One factor that has been felt by every contributor to this book is love. Their experience opened them up to depths of love that, in many cases, had never been experienced before. As we draw this book to a close, we would like to add a short postscript from two of the contributors. During the early planning stages of this book, through a synchronistic connection, they fell in love.

Ainsley Threadgold

I want to take the time to share this part of my story. It is beautiful, poignant and filled with the most Divine unconditional love. This part of my journey has found me re-emerged. Before this point I was a caterpillar; I am now a beautiful, glorious butterfly. Krista is the wind under my wings and the many colours that they display. To her I have given my heart. It is through her that I have discovered true love and the ability to show it.

Our early interactions were awash with energies. I look back now and I feel that it was as if we were given the first tantalizing tastes of a connection beyond any either of us had known. Unfortunately, neither of us were in situations where we could immediately explore this. There was a 4,500-mile expanse between us, we were both married to other people, and I had become a new parent, but still I couldn’t help but be drawn to her. I felt a Divine spark pull me in her direction and, like magnets, the closer we got, the stronger the attraction between us, the greater the friendship.

Though it was obvious that we cared deeply for each other, I found myself having to withdraw. I was plagued by a lifetime of emotional pain and for the first time had to take a long hard look at who I had been. This meant withdrawing from Krista; at the time I couldn’t tarnish her with my pain.

Then, weeks later, through a series of synchronous happenings, Krista found a way to break through the barriers I’d created. She wrote me the most heart-warming message; one which, like a gentle warm breeze, permeated my being. It was immediately clear that our friendship meant as much to her as it did to me, and the universe knew that; it wasn’t going to let our egos get in the way of something it knew was to become Divinely beautiful.

This was to spark off a huge wave of change for us both. I became increasingly aware that my current relationship had failed; worse than that, my continued presence was causing more pain.

I understand now that, while each NDE is unique, there are also key similarities. Likewise, there are also parallels in the transformative after-effects: I’m aware of a number of accounts in which people have re-emerged into their old lives realizing that they don’t fit anymore. My situation was no different, and after a karmic kick up the backside from a Tarot reading, I saw the road I’d hidden from. For a number of years I’d been living in a relationship where both parties were denying a poignant truth: being together was tearing us apart. Sometimes the most loving act is to do what hurts the most, so at the beginning of July I left home. I had just a bag to my name and nowhere to go.

I was soon able to sustain myself as well as my wife and daughter, while having my own space to breathe. This brought up old energies that, like the seemingly destructive nature of a forest fire, needed to be cleared. I again found myself retreating. Opening up was too much; I erected my barriers again and closed down. Once more I found myself retreating from Krista. As much as it hurt her, with the grace of an angel, she gently gave me the space required for me to do what I needed to do.

After the fire has died, new life emerges. Two days later I received a message from Krista, wanting to move forward. I was later to learn something which, to this day, moves me to my very core. After spending several days suffering in her ego, Krista had an experience of being immersed in the most Divine feeling of unconditional love. She then knew that we were destined to do and be more; she also knew that she wanted to be a part of my life. She broke through my barriers, showing me that I could love myself and that it was okay to be vulnerable.

The many events that followed would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that our friendship was turning into love and, to use the analogy of an alpine flower, growing in the harshest of circumstances. Our human response to it is to move the flower. The flower only knows it needs the sun. Krista was the sun I needed to open my delicate petals and, for the first time, see that my scars were beautiful because they were me.

There is so much I wish to share here about synchronicity – about pain through stagnation, pain through change – and also about growth but, at this time, I would like to delve into some of the more personal changes that my NDE has allowed me. After all, this isn’t just about the experience itself, but about how I have developed since, how I have coped after having re-emerged again and again. I have made several leaps forward within myself and with the gifts I am developing to help all those Divine souls who I will be blessed to touch.

One of the immediate changes I felt was a need to understand more of myself. I was awakened into a life that was so closed off, so emotionally trapped, that I wondered how I was to move forward, and where I would start to make sense of my life to that point.

I had a number of hypnosis sessions with my therapist, Karen, dealing with present pains and finding that the root causes of a lot of them weren’t all from this life but from many past lives too. The more work I did on myself, the more open I became and the more love I showed myself. I discovered that the key to my moving forward was to forgive myself, to learn for the first time to love who I was and not just to seek it from outside of myself. The KEY to truly showing love and compassion to others is to show it to yourself first!

This has been an ever-evolving and ever-healing part of my “self ” work and that which I have done with Krista. We are intrinsically linked; what she experiences I feel and vice versa. Even though there are thousands of miles between us and a five-hour time difference, we each can feel the other. If Krista is upset or is healing from a particular aspect within herself, I feel it with her, often gaining healing of my own. Where before I would struggle to share how I was or what I was feeling, with Krista I can be completely open and I know that she can be completely open with me. She has helped me develop my intuitive skills; this, in turn, has opened me up to my ability to channel information. I am often inspired to write about a certain subject. I feel the words flow through me, as if the universe is using me to write its Divine melody: messages of love, hope and inspiration have come through and I have posted them. I have been met with the knowledge that it was exactly what someone needed to hear, or it spoke of how they were feeling and helped them to understand.

This has further developed with my ability to channel messages for people, either from the universal energies, guides and higher powers, or from deceased loved ones. This has proven very accurate; with me gaining knowledge that I couldn’t have previously known for those I have channelled for. The process for this is usually through me opening myself up and allowing any inspirations to flow through me as I write. I have also spoken messages to people. I feel a subtle change within me, then have this feeling that the words I’m saying have an added power, and I know that they are serving a greater purpose.

I have rediscovered my lost memories. Regaining them has changed and enhanced who I am; it has taught me that we are all connected by love, that love combines us, holds us all together. We are like individual cells in the body of the universe, each carrying the Divine spark and being miniature representations of it. We are each unique and uniquely connected; there is a common goal hidden in the common struggle. We are all here to relearn the love that we are made of, to be the experience of the knowledge of all that is.

My discovery of this has allowed me to express it within myself and it has also helped me to (re)connect with the love of my life. Finding her, discovering that this is a love that will not just define this lifetime, but has defined many, knowing that on a soul level we are here to share that love, is wonderful. I, indeed we, are truly honoured to share what we have to the world. We both want people to see that love IS the key to magnificence; it is the key to unlocking lives. We have co-created a number of very loving circumstances, where we have crossed the oceans to spend time with each other. We also know that we want to live, love and work together.

In closing, I want to say that everyone is love, even if their current incarnations show the opposite; they are still love because they help define it. With every world-changing event in which people have done some truly horrible things, or when natural disasters strike, the immediate aftermath is for people to unite in love for all differences to be forgotten because, in those moments, we are moved by our most innate natures. This nature is love.

Krista Gorman

Making the choice to move on from my marriage opened me up to new possibilities where, up until then, feeling disempowered and disconnected from my true self, I’d felt I had to try and make the best of my present one. My future, I thought, was what I had then, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. One of the most healing, most beautiful experiences of my life has been through a Divine relationship of the highest order with someone I have met as a result of our mutual NDE. Ainsley and I came to know each other through a series of amazing synchronicities, and many subsequent synchronicities have followed since we’ve met and reconnected our souls.

The path to our connection began with Dr Penny Sartori. While researching publishing houses for my book, I came across one based in the UK and browsed through their list of books. Dr Sartori was one of their authors and I was immediately drawn to her subject matter. With Penny being an ICU nurse and studying NDEs, I felt an instant connection to her, so I sent an email saying hello. In her warm response she gave me the name of Kelly Walsh, who had also experienced an NDE and lived in the UK. After speaking with Kelly, I felt like I’d met an old friend, a soul sister. We had an instant bond and I became a part of her Positivity Power Facebook group. It was there that I watched a video Ainsley had posted. He spoke about how we all have our frailties, and how these frailties bring us together. In the coming together was the potential to initiate change for the better in the world, through love. It was a heartfelt call to action and I literally felt like I’d been hit by a freight train. Something shifted in me on a very deep level and I intuitively knew Ainsley would be someone special in my life.

Soon after that, Ains and I did become friends and had an almost instant, deep connection. We discovered how our lives seemed to have paralleled one another’s and it felt like we’d been brought together for a greater purpose, one far greater than we were yet able to understand. Those synchronous events have no other explanation other than they were created and co-created by us with the Divine loving intervention of the universe. Since then our connection has deepened so miraculously, so Divinely, and continues to do so each and every time we are able to drop the barrier of ego and allow ourselves to give and receive more love. For Ains and I, it was through our finding one another and nurturing our connection that we have then both been able to heal a lifetime of emotional wounds and re-experience the same Divine love that we are. The receiving part has been the most challenging, as it is with all of us, yet as we move along in our relationship that barrier has weakened and my love for myself, my Divine connection to myself, has deepened. As my self-love grows, so does my ability to love more. It’s a gorgeous dance of life that defines why we are here. I’m being given the gift of re-experiencing the love of the afterlife in this life and am able to know and appreciate what a Divine miracle it is. If I never take another breath, I can rest assured that, through this love, I’ve been gifted with the experience of what it truly feels like to be alive.

The beautiful thing is, we can all have this gift. What was required for us was for ego to take a back seat. We had to do the emotional, energetic work, to clean house so to speak, so that we could become the highest version of ourselves not only for ourselves and each other, but for all those we are here to serve. Ego simply gets in the way and shrouds the love we are, yet is a necessary contrast to it. Without one, we wouldn’t recognize the other. There really is no secret to our successful transformation from damaged and broken to healed and whole. Simplified, the key to our success is choosing love over fear. The key to everything is that when we choose love, life absolutely flourishes on all levels.

We all arrive here with the same key, but forget we have it. We’re here to remember and re-member, to put the broken parts of ourselves back together, with love as the glue, and get to be that love once again.

I know it’s possible. I’ve experienced how it feels and continue to experience it daily. Loving more is how we can heal and create a more loving world at the same time. Just love more. Then, love even more than that. THANK YOU!