
Chapter Twenty


Never in my life had I been to a dance club. It wasn’t something that I did before. And places like these did not compare to the events held in Faerie. There, dancing was tradition, a way to hold quiet conversations amongst enemies. A way to cement alliances.

In the human world, it was controlled chaos contained in a box. People with liquid courage let themselves go, even if their dancing had nothing to do with the song playing. In a way, it was freeing.

After downing shots with the guys, I dragged Jason out onto the dance floor and did what everyone else did. I let go. It was a different experience, dancing and not needing to follow a strict set of steps. There was no fear of repercussions if I were to miss a step and offend someone.

Jason twirled me around and handed me off to Foster who did the same. We danced, the two of them passing me back and forth between them. Music thrummed through the floor, the beat pounding deep inside of me. I fell into a trance, lost in the music and letting my body move how it wanted. It was a new kind of high that if I weren’t careful, would become addicting.

I smiled at Foster, the strobe light flickering different colors across his face, giving me glimpses of his satisfaction. Then Jason was there, with a similar look as he smiled down at me. He said something, his lips moving, but the music swept it away to be lost in the growing crowd.

My blank response was response enough for Jason. He grinned and leaned forward, brushing his lips against mine. Then he kissed along my jaw until he got to my ear. The music cut off at just the right time so I could hear him clearly. “Time to take a break and get a drink.”

His words, whispered against my skin, made my face hot. It was such an intimate thing to do.

I nodded. After exchanging smirks with Foster, the two of them led me off the dance floor and to the table Waylon claimed as ours. Jason and Foster boxed me inside the booth, with Waylon sitting across from us. The music was still high, but not deafening since we were no longer on the dance floor.

“Having fun?” Jason asked.

“Yes. I have not had this much fun in so long.” I rested my hand to my chest. “I can still feel the music pounding in me.”

“Sweetie, that’s your heart rushing from all the adrenaline. Dancing is good for the soul,” Foster said. He stood up. “I’m going to go get the next round of drinks.”

After kissing my forehead, he made his way to the bar.

“Waylon, will it be impossible to get you to go out for a dance?”

Waylon was gazing off into the crowd with narrowed eyes.

“Waylon?” I called again. Jason and I shared a confused look.

“She’s here,” he finally said.

“Who?” Jason asked.


I was about to ask him who he was talking about when an attractive woman came to our table, staring down at Waylon with a frown. She was tall, with black hair, deep brown eyes, and a heart-shaped face. Her little black dress covered enough to not come off as tacky. Her makeup was light and simple, only highlighting her attractive features, including her full lips.

“Waylon,” she said, her voice soft and gentle. “I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you were working?”

Jason swore, low enough for only me to hear.

“Hey,” Waylon said. “Is this where you guys decided to come?”

The woman shrugged. “For now. Mind if I join?” Not giving anyone a chance to reply, she sat down next to Waylon, forcing him to move further in to give her room.

“Hello, Jason,” she said. “I’m assuming Foster is off getting drinks?” She froze when she saw me, her eyes widened. “Oh.” She glanced at Waylon and then back to me. Then she shoved her hand out for a handshake.

I stared at it before slowly shaking it. “I’m Sofia Hunter, Waylon’s girlfriend.”

“Joslyn. A friend,” I replied. I forced a smile, trying to keep my body relaxed.

Sofia smiled sweetly and turned to Waylon, going into a story about her and her friends that drew everyone in. Foster came, didn’t blink as he reclaimed his spot, and even had an extra drink for Sofia. They all felt familiar with each other, comfortable to chat. And Sofia was an easy person to talk with. She was smart and funny, willing to push, and wasn’t one to get intimidated easily. I could see why Waylon and the guys liked her.

I thought I’d found pure hell when I was tossed into Faerie. This was becoming worse because there was no reason to hate Sofia. She was sweet and attentive, aware. She fit in with them, able to relate with them.

My fae side was about to make itself known. Fae never shared well. They’d rather destroy what they perceived as theirs rather than let anyone else have it. That was why Faerie didn’t care if I had died when I tried to leave. It was why I had found myself between battles with fae, the old scars that used to be on my body, still etched into my soul, despite disappearing.

Sofia and her wonderfulness made me want to remove her eyeballs and force them down her throat. She made me want to cut off her lips and seal her mouth shut, and all because she was amazing and the guys paid attention to her.

It was obvious that Waylon belonged to her, not me. They touched each other without being aware that they were doing it. It was automatic to reach out for each other. Waylon still hadn’t touched me yet. In fact, he went out of his way to not make contact.

I mentally cussed myself out, trying to break from those thoughts. What was I expecting? I needed to get away before I did something I could never undo, like giving her an incurable rash all over her body.

“If you’ll excuse me,” I said. “I’m going to go get a drink.” I pushed on Foster to let me out of the booth. He did.

“I’ll come with you,” Jason said.

“No.” He was already halfway out of the booth. I waved him away. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

I shoved through all the dancers and to the bar, using a little magic to clear the way for me to a seat previously owned by a young man who was most likely using a fake ID to be in there.

The bartender came over, and I smiled sweetly. I held my hand so that all five fingers were stretched out. “Line me up with your best tequila.”

That got some oohs from those around me.

The bartender raised an eyebrow. When I flashed my black card, he didn’t hesitate to take it and disappear. He was back moments later with five shot glasses and a Don Julio bottle. He poured them, pushed them to me, and then raised his eyebrow in a challenge, probably believing I was going to take them to my friends, not that I was going to take each one on my own.

Never looking away from the smarmy bastard, I took the first one. Then the second. The hooting and cheering was loud by the time I picked up the fifth one and finished it off without a problem, slamming the glass on the table to mark my victory. Human liquor was never going to affect me. I’d need barrels of them, and then I’d need to chug them down in minutes to feel any ill effects. Even then, it’d only be for a few minutes.

Strangers clapped my back as I worked my way to the dance floor. A slower song began, and I moved my body to the beat, letting my hips sway, my arms moving about my head. With my eyes closed, I focused on the rhythm of the music, letting the beat move through me. It helped to keep thoughts of Sofia and Waylon away.

He wasn’t mine. Not anymore. I couldn’t allow for anything to really happen. I couldn’t be the reason they had issues. A little voice in my head said it was already too late, they were already in trouble, and it was all my fault.

That wasn’t fair to anyone, especially to the guys. We didn’t talk about it. We created a weird tap dance, always moving around the topic, but it didn’t mean it went away. In the end, I had to go back to Faerie.

“What’s going on?” Jason asked.

He stood in front of me, inches away, frowning.

“We’re here to dance,” I said. “Dance with me.” I yanked him toward me, forcing him to move with me.

“Josie, what’s wrong?”

I sighed, recognizing that this wasn’t a topic I could avoid, and they should be aware because if they flirted with any women in front of me, even if I didn’t want to, I’d do something that would destroy my meager bond with all three of them.

“I removed myself from a precarious situation before I did something that we’d all hate.”

Jason was only confused for a few moments before it dawned on him. “Waylon and Sofia.”

I nodded.

“She’s his girlfriend.”

“I know.”

“You have no right to him.” His grip on my waist tightened.

I halted and glared at him. “I know, Jason. Trust me, I know. I don’t have any rights to any of you. It’s a fact that once this is over, I go back to Faerie. That doesn’t mean it makes sense to my fae side.”

“What does that mean?”

I leaned in close, practically growling at him. “It means that if you dare to bring a woman before me, I will make her disappear without a trace. And then I’d make your life a living hell. I know I don’t have any right to do it, but as a fae, once I perceive someone as mine, they are mine. No one else’s. We aren’t in a relationship, but if you cheat on me, I will destroy you. Do not put me in the position to do so. I can only fight against my nature for so long and fae are green-eyed monsters.”

“You wouldn’t.”

I pushed into him until he stumbled back, but I remained plastered to him. “Try me, Jason. You’ve let me touch you, kiss you. You hang around me. You make me feel good. As far as my fae side is aware, you are mine. Do not throw a woman in my face. Once I’m out of the picture, do whatever you want, wet your dick with whatever female you wish. I only ask you do not do it around me. I know it isn’t fair, but if I am to remain as I am now, this is me asking you not to do it.” I blinked back the tears. “Jason, this is me asking for your help. Help me with this.”

“Shit, you’re serious.” He grabbed my hand, squeezing it.

“The only reason Sofia is fine right now is because Waylon remains distant with me. He hasn’t shown interest in being anything more.” I swallowed around the rock in my throat. “Which is nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” Jason whispered. “I don’t know what is going on, but I do know that between you and him—it isn’t nothing.”

“He has a girlfriend. Don’t say that to me.”

Jason sighed and glanced around before moving me farther away from the crowd. “It is serious between the two of them, or at least it was, but Waylon is fighting some demons. Even I don’t know where his head is at exactly, but I do know that you and him—it’s not nothing, so don’t think like that.”

“I really wish you hadn’t told me that,” I seethed.


“Because now I want to bite her face off.”

Jason chuckled and pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead. “I won’t let you. If I see your green-eyed monster coming out, I’ll stop her. I’ll take the hit. I bet she’s as beautiful as you are, anyway.”

Snorting, I said, “She’s a monster. Monsters aren’t pretty.”

“Hey, don’t discriminate against them. They come in all shapes and sizes.”

“Like the fae.” With my heart heavy despite Jason’s attempt to lighten the mood, I stepped away from him.

“Is that how you see yourself?” Jason asked in a low voice.

I shook my head, but I couldn’t say no to him, because that was the truth. I was a monster. “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said and made my escape.

Luckily, the line was short so it didn’t take long. The bathroom did well to keep the music down. My body felt numb, my brain screaming with the sudden silence. I needed to get back on the dance floor, to distract myself before my thoughts became too much. It’d be so easy to corner Sofia. I’d use my magic, turn her into a spider and then squish her. Then I could flush her dead carcass down the toilet.

Shit. No. I couldn’t think like that.

I pushed back into the main part of the club and went to turn to head back to the dance floor when I heard Waylon’s familiar low voice. I almost missed the sound, the music eating it up. There was a little nook-like sitting area between the two bathrooms. Waylon and Sofia were the only people there, their heads close as they whispered frantically together. My hearing easily picked it up.

“Two weeks, Waylon. How have I not heard anything from you? What is going on with you? And you said you were working tonight, but here you are with your friends and that woman.”

“Don’t overthink it.”

“I’m not fucking stupid. She’s that girl from the photos you keep tucked away under your bed. The one who went missing on you. What the fuck? How is she here? Is this why you’d been ignoring me? She’s back so now you’re going to toss me to the side?”

“Sofia, that isn’t how it is, okay? We are helping her. That is all.”

Sofia snorted and shoved at Waylon. “Do not bullshit me. If that was all, then why didn’t you tell me? You’re treating her like a dirty little secret. Be open with me. That’s all I want. We were doing so well, please don’t step back from me again.”

“Sofia...” Waylon sounded so heartbroken. My own heart ached at the pain in his voice.

“Let me help. I get it. She dropped out of your life and it fucked you up. I don’t want her doing it again and you falling apart all over. Let me help.” Sofia rested her hand on Waylon’s chest, her eyes imploring him to be with her.

I was fucking everything up for her.

Sofia sighed and stepped back, looking defeated. Suddenly, the confident, upbeat woman who had been with us all night disappeared and all that was left was this sad, heartbroken frail-looking girl. “Tomorrow, I’m having dinner with my parents. Are you still able to make it?”

Regret filled Waylon, his expression falling. “I wish—”

“Don’t. Don’t bother saying anything else.” Sofia rubbed underneath her eyes, making me realize she was fighting to keep from breaking out in tears. “I’ll call you later. At least answer the phone.”

Sofia moved to leave. I stumbled back, not wanting to be caught spying on them. I managed to hit the door, making it swing as she came around the corner and came to a halt. “Joslyn?” She blinked hard, her entire body stiffening.

I forced a smile. “Sofia? This club is great, right?”

She sniffed as her gaze went to the door still moving behind me. “Is the line long?”

“No, thank goodness. If you need to go, better go now before the other women find a break in the music.”

The laugh that came from Sofia was the most forced one I had ever heard. Pity rose in me for this woman. She had thought she was in a very stable relationship, and she probably would have been if I hadn’t come back.

Sofia’s affirmative was a mumble as she slipped by me and went into the bathroom. When I walked by the nook, Waylon had his head down, facing away from me. He didn’t notice as I passed and went back to the table. Foster and Jason were already there with fresh drinks. I grabbed one of the beers and downed it.

“Whoa, what’s with you?” Foster asked, grabbing the drink but not before I finished it. Waylon joined shortly after, telling us that Sofia called it an early night. The mood soured after that, all the fun gone as I kept replaying the interaction between Sofia and Waylon over and over again in my head.

Didn’t this make me the other woman? We hadn’t done anything, but I was definitely beginning to feel like the other woman.