
He traveled on as they always had done, “taking a promenade through the innocent world,” Barber would have said. For the first days he couldn’t force himself to unpack the wagon or give an entertainment. In Lincoln he bought himself a hot meal at the public house but he did no cooking, mostly feeding on bread and cheese made by others. He didn’t drink at all. Evenings, he sat by his campfire and was assailed by a terrible loneliness.

He was waiting for something to happen. But nothing did, and after a bit he came to understand that he would have to live his life.

In Stafford he decided to return to work. Horse picked up her ears and pranced as he banged the drum and announced their presence in the town square.

It was as though he had always worked alone. The people who gathered didn’t know there should have been an older man who signaled when to start and stop the juggling and who told the best stories. They gathered about and listened and laughed, watched enthralled as he drew likenesses, bought his doctored liquor, and waited in line to seek treatment behind the screen. When Rob took their hands he discovered the gift was back. A burly blacksmith who looked as though he could lift the world had something in him that was consuming his life, and he wouldn’t last long. A thin girl whose wan appearance might have suggested illness had a reservoir of strength and vitality that filled Rob with joy when he felt it. Perhaps, as Barber had declared, the gift had been stifled by alcohol and liberated by abstinence. Whatever the reason for its return, he found himself astir with excitement and eager to be linked to the next pair of hands.

Leaving Stafford that afternoon, he stopped at a farm to buy bacon and saw the barn mouser with a litter of kittens. “Take your pick of the lot,” the farmer told him hopefully. “I’ll have to drown most of them, for they all consume food.”

Rob played with them, dangling a piece of rope in front of their noses, and they were each winsome save for one disdainful little white cat that remained haughty and scornful.

“Do you not wish to come with me, eh?” The kitten was composed and looked to be the goodliest, but when he tried to hold her she scratched him on the hand.

Strangely, it made him all the more determined to take her. He whispered to her soothingly, and it was a triumph when he was able to pick her up and smooth her fur with his fingers.

“This one will do,” he said, and thanked the farmer.

Next morning he cooked his own breakfast and fed the cat bread soaked in milk. When he gazed into her greenish eyes he recognized the feline bitchiness there, and he smiled. “I’ll name you after Mistress Buffington,” he told her.

Perhaps feeding her was the necessary magic. Within hours she was purring to him, lying in his lap as he sat in the wagon seat.

In the middle of the morning he set the cat aside when he drove around a curve in Tettenhall, and came upon a man standing over a woman in the road. “What ails her?” he called, and pulled Horse short. He saw she was breathing; her face was bright with exertion and she had an enormous belly.

“Come her time,” the man said.

In the orchard behind him, half a dozen baskets were filled with apples. He was dressed in rags and didn’t appear the man to own rich property. Rob guessed he was a cottager, doubtless laboring on a large tract for a landlord in return for a small soccage piece he could work for his own family.

“We were picking earliest fruit when her pains came upon her. She started for home but was quickly caught out. There is no midwife here, for the woman died this spring. I sent a boy running to fetch the leech when it was clear she was in a hard place.”

“Well, then,” Rob said, and picked up his reins. He was prepared to move on because it was precisely the kind of situation Barber had taught him to avoid; if he could help the woman there would be tiny payment, but if he could not, he might be blamed for what happened.

“It’s been time and more now,” the man said bitterly, “and still the physician doesn’t come. He’s a Jew doctor.”

Even as the man spoke, Rob saw his wife’s eyes roll back in her head as she went into convulsions.

From what Barber had told him of Jew physicians he thought it likely the leech might not come at all. He was snared by the stolid misery in the cottager’s eyes and by memories he would have liked to forget.

Sighing, he climbed down from the wagon.

He knelt over the dirty, worn woman and took her hands. “When did she last feel the child move?”

“It’s been weeks. For a fortnight she’s been feeling poorly, as if she was poisoned.” She had had four previous pregnancies, he said. There was a pair of boys at home but the last two babies had been born still.

Rob felt that this child was dead too. He put his hand lightly on the distended stomach and wished devoutly to leave, but in his mind he saw Mam’s white face when she had lain on the shitty stable floor, and he had a disturbing knowledge that the woman would die quickly unless he acted.

In the jumble of Barber’s gear he found the speculum of polished metal, but he didn’t use it as a mirror. When the convulsion had passed he positioned her legs and dilated the cervix with the instrument as Barber had described its use. The mass inside her slid out easily, more putrefaction than baby. He was scarcely aware of her husband sucking in his breath and walking away.

His hands told his head what to do, instead of the other way around.

He got the placenta out and cleansed and washed her. When he looked up, to his surprise he saw that the Jew doctor had arrived.

“You will want to take over,” he said. He felt great relief, for there was steady bleeding.

“There is no hurry,” the physician said. But he listened interminably to her breathing and examined her so slowly and thoroughly that his lack of faith in Rob was apparent.

Eventually the Jew appeared satisfied. “Place your palm on her abdomen and rub firmly, like this.”

Rob massaged her empty belly, wondering. Finally, through the abdomen he could feel the big, spongy womb snap back into a small hard ball, and the bleeding stopped.

“Magic worthy of Merlin and a trick I’ll remember,” he said.

“There is no magic in what we do,” the Jew doctor said calmly. “You know my name.”

“We met some years ago. In Leicester.”

Benjamin Merlin looked at the garish wagon and then smiled. “Ah. You were a boy, the apprentice. The barber was a fat man who belched colored ribbons.”


Rob didn’t tell him Barber was dead, nor did Merlin inquire of him. They studied one another. The Jew’s hawk face was still framed by a full head of white hair and his white beard, but he was not so thin as he had been.

“The clerk with whom you spoke, that day in Leicester. Did you couch his eyes?”

“Clerk?” Merlin appeared puzzled and then his gaze cleared. “Yes! He is Edgar Thorpe of the village of Lucteburne, in Leicestershire.”

If Rob had heard of Edgar Thorpe he had forgotten. It was a difference between them, he realized; much of the time he didn’t learn his patients’ names.

“I did operate on him and removed his cataracts.”

“And today? Is he well?”

Merlin smiled ruefully. “Master Thorpe cannot be called well, for he grows old and has ailments and complaints. But he sees through both eyes.”

Rob had hidden the ruined fetus in a rag. Merlin unwrapped it and studied it, then he sprinkled it with water from a flask. “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” the Jew said briskly, then he rewrapped the little bundle and carried it to the cottager. “The infant has been christened properly,” he said, “and doubtless will be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You must tell Father Stigand or that other priest at the church.”

The husbandman took out a soiled purse, the stolid misery on his face mingling with apprehension. “What do I pay, master physician?”

“What you can,” Merlin said, and the man took a penny from the purse and gave it to him.

“Was it a man-child?”

“One cannot tell,” the physician said kindly. He dropped the coin into the large pocket of his kirtle and fumbled until he came up with a halfpenny, which he gave to Rob. They had to help the cottager carry her home, a hard ha’penny’s worth of work.

When finally they were free they went to a nearby stream and washed off the blood.

“You’ve watched similar deliveries?”


“How did you know what to do?”

Rob shrugged. “It had been described to me.”

“They say some are born healers. Selected.” The Jew smiled at him. “Of course, others are simply lucky,” he said.

The man’s scrutiny made him uncomfortable. “If the mother had been dead and the babe alive, …” Rob said, forcing himself to ask.

“Caesar’s operation.”

Rob stared.

“You don’t know of what I speak?”


“You must cut through the belly and the uterine wall and take the child.”

“Open the mother?”


“Have you done this?”

“Several times. When I was a medical clerk I saw one of my teachers open a live woman to get at her child.”

Liar! he thought, ashamed to be listening so eagerly. He remembered what Barber had said about this man and all his kind. “What happened?”

“She died, but she would have died at any rate. I do not approve of opening live women, but I was told of men who had done so with both mother and child surviving.”

Rob turned away before this French-sounding man could laugh at him for a fool. But he had taken only two steps when he was compelled to come back.

“Where to cut?”

In the dust of the road the Jew drew a torso and showed two incisions, one a long straight line on the left side, the other up the middle of the belly. “Either,” he said, and threw the stick far.

Rob nodded and went away, unable to give him thanks.