Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, the dry
and the moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky...If you embrace in your thought all things at once—all times, places, substances, qualities, quantities—you may understand God.
—Hermes Trismegistus
One of the beautiful things about magic is creating the formula for your rituals and spells. To do this, we can use magical correspondences to bring about an even more powerful result than pure intent alone. Factors such as the correct time of day, week, or even year can have an enormous influence on our magical work, so we need to find out all the corresponding ingredients to create our perfect recipe.
Let’s Start at the Very Beginning ...
We all know that our environment affects our emotions, and so putting together the right correspondences—whether they are elemental, planetary, astrological, or angelic—strongly affects our magic. All these factors have been used for millennia to empower magical practices, and by using one or all of the appropriate correspondences, we can make a perfect ritual. If you look at the list of correspondences below, you will notice that they include such things as days of the week, moon phases, colours, numbers, fragrances, tarot cards, Kabbalistic Sephira, and so on. The way to put together the necessary things for your ritual is to choose the ones that appeal to you and that you feel are important and convenient factors to include. You will obviously need to bear in mind where you are going to do your ritual, what you can afford to use, and whether you have the time to dedicate to a long or short process. Rituals can last for minutes or hours, depending on the type of magic and the magician’s intent, but it is a purely personal approach. In chapters 8 and 9, there are lists of spells and rituals to use for various purposes, but should you wish to create your very own henna ritual, here is the formula to use.
Constructing a Ritual
Let’s say that we want to create a spell to heal ourselves of an ailment. First we can look at the actual condition itself; for our purposes, let’s choose something connected with the female reproductive system, such as PMS. We then look at the elements to see which one is associated with this area; the most appropriate would be water—feminine, passive, and with a connection to the planetary sphere of the moon. From here, we can look at the correspondences of the moon and see that it is associated with the colours silver and white, the number nine, Monday, and the angel Gabriel.
So, working on a Monday, you could use nine silver or white candles, or wear something in the appropriate colour such as a robe or silver jewelry. The tarot cards associated with the moon are the High Priestess, the Moon, or the suit of cups, so you may wish to have one of these cards displayed. As the element is water, you could have a small bowl or cup of water available, and should you wish to connect with a deity, you could have an image or statue of one of those listed—for example, Isis or Thoth. You can also include some incense or fragrance—in this case, jasmine, lotus, or camphor. Combined with the oils or herbs categorically listed in chapter 5 and your chosen symbol, you should then be set up to create your very own henna magic!
Moon Phases
The phases of the moon are also an important factor in ritual.
New Moon: Perfect for personal growth, new ventures, and healing.
Waxing Moon: This is when the moon is “growing” and is usually the time for new projects, creations, or principles. Use this time to do magic that invokes attraction, growth, or positive results.
Full Moon: A very fertile time for magic, especially female oriented, protection, or divination spells.
Waning Moon: This is when the moon is fading towards dark and is a very potent time for any magical work that involves banishing negative energy or getting rid of bad habits.
Dark Moon: The last three days of the moon cycle before the new moon; traditionally a time of rest, recuperation, or preparation.
The Correspondences
If you need a reminder as to what correspondences are and how they work, see page 27. Using this information, you can work out which goal and symbol will be best for your henna magic.
- Elemental, 136
- Planetary, 140
- Astrological, 145
- Angelic, 152
The four classical elements are crucial to our material and spiritual worldviews; they are the flesh and bones of our systems of magic, the combination of the microcosm and the macrocosm that make up our universe(s), the fundamental principles which structure our world. The universally known four elements of earth, air, fire, and water are shown within many different metaphysical and spiritual schools of thought. The ancient Egyptian creation myths demonstrate the elements as they came into being from the primeval state of chaos and which the students of the god Thoth took as the structure of their magical path, now known as Hermetics. First, there was water, and from this rose a mound of earth; beyond this was the first sunrise (fire), and then came the breath of God (air), and the Word made all things manifest, including the fifth element of spirit.
The early Greek philosophers, including Pythagoras, Plato, and Empedocles, all studied the elemental forms and associated them with the four temperaments (earth—melancholic, air—sanguine, fire—choleric, water—phlegmatic) and the masculine (active) and feminine (passive) principles; later, Aristotle recognized the fifth element of ether (aether), which we recognize as spirit. The alchemists used the four elements in their work and also the philosophical elements of salt, sulphur, and mercury.
Passive and feminine, the earth represents the qualities of solidity, firmness, practicality, endurance, perseverance, and material matters, such as wealth and the physical body. Old age and death also come under the auspices of earth.
Gods and Goddesses: Dionysius, Pan, Tammuz, Cernunnos, Demeter, Gaia, Ceres, Bhawana, Mah, Rhea, Persephone
Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Incense: Benzoin
Moon Phase: New
Direction: North (Northern Hemisphere) or south (Southern Hemisphere)
Alchemical Connections: Salt, lead
Angel: Uriel
Animals: Bull, ox, cow, bison, stag, snake
Finger: Middle
Season: Winter/spring
Time of Day: Midnight
Tarot: The World, suit of pentacles
Positive Traits: Practicality, perseverance, endurance, wisdom
Negative Traits: Stubborn, dull, possessive, greedy, lazy
Body Parts: Bones, legs, sex organs
Active and masculine, air is attributed to the mind/mental states but can also represent spirit, as it symbolizes the intermediate level between earth and the spiritual realms. Connected to communication, thought, and logical deduction, air is also representative of intelligence, agility, the imagination, and science. The time of life represented by air is birth.
Gods and Goddesses: Thoth, Shu, Mercury, Khephera, Zeus, Vayu, Arianrhod, Nuit, Urania, Iris, Aditi
Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Incense: Sandalwood
Moon Phase: Waning
Direction: East
Alchemical Connections: Azoth, mercury
Angel: Raphael
Animals: Birds, especially birds of prey
Finger: Index
Season: Spring, winter
Time of Day: Dawn
Tarot: The Fool, suit of swords
Positive Traits: Excitable, optimistic, passionate, logical, just
Negative Traits: Thoughtless, judgmental, critical, impulsive, gullible
Body Parts: Chest, lungs, throat
Active and masculine, fire represents expansion, life force, energy, ambition, and will, as well as spiritual, mystical forces. The time of life attributed to the fire element is youth.
Gods and Goddesses: Vulcan, Horus, Ra, Agni Ea, Prometheus, Bast, Sekhmet, Brigit, Hestia
Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Incense: Olibanum
Moon Phase: Waxing
Direction: South (Northern Hemisphere) or north (Southern Hemisphere)
Alchemical Connections: Sulphur, gold
Angel: Michael
Animals: Lion, horse, dragon
Finger: Little finger
Season: Summer
Time of Day: Noon
Tarot: Judgement, suit of wands
Positive Traits: Creative, expansive, strong willed, ambitious
Negative Traits: Jealous, angry, selfish, restless, feckless
Body Part: Head
Water is passive and feminine; it governs the emotions and psychological functions. It represents creativity, flow, and love of nature and humankind.
Gods and Goddesses: Neptune, Poseidon, Manannan, Osiris, Aphrodite, Tiamat, Mari, Mariamne
Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Incense: Myrrh
Moon Phase: Full
Direction: West
Alchemical Connections: Mercury, silver
Angel: Gabriel
Animals: Dolphin, fish, sea birds
Finger: Ring
Season: Fall
Time of Day: Sunset
Tarot: Hanged Man, suit of cups
Positive Traits: Loving, connection with others, imaginative
Negative Traits: Depression, instability, indifference, fantastical
Body Parts: Stomach, urinary system
The planets are a hugely important factor in magical work, for they govern the workings of the astrological signs and have always been believed to have a major influence on the psyche of humans. You can either choose a planet to use that connects with your desired goal or one that resonates with you personally, i.e., corresponds with your astrological sign.
The ancients traditionally only used seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury), and only when modern technology allowed us to view the more remote planets were they introduced into the magical and astrological sciences. The influence of the more recently discovered planets of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are very subtle and evasive forces. As I am a traditionalist (and to avoid confusion), only the original seven planets and their correspondences are included here.
Colour: Gold/yellow
Day: Sunday
Number: 6
Angel: Michael
Fragrances: Frankincense, cinnamon, kyphi
Gods: Ra, Apollo, Bel, Horus
Goddesses: Bast, Sekhmet
Astrological Sign: Leo
Ritual Uses: Money, honor, promotion, success, gaining support of those in power, friendship, healing, legal matters
Tarot: The Sun, the sixes
Kabbalistic Sephira: Tiphareth, Beauty
Colours: Silver, white
Day: Monday
Number: 9
Angel: Gabriel
Fragrances: Jasmine, lotus, camphor, ginseng
Gods: Khonsu, Thoth, Anumati
Goddesses: Isis, Hecate, Neith, Diana, Luna, Selene, Artemis
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Ritual Uses: Divination, dreams, visions, love, fertility and travel
Tarot: High Priestess, the nines
Kabbalistic Sephira: Yesod, the Foundation
Colour: Yellow/violet
Day: Wednesday
Number: 8
Angel: Raphael
Fragrance: White sandalwood
Gods: Mercury, Hermes (Thoth), Anubis, Odin
Goddess: Maat
Astrological Signs: Gemini, Virgo
Ritual Uses: General magic, divination and predictions, communication, creativity, intellect, memory
Tarot: The Magician, the eights
Kabbalistic Sephira: Hod, the Glory
Colour: Green
Day: Friday
Number: 7
Angel: Anael
Fragrances: Rose, sandalwood, benzoin
Gods: Cupid, Eros, Bes, Adonis, Angus mac Og
Goddesses: Venus, Hathor, Aphrodite, Astarte, Freya, Brigit
Astrological Signs: Taurus, Libra
Ritual Uses: Any magical work that involves love, marriage, and friendship; also the creative arts, drama, and beauty
Tarot: The Empress, the sevens
Kabbalistic Sephira: Netzach, Victory
Colour: Red
Day: Tuesday
Number: 5
Angel: Samael
Fragrances: Pepper, dragon’s blood, tobacco
Gods: Mars, Horus, Ares
Goddesses: Sehkmet, Morrigan, Anath
Astrological Signs: Aries, Scorpio
Ritual Uses: Energy, banishing negative forces, sexual potency/lust, protection, strength
Tarot: The Tower, the fives
Kabbalistic Sephira: Geburah, Severity
Colours: Blue, purple
Day: Thursday
Number: 4
Angel: Sachiel
Fragrances: Saffron, cedar, honeysuckle
Gods: Jupiter, Zeus, Amun, Thor
Goddesses: Maat, Hera, Juno
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces
Ritual Uses: Luck, friendship, health, honor, heart’s desire
Tarot: Wheel of Fortune, the fours
Kabbalistic Sephira: Chesed, Mercy
Colours: Black, brown, grey
Day: Saturday
Number: 3
Angel: Cassiel
Fragrances: Myrrh, cypress, musk
Gods: Saturn, Kronos
Goddesses: Isis, Demeter, Nut, Nepthys
Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Aquarius
Ritual Uses: Business, strengthening responsibility, endings
Tarot: The World, the threes
Kabbalistic Sephira: Binah, Understanding
An astrological sign is a useful symbol to use for work that involves making positive changes to ourselves or for drawing the appropriate energies towards us. Using your own sign as a design for henna can help with overcoming the negative qualities and for strengthening the positive ones. You may also wish to use another sign if you wish to inherit the corresponding qualities or if you are trying to attract a person of that particular astrological sign.
March 21–April 20
Symbol: Ram
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Gender: Masculine
Colour: Red
Body Parts: Skull, brain, nerve centres
As an Aries, you have great enthusiasm for everything you do and a strong passion for life, with the strength to achieve your goals. Your love of a good challenge includes a real stubborn streak, but this helps you achieve your goals—you know exactly what you want and are not afraid to go for it. However, you often lack patience and can be selfish and uncompromising. Your best matches are Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Scorpio.
April 21–May 21
Symbol: Bull
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Gender: Feminine
Colour: Green
Body Parts: Throat and neck area
Taureans tend to be practical, calm, and reliable, with a sensual yet determined nature. Like its opposite sign of Scorpio, Taurus is a very sexual sign. Negative traits include hedonism, laziness, and jealousy. The best romantic partners for Taurus would be Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
May 22–June 21
Symbol: The twins
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Gender: Masculine
Colour: Yellow
Body Parts: The upper torso, related organs, arms
If you are born under the sign of Gemini, you can expect to be the lord/lady of communication, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. Airy and mercurial, Gemini has no problem expressing ideas but often finds decision making difficult. Fun-loving and sociable, Gemini may have a darker side that is moody, unreliable, and superficial. Gemini will get on best with Virgo, Libra, and Sagittarius folk.
June 22–July 22
Symbol: Crab
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Gender: Feminine
Colour: Brown
Body Parts: Breasts, digestive organs, womb
Cancer people are vulnerable and emotional; often the world is a scary place for them to be, and they prefer the safety of their home and domesticity. This, however, makes them peacemakers—nurturing, kind, and intuitive, with a definite romantic side. The downside of this is general moodiness, depression, and changeability. The best allies for Cancerians are Pisces, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
July 23–August 23
Symbol: Lion
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Gender: Masculine
Colour: Gold
Body Parts: Heart, spine, back
Egotistical Leo has a huge love of life, creativity, and drama and adores being the center of attention. Leo is proud, enthusiastic, honest, and warm-hearted, but can also be self-centred, materialistic, and arrogant. Romantic encounters are best with Scorpio, Capricorn, or fellow Leos.
August 24–September 22
Symbol: The Virgin
Element: Earth
Planet: Mercury
Gender: Feminine
Colour: Orange
Body Parts: Large and small intestine, spleen and pancreas, hands and nails
Virgo is the intelligent, self-sufficient, and methodical one who is modest, controlled, and organized but can spill over into fussiness, hypochondria, and cold perfectionism. However, Virgos are excellent at analyzing facts and make exceptional detectives! Compatible friends include Gemini, Pisces, or Taurus.
September 23–October 22
Symbol: Scales
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Gender: Masculine
Colour: White
Body Parts: Lumbar region, buttocks, excretory organs
The sign of Libra is the scales or “balance” that embodies the very thing Librans stand for: justice and balance. Highly intelligent, charming, and idealistic, Libra’s darker side is one of cruelty, greed, envy, and anger. They make very good friends for all astrological signs but particularly Aries, Aquarius, and Taurus when it comes to love.
October 23–November 21
Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Planet: Mars (traditional), Pluto (modern)
Gender: Feminine
Colour: Black
Body Parts: Pelvis, reproductive organs,kidneys
Intense, passionate, and powerful Scorpio! Analytical, highly perceptive, and self-contained, Scorpio can also be cruel, jealous, and cunning. Hypnotically sensual and alluring, Scorpios need to be aware of their intensity when it comes to all things sexual, for they are prone to all-consuming passion and have a self-destructive element. However, they make exciting lovers and blend well with Capricorn, Pisces, and Leo.
November 22–December 21
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Gender: Masculine
Colour: Blue
Body Parts: Hips, thighs, sacrum
Sagittarian types are philosophical and broadminded but often become dissatisfied and bored quickly. They are usually energetic and dynamic, which makes travel and adventure appealing. They are compassionate and stand for justice and morality. On the downside, Sagittarians can be a bit too honest for some people, with exacting standards and a tendency to be unreasonable and unable to learn from their mistakes. In love, Sagittarius works well with Gemini, Aries, Taurus, and Virgo.
December 22–January 20
Symbol: Goat
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Gender: Feminine
Colour: Grey
Body Parts: Bones, skin
The “horned goat” is probably the most serious and businesslike of the zodiac. Practical, responsible, and with a superb work ethic, Capricorns are ambitious and shrewd in all that they do, which can make them somewhat dull, stubborn, cold, and rigid in personality. However, they are intensely protective of loved ones, which often include Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo.
January 21–February 19
Symbol: Water Bearer
Element: Air
Planet: Saturn (traditional), Uranus (modern)
Gender: Masculine
Colour: Blue/green
Body Parts: Lower leg, circulatory system
Aquarians are the rebels of the zodiac, with great energy and enthusiasm for independence and unusual ideas. Usually dependable and very honest, they can be relied upon to be considerate to others but equally can be erratic and changeable due to their dual nature. They get along well with other Aquarians or those under the signs of Gemini, Libra, and Pisces.
February 20–March 20
Symbol: Fish
Element: Water
Planet: Jupiter (traditional), Neptune (modern)
Gender: Feminine
Colour: Purple
Body Parts: Feet, ankles, lymphatic system
Sensitive Pisces is often perceived as a victim of life due to their ability to act as a sponge to everything good, bad, or indifferent. Highly emotional, sensitive, and passionate, Pisceans tend to be compassionate and helpful to others. However, this overwhelming emotional state can lead to an excess of dreaminess, unreality, and paranoia. They make good friends and intense lovers, especially with Aquarius, Cancer, and Scorpio people.
Using the forces of the archangels is an ancient form of magic and one that many people feel very comfortable with. The seven angels represent many different aspects, but the main ones are listed below for use in your henna work, including the day and hours ruled by each angel. This can be of use for those wishing to work their magic at the appropriate time of day or night. In occult lore, the day begins at sunrise (not at midnight), and the night begins at the thirteenth hour after sunrise.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: Golden yellow
Symbol: Hexagram
Magical Influences: Ambition, success, business, new jobs, growth, expansion. Peace, hope, prosperity. Magic to influence friendships, health (mental and physical), and money, and to bring light and joy into your life. Also beneficial for banishing dark or negative influences.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: White or silver
Symbol: Nine-pointed star
Magical Influences: Emotional issues, feminine mysteries and fertility, psychic ability and dreams. Marriage, domestic life, family, travel, and medicine. Useful for influencing the outcome or protection of journeys, dreams, or goals, and for magical work involving clairvoyance and prophecy.
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: Red
Symbol: Five-pointed star
Magical Influences: Masculine energy. Physical strength and courage, especially to help overcome enemies or obstacles. Vitality, assertiveness, and competitiveness. Useful for banishing negative influences and for magic to protect when undergoing surgery.
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: Yellow
Symbol: Eight-pointed star
Magical Influences: Success in business, communication, and mental abilities. Excellent for creative projects such as writing, drama, poetry, and science, and influences all forms of study, learning, and teaching. Also very useful for inspirational or self-improvement work. Protects during travel and is also useful for healing.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: Purple
Symbol: Square
Magical Influences: General health, wealth, and ambition. Social status, friendships, and legal issues. Excellent for work involving finances, success, or luck.
Planet: Venus
Day: Friday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: Green
Symbol: Seven-pointed star
Magical Influences: Any work involving love, friendship, romance, marriage, physical beauty, fertility, and sexual matters. Influences the pursuit of sensuality, the arts, music, luxury, pleasure, and comfort.
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Time: First and eighth hour of day, third and tenth hour of night
Ritual Colour: Black, brown, grey
Symbol: Straight line
Magical Influences: Karma, reincarnation, karmic lessons, mysteries, and wisdom. Old age, the passage of time, death, and banishing and removal of spirits or disease. Spirit manifestation/communication, meditation, protection against psychic attack. The finding of lost objects or missing people. Homes, buildings, boundaries, and anything involving authorities.