Black Henna/PPD Warning

In recent times, there has been increasing use of a substance called “black henna” to attempt to achieve very dark, temporary “henna” tattoos—this is not henna. It is often a mixture of black hair dye incorporating PPD (paraphenylenediamine), which can be, at the least, irritating to the skin—but in more serious cases, it can cause allergic reactions (including respiratory or organ failure) and/or severe skin burns. PPD or other additives may even be added to red henna, so it is very important to use pure henna.

Please do not use this substance; only purchase henna that comes from a reputable retailer. I have included details of some of the best suppliers in the appendix at the back of the book.

It is also wise to avoid using henna on children under five, as its use for large applications (e.g., palm, head, etc.) has been linked to blood cell depletion leading to hyperbilirubinemia. In the case of children with G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency, henna can cause serious risk of illness or death and should be avoided.

For pregnancy, henna is generally safe to use after the first trimester, but not all essential oils are safe; please refer to chapter 3 for further information or consult your obstetrician.

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Full arm henna
