ADB | Asian Development Bank |
CCP | Communist Party of China |
DANIDA | Danish International Development Assistance |
DLS | Department of Livestock Services (Nepal) |
DNPWC | Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (Nepal) |
HMG/Nepal | His Majesty’s Government of Nepal |
INGO | International Non-Governmental Organization |
NAPDP | Northern Areas Pasture Development Program |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
PLA | People’s Liberation Army (China) |
PRA | Participatory Rural Appraisal |
SNV | Netherlands Development Organization |
TAR | Tibet Autonomous Region (China) |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
UNDP/FAO | United Nations Development Program/Food and Agriculture Organization |
UNESCO | United Nations Education, Science, and Culture Organization |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
VDC | Village Development Committee |
WWF | World Wide Fund for Nature |
WWF-Nepal | World Wildlife Fund Nepal Program |