
A commotion to the right attracted my attention. A tall stranger stood on the edge of the clearing. Aedus and Caelen drew their swords and pointed them at the intruder. King Finvarra stepped forward.

“This visitor is not fae,” Garrett said, scowling.

“No.” I started to run toward the gathering so I could better hear what was going on. “He’s demon. This could be it.”

The male wore garments similar to what many of the high-level demons had worn on the night of the ball I’d attended with Isaiah when I was working for him in the Demon Realm. An old style I’d seen in movies, with tailcoat, vest, tight trousers, a white shirt, neck cloth and boots. He carried a tubular case, ornately decorated gold and silver woven trim and dotted with jewels. He held his other hand extended to the side, palm facing forward to show he held no weapon.

“I am King Finvarra. You may speak, demon, but remain where you are. Any move will be taken as an attack.”

“I am Holden, primary envoy of the Demonic Court. My lady, the Bassilissa Naberia, the glorious Archdemon and sire of the Demon Realm, sends her regards to the King of Faerie. In order to stave off the slaughter of many fae and a small number of demons, she has sent me with an offering of peace.” He spoke perfect Fae without a touch of an accent.

“What sort of offering?” the king asked.

“A fair exchange.”


“A guaranteed peace between our people that shall last for one human millennium in exchange for one soul.”

“No.” The king’s response was instantaneous. “She cannot have him.”

“You have not heard who it is my lady wishes to bargain for.”

“I have no doubts as to whom it is and I will not allow it.”

“Father.” Lord Argon touched his shoulder. “Any of us would give our lives so that Faerie could enjoy an extended peace.”

“I would not exchange any of you, but we all know Naberia wants Charles. He is not only one of us. Charles has a productive and happy life outside our world. And we cannot trust her. Once she has him, she will attack. Naberia has never been one to keep to her word when she has an advantage.”

“You have two human weeks to decide.” The demon dropped the scroll at Fin’s feet. “I will return at that time to collect the male or to issue the ritual declaration of war.”

The messenger disappeared and Aedus bent to pick up the scroll. Fin stopped him with a word in Fae I wasn’t familiar with.

“Poison has been one of her weapons in the past.” Fin closed his eyes and whispered a spell. “It’s clean.” He held out his hand and the scroll appeared. Much to everyone’s surprise he disappeared before reading it.

Dread iced my spine. I reached out to my son with my mind. “Charlie!”


“Don’t come to the clearing. Naberia wants you in exchange for a thousand years of peace. Grab Brina and hide. The fae will have to turn you over in two weeks. Hide! Now!”

“But they wouldn’t.”

“Fin wouldn’t, but others would.”

“But Ma…”

“You will listen to me, Charles Liam William Cuvier. I will love you until the universe disintegrates, but please. Go now.” I started to pace, but Garrett pulled me against him.

Charlie hesitated. “I love you too. And tell Dad…”

“I’m here. We love you, son. Stay safe. We’re with you no matter where you are.”

“I won’t tell you where I’m going.”

“Better that way,” Garrett sent.

“You stay safe too. Go home so the team can…”

“Go now and stop worrying about us.”

“Love ya!”

His mental link dissolved a moment later. I leaned into Garrett’s arms as Fin appeared in front of me. “Where is he?”


“Smart boy.” The king smiled approvingly. “Smart parents.”

“We’ve been dodging bullets for twenty years,” Garrett said.

“My people are not cruel or unreasonable, but Naberia struck a chord with that message. Most of them would step forward willingly to sacrifice themselves for Faerie and may not understand why Charlie does not feel the same.

“That’s their concern, not ours.” Garrett said.

“I would never send my grandchild or any of my citizens to the archdemon, but it would be helpful if he could return and speak to those who are troubled.”

“He can’t lead an army against Naberia if he’s stewing in a dungeon. The moment Naberia has control over Charlie she will begin the war in earnest. You must know that’s her plan.” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t say something I couldn’t take back.

“She may plan to kill him. Rid the world of the prophesied savior.” Garrett squeezed my hand. “She has to get past you, me, and the team first.”

“Can you make a guess as to where he might have gone?” Fin asked.

“No. And it’s better we don’t know,” I said. “To be honest, there’s a good chance she won’t be able to control him at all.”

“She is my age and the ruler of a powerful realm.” Fin waved that idea away with a gesture.

“Have you tried recently?”

“I can think of no situation where it would be necessary for me to take control of his mind or body.”

“Then you don’t know. And I’m not talking about physically stopping him from attacking. I’m talking mind control. The way Kennet…” I shook my head, unwilling to pull up that memory.

“Charles has the same gift, it’s true. Passed down from me to both of them.”

“The curse, you mean. It’s not a gift.”

“If one of my fae subjects is troubled and has given consent, it can be a life-saving gift. Finding purpose in a life that lasts for thousands of years is not always the pleasure one might think. Please excuse me.” Fin nodded to both of us and teleported into the group of elders currently arguing about what the scroll must have said.

I turned to Garrett. A male I hoped would share my life for thousands of years. “Were we wrong to send him away?”

“You acted on instinct and a mother’s instinct is rarely wrong. I support you completely, no matter the consequences.”

I sighed. “The elders will…”

“Interrogate us.”

“Rather us than him. This way no one will find Charlie until he chooses to be found.” I sighed and snaked a hand around Garrett’s waist. “The war may begin without him.”

“He’d feel he failed.” My mate grunted and raked at his thick hair. “None of this is his doing.”

I drew him closer for a heated kiss and he complied with passion. I needed this branding, this proof of our commitment. We were vulnerable, two supernatural creatures in a realm not our own. If Faerie viewed us as enemies, we might be cast out. Or worse.

Aedus appeared before us. “Where is Charles?” His tone sent icy fingers crawling down my spine.

“He disappeared over an hour ago with Brina.” I smiled pleasantly. “Garrett and I haven’t heard a peep since he left.” Aedus would be able to tell if Garrett lied, but my stronger demon magic kept everyone but Fin out of my head. Fin would not mind rape me, even if his people turned against us.

Aedus’s tone grew cold. “I no longer feel his presence in Faerie. It’s important he return immediately.”

Garrett stepped forward, blocking me slightly. Vampires were incredibly protective and territorial. Today I appreciated the gesture. “Charlie’s location is not your concern or ours. I’m sure he’ll pop back in his own time. Did the king announce whose name was mentioned as the sacrifice to Naberia?”

“The obvious one. We do not know if she means to harm your son. She may wish to parlay.”

“If it is our son she wants, she means to do him harm,” Garrett said.

Aedus straightened. “The archdemon wants Charlie to come to her in exchange for the safety of my people. Grandfather told you this already, did he not? Did the king send Charlie away?”

“Our son goes where he chooses. If Naberia takes Charlie Faerie won’t have the benefit of his magic or his leadership,” Garrett said.

“He’s not even a full-grown male. My people have fought against warriors of the demon realm for millennium.”

“Not against what she’s bringing with her this time.”

“What do you mean? Have you withheld information?”

“Charlie has described her training fields. The number of magic users.”

“Are you thinking of encouraging your citizens to hand him over?” Garrett demanded.

“No.” Not now hung in the air. “But he should return today and attend the council meeting.”

“I don’t believe he was invited to attend.”

“The situation has changed.”

“And have you informed him mind to mind?”

“I cannot reach him. Is Brina with him?” Aedus glanced around.

“I assume they’re together, but I have no way of knowing that for certain,” I said.

“Kaera will know.”

“Do sisters tell each other every little thing?” I asked sweetly. “Charlie and Brina may be somewhere very private.”

“Kaera will be hones. Unlike some.” Aedus and Garrett glared at each other.

I clenched my jaw, my words tight and angry. “Are you insinuating we’re lying?”

He aimed his angry gaze at me. “You will attend the council meeting. We will hear the truth.”

“Lord Aedus.” My mate was done listening to this unreasonable jerk. “You’ve overstepped a boundary I feel necessary to force you back over. When you address Jacqueline, you will do so with respect and courtesy.”

“Will either of you tell me where Charles is?”

“We don’t know where he is,” Garrett said. And it was true.

I turned toward the school. “I have work to do. Work I’ve been ignoring for too long. Attending the council meeting won’t be possible this evening.”

Garrett took my hand and we moved away. If Fin asked us to be there we would come, but Garrett and I were not about to follow any of Aedus' tyrannical demands.