother responding, instead leaving. Berry joined shortly after. I didn’t ask what he’d done to the fae, and he didn’t offer the information.

After that incident, while we made the walk to the next location, it became evident what all these weak spots were doing to the small fae community in the city. They were listless, wandering around. Some of the fae had dazed looks, and the way they stumbled around made it obvious they were trying to find more of Faerie. They had gotten a taste of her somehow and they wanted more.

“I don’t know what to make of this,” I said.

There is only one tear, one source of Faerie magic. There are too many fae acting like this.

“True. Do you think there is another source? Maybe more tears than we know about?”

I do not know. We must find out quickly though or the fae will expose themselves to the humans.

I shuddered, not liking what that would mean for everyone.

Judah was waiting at the next location already. It was in a small parking garage, half empty. He was crouched over, looking closely at whatever had his attention. The way his body stiffened, he felt me approaching.

“Is this what you found?” He pointed to the ground where his flashlight was aimed. Once again, the silvery substance was there.

“Yes. I wouldn’t touch it if I were you.” I handed over the sample I’d taken. He tucked it away in a pocket, not seeming concerned. “We have other issues.”


“The fae. They are getting a taste of Faerie.”

And it is making them bonkers.

I sighed. I had a feeling Berry was going to be using that word often for a while. I did not need him picking up human slang. Then I’d never understand him.

Judah’s eyes narrowed in contemplation. “Addiction?”

“They act like it. We had a run-in with one. They’re so attuned to it now that the weak spots are attracting them.”

“There’s more you aren’t saying.”

Smart man. I nodded. “I am attracting them too. The fae we ran into had to touch me to know, but it is going to make things more difficult.”

“Fuck.” Judah jumped to his feet and paced the area. “I’ll have my contact prioritize the substance. I’ll talk to some people to get a sense of how bad this is.”

“How many fae are in the city?”

“Full fae? Only a few hundred.”

“That’s good.” Those numbers I could work with.

“But those who have fae blood running through them.” Judah rubbed at his face and grunted. “I’d say about a third of the population. The fae have integrated themselves well into life here, and we are still long living. Many humans don’t even realize they are descendants of fae.”

I blinked in shock, not expecting that answer. “So while we know this is affecting the fae, we don’t know what kind of effects it has on faelings.”

“Not yet we don’t, but we can find out.”

My thoughts worked overtime as I tried to grasp the full implications of what was going on. It all seemed so simple at first. Come over, hunt Laikynn down, and drag him back. But this. The tear, the weak spots, taking down the barrier, and now fae acting no better than a human drug addict? It was a mindfuck of a mess.

“Do it. Find out what is going on. We need to find a way to curb this before the humans catch on.” My phone buzzed and I yanked it out. “Hold on.”

Judah stepped away to give me privacy.

“What?” I asked, answering it.

“You didn’t text me in a while. What did I ask you to do?”

I pulled the phone away and scowled at it briefly. The stupid thing was beginning to feel like shackles, and I despised those.


“To let you know when I arrived at a scene and when I left it.”

“You’re at a new place.”

“You obviously know this, so why should I bother letting you know?” I snapped.

He paused before asking, “Are you mad?”

“Yes! No.” I swore under my breath. “I don’t know. I’m irritated, and shit is going on that I’m trying to understand, none of it good.”

“We only worry about you, Josie.”

My shoulders slumped as I sighed, feeling like a complete bitch for taking my anger out on Foster. “I know. There is nothing to worry about. I’m at the next location. Berry is with me and more grouchy than normal.”

I am not grouchy. I am vigilant.

I ignored him as I continued. “And I also have a contact with me. He’s strong too.”

“Okay. Please, just let me know. I... The idea of you disappearing on us without a word scares us.”

The pain and guilt of his words dug deep into my heart, and I winced. “I will do better.”

“Okay. That’s all that I ask. I hope everything is well?”

I glanced around the garage and down at the substance. “This is my last location. Once I return, I’ll update you.”

“Okay. Goodbye.”


“And Josie?”


“I love you.” He hung up.

I stared down at the black screen of the phone, shock running through me. He loved me. Did he really say that? Elation spread through me, adrenaline pumping. It was always the best feeling to be told by a loved one that they loved you. I hadn’t had that in so long.

I forgot what I was supposed to do or say after hearing it. It only made me glad that he hung up, otherwise things would have gotten very awkward. Was I expected to say it back? Would I dare, knowing how it was all going to end.

“Joslyn? Is everything okay?”

“What?” I looked up.

“Are you okay?”

I opened my mouth to say yes and realized that my response refused to leave my mouth. A lie. I clanked my mouth shut, not sure what that really meant and not wanting to pick at it. “Let’s finish this so I can get back.”

Judah looked me over slowly, frowning, and seeing through my non-lie. I pretended to be more interested in the scene than I needed to be just so I could avoid his scrutiny.

Because apparently, no, I wasn’t okay, and it was shocking that I hadn’t realized that until I tried to answer him.

What did that mean for me?