“Wow. This is amazing,” Sierra whispers as we walk into the great space of the barn. Ferns hedge the outer perimeter as twinkling lights drape across the beams like the night sky. The chandelier is lit with hundreds of tiny candles, casting a soft glow throughout the space.
White and pink flowers with small pockets of vibrant reds decorate the tables, chiffon bows hanging from the back of each chair.
“I should have gotten married here,” my sister continues, looking around the space in awe.
“You haven’t even been married a year. Too soon for wedding regret.” I bump my shoulder against hers.
Sierra laughs, shaking her head. “Never regret. Just, wow. And my anniversary is next week.”
“I know, Sisi,” I say, my eyes searching and finding Keira. “There’s Keira.”
Sierra clutches my forearm, but I never turn my gaze from the beautiful woman floating toward me.
“She looks stunning,” Sierra murmurs.
“She is,” I agree, drinking in her flawless, creamy skin, the rich gold of her gown, and the dazzle in her blue eyes. The gown accentuates her curves, sticking to her like a second skin before pooling around her ankles, a delicate train flaring out in her wake. Her shoulders are bare, a small diamond pendant nestled in the hollow of her collarbone, drawing my attention. Her hair is braided and twisted into a complicated up-do, with small crystals throwing the candlelight like a prism.
My hands curl into fists as she approaches, my heart practically galloping out of my chest. I already want to peel her dress off. Slowly and carefully. Taking my time.
I want to unwrap her like a secret present on Christmas morning and relish every gasp that falls from her mouth.
This woman is going to kill me—in the sweetest way possible.
“Lachlan.” Her smile is innocent as she stops in front of me.
“You’re right, love. I can’t handle you in this dress.”
She giggles and my sister snorts.
“He can’t handle you in a paper bag, either. You look beautiful, Keira.” Sierra wraps her in a hug, kissing her cheek.
“Thanks, Sierra. You look incredible, too. I can’t believe you have a baby now. Did you bring her?” Keira looks around.
“No,” Sierra says, shaking her head. “She’s already sleeping for the night, so Mom and James agreed to watch her.”
“Mums night out?”
“Exactly.” My sister smiles, waving as Daisy and Finn enter the gala.
But Daisy is already pulling my cousin toward the dessert tables, completely oblivious to Sierra, Keira, and me.
“Let me go grab Daisy before she inhales all the doughnuts.” Sierra shakes her head.
“Go.” Keira pats Sierra’s back. “Grab a champagne on your way.”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” my sister calls over her shoulder.
“Before or after you became a mom?” I ask, but she just laughs, waving at us.
Turning toward Keira, I take her hand in mine. “You look beautiful, Keira.”
“You’re making all the women in here hate me,” she murmurs, her eyes darting about, as it does seem like everyone’s eyes are suddenly on us.
“No. They’re just admiring you.”
“Or gossiping about us.”
“Probably that. Dance with me.” I slip her hand around my elbow and lead us to the dance floor. Taking her in my arms, we sway to the soft music the band is playing.
“I didn’t know you could dance like this, Lach.”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Keira.”
She laughs, probably recalling how she spoke the same words to me nearly two weeks ago. “Tell me then.”
“All in due time.” I grin, twirling her. “First, you tell me, are you mine yet?”
When she’s back in my arms, I drop my head and brush a kiss across her lips.
Grinning up at me, her face open and radiant, the way I remember from when we were in uni, Keira nods. “Always, Lachlan.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, babe.”
Dropping my mouth to hers, I seal our future with a kiss that draws most of the attention in the room, if the throat clearing, whistles, and laughter are anything to go by.
But neither myself nor Keira care; we’re too busy making up for lost time.

“You look happy.” Nanna smiles, her hand clutching a flute of champagne.
“So do you.” I grin back, dipping to kiss her hello.
“It’s the champagne. I’m really miserable.”
“I don’t believe you.”
She chuckles, her eyes bright and clear. “This gala has brought many couples together. I know many think it’s foolish to spend so much money on a dance. But the event raises a lot of money with the silent auction for charities that Arthur and I always supported. And it is a very special place to fall in love.”
“Or admit it,” I agree, looking around at the dancing couples. Keira’s mom and dad sway to a song. My sister stuffs a cupcake into her mouth while Daisy hordes doughnuts and Finn walks away, pretending not to know them.
“It’s about time, my dear boy.” Nanna clutches my hand, squeezing. “Thank you.”
“For what?” I peer down at her, about to tell her that my marketing efforts were absolutely nothing.
“For giving me one last great love.”
“Nanna,” I murmur, my heart squeezing painfully in my chest at her words.
“No, I needed to see her happy.” Her eyes find Keira in the swell of dancing bodies. They cling to her granddaughter, pride lining her face, her expression bittersweet. “And this past week, you’ve given her the ability to relax, to enjoy the moment, to believe in hope again.”
“I’ll do everything I can to always bring her happiness.”
“I know that, Lachlan.” She turns, smiling up at me. “I’ve always known that.”
I squeeze her hand back. “And now I believe it, Nanna.”
“I’m glad. Make sure you try the cheesecake. It’s heavenly. An American baker, I believe.”
I chuckle, already knowing Daisy is to thank for the cupcakes, the doughnuts, and now the cheesecake.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Nanna.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Lachlan. May you and Keira celebrate an infinity of them together.”