I am so excited that Sourcebooks decided to reissue Red’s Hot Cowboy and give it a new title, The Honeymoon Inn, and a new, gorgeous cover. Some of my readers asked about Jasmine, so I hope you all enjoyed her story.
We’ve all heard that it takes a village to raise a child. In my opinion it takes a village to take a story from a rough idea to the book you hold in your hand today. I’m not even sure I know all the behind-the-scenes folks who have made this reissue possible, but I owe a big thanks to them. Plus, I’d like to thank Dominique Raccah, my publisher, and Deb Werksman, my editor, for continuing to believe in me; my agent, the great Erin Niumata of Folio Literary Management, for all she does and for always being there for me…even at midnight in London.
And once again my husband, Charles, who still drives me around to dozens of Texas towns until I find just the right one to set my books. He married this woman who cleaned his house, cooked his meals, and even tailor-made his three-piece suits. Bless his heart, he now wears clothes right off the rack, eats fast food, and dust bunnies tell him bedtime stories while I finish one more chapter. And he hasn’t visited a divorce lawyer one time in the fifty-plus years we’ve been married. Now that’s a husband who truly understands having a writer for a spouse!
But most of all, I’m grateful to my family, friends, and fans who read my books, take time from your busy schedules to write reviews and send me notes. Please know that you are all appreciated more than words can ever express.
Carolyn Brown