Unless they exist in an English translation, Adorno’s writings are quoted from the German edition, Gesammelte Schriften (edited by Rolf Tiedemann in collaboration with Gretel Adorno, Susan Buck-Morss and Klaus Schultz), listed below. The English translations from which quotations are taken are also listed. The following abbreviations are used:

GS 1 Philosophische Früh schriften, 2nd edition, 1990
GS 2 Kierkegaard. Konstruktion des Ästhetischen, 2nd edition, 1990
GS 3 Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, Dialektik der Aufklärung. Philosophische Fragmente, 2nd edition, 1984
Translation: Dialectic of Enlightenment, transi, by John Cumming, London, Verso, 1979
GS 4 Minima Moralia. Reflexionen aus dem beschädigten Leben, 1980
Translation: Minima Moralia. Reflections from Damaged Life, transi, by Edmund Jephcott, London, Verso, 1974
GS 5 Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie/Drei Studien zu Hegel, 3rd edition, 1990
GS 6 Negative Dialektik/Jargon der Eigentlichkeit, 4th edition, 1990
Translation: Negative Dialectics, transi, by E.B. Ashton, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973
GS 7 Ästhetische Theorie, 5th edition, 1990
Translations: Aesthetic Theory, transi, by C. Lenhardt, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984; Aesthetic Theory, transi, by Robert Hullot-Kentor, London, Athlone Press, 1997
GS 8 Soziologische Schriften I, 3rd edition, 1990
GS 10.1 Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft I: Prismen/Ohne Leitbild, 1977
Translation: Prisms, transi, by Samuel and Shierry Weber, London, Spearman, 1967
GS 10.2 Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft II: EingriffelStichwortelAnhang, 1977
GS 11 Noten zur Literatur, 3rd edition, 1990
GS 12 Philosophie der neuen Musik, 2nd edition, 1990
Translation: Philosophy of Modern Music, transi, by Anne G. Mitchell and Wesley V. Blomster, New York, Seabury Press, 1973
GS 13 Die musikalischen Monographien, 3rd edition, 1985
Translation of monograph on Mahler: Mahler. A Musical Physiognomy, transi, by Edmund Jephcott, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1992
GS 14 Dissonanzen/Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie, 3rd edition, 1990
Translation: Introduction to the Sociology of Music, transi, by E.B. Ashton, New York, Continuum, 1976
GS 15 Theodor W. Adorno and Hanns Eisler, Komposition für den Film!
  Theodor W. Adorno, Der getreue Korrepititor, 1976
GS 16 Musikalische Schriften I-III: Klangfiguren/Quasi una fantasia/Musikalische Schriften III, 2nd edition, 1990
Translation: Quasi una fantasia: Essays on Music and Culture, transi, by Rodney Livingstone, London, Verso, 1992
GS 17 Musikalische Schriften IV: Moments musicaux/Impromptus, 1982
GS 18 Musikalische Schriften V, 1984
GS 19 Musikalische Schriften VI, 1984

Bibliographical data on two works on Beethoven frequently quoted by Adorno should also be given here; from the second quotation onwards they are referred to only by the author’s name, followed by the title:

Paul Bekker, Beethoven. 2nd edition, Berlin undated [1912].

Wolfgang A. Thomas-San-Galli, Ludwig van Beethoven. Mit vielen Porträts, Notenbeispielen und Handschriftenfaksimiles, Munich 1913.

Numbers preceded by ‘fr.’ refer to the sequential numbering of the individual fragments; in the text section of this edition, these numbers are to be found in square brackets at the end of each fragment.