The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abu Shilbayah, Mahmud: La salaam
Acton, Harold: More Memoirs of an Aesthete
Afternoon Sun, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Aiding and Abetting (Spark)
Alberto Angelo (Johnson)
Alexander, Sidney: Marc Chagall
Alexandria Quartet, The (Durrell)
Alliluyeva, Svetlana: Twenty Letters to a Friend
Amis, Kingsley: The Folks That Live on the Hill
Among Believers (Naipaul)
An Area of Darkness (Naipaul)
Anathemata, The (Jones)
Anatomy of Britain (Sampson)
Anderson, William: La Vita Nuova (Translation of Dante)
Annan, Noel: Our Age
Appeasers, The (Gilbert)
Arabia, the Gulf and the West (Kelly)
Arabia and the Isles (Ingrams)
Arabian Sands (Thesiger)
Auden, W. H.: Adrian Berry and; Collected Shorter Poems
Auschwitz and the Allies (Gilbert)
Bainbridge, Beryl: Injury Time
Baker, Elliott: The Penny Wars
Balad of Peckham Rye, The (Spark)
Barea, Arturo and Ilsa Barea: The Forging of a Rebel
Bedford, Sybille: A Legacy
Beer in the Snooker Club (Ghali)
Beldam Etcetera (Moraes)
Bellow, Saul: Humboldt’s Gift
Berenson, Bernard: The Italian Painters of the Renaissance
Berlin (Grunfeld)
Berlin, Isaiah: First Love (Translation of Ivan Turgenev)
Berry, Adrian: The Next 500 Years
Betjeman, John: Summoned by Bells
Beyond Belief (Naipaul)
Biafra Goodbye (Gold)
Bibesco, Princess Marthe: Le Perroquet Vert
Bildnisse unserer Epoche (Breker)
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (West)
Bodkin (Midwood)
Bottle in the Shade, A (Levi)
Bowles, Paul: Two Years Beside the Strait
Brahms, Caryl: No Castanets
Brave New World (Huxley)
Breker, Arno: Bildnisse unserer Epoche
Burney, Christopher: The Dungeon Democracy
Byzantine Honeymoon (Glazebrook)
Captain Vinegar’s Commission (Glazebrook)
Carr, Raymond: English Fox Hunting
Cassab, Judy: Diaries
Chatham House Version, The (Kedourie)
Chaucer, Jeff (Robert Conquest): A Garden of Erses
Chaudhuri, Nirad C.: Thy Hand, Great Anarch!
Claudius the God (Graves)
Clayre, Alasdair: A Fire by the Sea
Closed Circle, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Collected Poems (Fuller)
Collected Poems (Graves)
Collected Shorter Poems (Auden)
Combelle, Lucien: Péché d’Orgueil
Comfort at Fifty (Levi)
Condemned Playground, The (Connolly)
Connolly, Cyril: Previous Convictions
Conquest, Robert: The Great Terror
Constance (Durrell)
Continent Astray, A (Laqueur)
Conversations with Stalin (Djilas)
Country Girls, The (O’Brien)
Cruelty and Science (Makiya)
Curriculum Vitae (Spark)
Dalrymple, Theodore: The Proper Procedure
Dante the Maker (Anderson)
Darkness at Noon (Koestler)
Daudy, Philippe: Les Anglais
Death of Comedy, The (Segal)
Decline and Fall (Waugh)
Diaries (Cassab)
Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran (Laurence Kelly)
Djilas, Milovan: Conversations with Stalin
Doctor Zhivago (Pasternak)
Don Fernando (Maugham)
Double Thread, A (Gross)
Dungeon Democracy, The (Burney)
Durrell, Lawrence: The Alexandria Quartet; Constance
Eleni (Gage)
Elinor Wylie (Olson)
Elon, Amos: The Israelis: Founders and Sons
Enemies of Promise (Connolly)
England and the Middle East (Kedourie)
English Fox Hunting (Carr)
English History, 1914-1945 (Taylor)
Epoch and Artist (Jones)
Exile and Return (Gilbert)
Eye of the Beholder, The (Glazebrook)
Face of Defeat, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Faith and Power (Lewis)
Far Cry from Kensington, A (Spark)
Farewell to Europe (Laqueur)
Fathers (Gold)
Fault Lines (David Pryce-Jones)
Fest, Joachim: Speer: The Final Verdict
Fine Madness, A (Baker)
Fine Old Conflict, A (Mitford)
Fire by the Sea, A (Clayre)
First Love, Translation of Ivan Turgenev (Berlin)
Flag on the Island (Naipaul)
Flight Into Egypt (Elon)
Flutes of Autumn, The (Levi)
Folks That Live on the Hill (Amis)
Forging of a Rebel, The (Barea and Barea)
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemmingway)
Friend of Kafka, A (Singer)
Fuller, John: Collected Poems
Gage, Nicholas: Eleni
Garden and Streets (Jünger)
Garden of Erses, A (Chaucer, Robert Conquest)
Gellhorn, Martha: The Honeyed Peace
Ghali, Waguih: Beer in the Snooker Club
Gilbert, Martin: The Second World War
Ginsberg, Allen
Girls of Slender Means, The (Spark)
Glazebrook, Philip: Byzantine Honeymoon
God That Failed, The (Koestler)
Going Abroad (Macaulay)
Gold, Herbert: Biafra Goodbye
Good-Bye to All That (Graves)
Gordievsky, Oleg: Next Stop Execution
Grant, Michael: Greeks and Romans
Gravel Ponds, The (Levi)
Graves, Robert: Collected Poems; The White Goddess
Great Fortune, The (Manning)
Great Terror, The (Conquest)
Greeks and Romans (Grant)
Greene, Graham
Gross, John: The New Oxford Book of English Prose
Grunfeld, Frederic V. Berlin; Prophets Without Honour
Guerillas (Naipaul)
Halter, Roman: Roman’s Journey
Harvest of Snow, The (Conquest)
Hatfield, Phyllis: Pencil Me In
Head in the Soup, A (Levi)
Heart of the Dragon, The (Clayre)
Helen, Queen of Romania
Hemmingway, Ernest: For Whom the Bell Tolls
Histoire de Flore (Revel)
History of Zionism, A (Laqueur)
Hobsbawm, Eric
Holland House (Linda Kelly)
Honeyed Peace, The (Gelhorn)
Hons and Rebels (Mitford)
Humboldt’s Gift (Bellow)
Hunt for Zerzura, The (Kelly)
Hurd, Douglas
Huxley, Aldous: Island
Ideas and Places (Connolly)
Ignotus, Paul: Political Prisoner
Injury Time (Bainbridge)
In My Father’s Court (Singer)
Inside the Third Reich (Speer)
In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth (Kedourie)
Invisible Writing, The (Koestler)
Island (Huxley)
Israelis: Founders and Sons, The (Elon)
Italian Painters of the Renaissance, The (Berenson)
Jaguar Smile, The (Rushdie)
Jardine, Penelope
Jews of Hope, The (Gilbert)
John Singer Sargent: His Portrait (Olson)
Johnson, B. S.: Alberto Angelo
Jones, David: The Anathemata
Journal (Jünger)
Journey Through a Haunted Land (Elon)
Journey to Khiva (Glazebrook)
Joyce, James
Jünger, Ernst: Journal
Kallman, Chester
Kazin, Alfred: A Walker in the City
Kedourie, Elie: The Chatham House Version
Kelly, J. B.: Arabia, the Gulf and the West
Kelly, Laurence: Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran
Kelly, Linda; Holland House
Kelly, Saul: The Hunt for Zerzura
Key to the Door (Sillitoe)
Khrushchev, Nikita
Klynt’s Law (Baker)
Koestler, Arthur: The God That Failed
Lace, Lace Two (Baker)
La Guerre d’après (Murawiec)
Laqueur, Walter: The Missing Years
La salaam (Abu Shilbayah)
La Tentation Totalitaire (Revel)
La Vita Nuova, Translation of Dante (Anderson)
Legacy, A (Bedford)
Legend and Reality (Ilsa Barea)
Le Perroquet Vert (Bibesco)
Les Anglais (Daudy)
Let It Come Down (Bowles)
Levi, Peter: The Flutes of Autumn
Levin, Bernard: Taking Sides
Lewis, Bernard: Faith and Power
Life of My Choice, The (Thesiger)
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The (Sillitoe)
Loss of El Dorado, The (Naipaul)
Loved One, The (Waugh)
Love Story (Segal)
Macaulay, Rose: Going Abroad
Magic Will, The (Gold)
Makiya, Kanan: Republic of Fear
Mandelbaum Gate, The (Spark)
Manning, Olivia: The Great Fortune
Marc Chagall (Alexander)
Margin Released (Priestley)
Mary Plain in War-Time (Rae)
Maugham, W. Somerset: Don Fernando
McCarthy, Mary: Vietnam
Meaning of Treason, The (West)
Memento Mori (Spark)
Memoirs of an Anti-Semite (Von Rezzori)
Middle Passage, The (Naipaul)
Midwood, Barton: Bodkin
Mind of Jihad, The (Murawiec)
Minotaur (Tammuz)
Missing Years, The (Laqueur)
Mitford, Jessica: a Fine Old Conflict
Mitford, Nancy: The Water Beetle
Mitford, Unity: Pryce-Jones’s biography of
Modern Movement, The (Connolly)
Monument, The (Makiya)
Moraes, Dom: Beldam Etcetera
More Memoirs of an Aesthete (Acton)
Murawiec, Laurent: La Guerre d’après
My Last Two Thousand Years (Gold)
My Son’s Father (Moraes)
Naipaul, V. S.: Among Believers
Namesake (Goldberg)
New Oxford Book of English Prose, The (Gross)
New Selected Poems (Strand)
Next 500 Years, The (Berry)
Next Generation (David Pryce-Jones)
Next Stop Execution (Gordievsky)
Nissenson, Hugh: The Tree of Life
No Castanets (Brahms)
O’Brien, Edna: A Pagan Place
Oedipus siegt bei Stalingrad (Von Rezzori)
Olson, Stanley: Elinor Wylie
Open Society, The (Popper)
Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The (Waugh)
Origins of the Second World War, The (Taylor)
Origo, Iris: War in Val d’Orcia
Orwell, George
Our Age (Annan)
Owls and Satyrs (David Pryce-Jones)
Pagan Place, A (O’Brien)
Pancakes for the Queen of Babylon (Levi)
Parenthesis (Jones)
Paris in the Third Reich (David Pryce-Jones)
Pasternak, Boris: Doctor Zhivago
Péché d’Orgueil (Combelle)
Pencil Me In (Hatfield)
Penny Wars, The (Elliott)
Persian Night, The (Taheri)
Phantoms (Midwood)
Pity of it All, The (Elon)
Point Counter Point (Huxley)
Political Prisoner (Ignotus)
Popper, Karl: The Open Society
Previous Convictions (Connolly)
Priestley, J. B.: Margin Released
Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The (Spark)
Promise and Fulfilment (Koestler)
Prophets Without Honour (Grunfeld)
Proust, Marcel
Pryce-Jones, Alan: Betjeman and; Spark and; Twenty Seven Poems
Pryce-Jones, David: The Afternoon Sun; The Closed Circle; The Face of Defeat; Fault Lines; Next Generation; Owls and Satyrs; Paris in the Third Reich; Running Away; Safe Houses; The Sands of Summer; The Strange Death of the Soviet Union; The Stranger’s View; The War That Never Was
Pryce-Jones, Poppy
Rae, Gwynedd: Mary Plain in War-Time
Raw Material (Sillitoe)
Remembering My Good Friends (Weidenfeld)
Republic of Fear (Makiya)
Requiem for Na’aman (Tammuz)
Revel, Jean-François: Histoire de Flore; La Tentation Totalitaire
Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters, The (Gross)
Roman’s Journey (Halter)
Running Away (David Pryce-Jones)
Rushdie, Salman: The Jaguar Smile
Safe Houses (David Pryce-Jones)
Salt (Gold)
Sampson, Antony: Anatomy of Britain
Sands of Summer, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (Sillitoe)
Second World War, The (Gilbert)
Segal, Erich: Love Story
Selected Poems (Strand)
“Seraph and the Zambesi, The” (Spark)
Shade Those Laurels (Levi)
Shcharansky, Hero of Our Time (Gilbert)
Sheltering Sky, The (Bowles)
Shylock (Gross)
Sillitoe, Alan: Raw Material
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: A Friend of Kafka
Skelton, Barbara
Sleeping With One Eye Open (Strand)
Solitary Confinement (Burney)
Spark, Muriel: A Far Cry from Kensington
Speer, Albert: Inside the Third Reich
Speer: The Final Verdict (Fest)
Spider’s House, The (Bowles)
Springer, Mitzi (Mary)
Stanford, Derek
Stannard, Martin
Stewart, John: To the River Kwai
Storm of Steel, The (Jünger)
Strand, Mark: Selected Poems
Strange Death of the Soviet Union, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Stranger’s View, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Stretchford Chronicles, The (Wharton)
Summoned by Bells (Betjeman)
Sunset and Twilight (Berenson)
Sword of Honour (Waugh)
Taheri, Amir: The Persian Night
Taking Sides (Levin)
Tammuz, Benjamin: Minotaur; Requiem for Na’aman
Taylor, A. J. P.: English History, 1914–1945; on historiography; The Origins of the Second World War
Tears Before Bedtime (Skelton)
Thesiger, Wilfred: Arabian Sands; The Life of My Choice
Thy Hand, Great Anarch! (Chaudhuri)
To the River Kwai, (Stewart)
Towers of Trebizond, The (Macaulay)
Travelling People (Johnson)
Trawl (Johnson)
Tree of Life, The (Nissenson)
Try Pleasure (Glazebrook)
Twenty Letters to a Friend (Alliluyeva)
Twenty Seven Poems (Alan Pryce-Jones)
Two Years Beside the Strait (Bowles)
Tynan, Ken
Un Festin en Paroles (Revel)
Unfortunates, The (Johnson)
Unquiet Grave, The (Connolly)
USSR: The Decisive Years (Yakovlev)
Vienna (Ilsa Barea)
Vietnam (McCarthy)
Vile Bodies (Waugh)
Von Rezzori, Gregor (Grisha): Memoirs of an Anti-Semite
Walker in the City, A (Kazin)
War in Val d’Orcia (Origo)
War That Never Was, The (David Pryce-Jones)
Water Beetle, The (Mitford)
Waugh, Evelyn
Weep No More (Skelton)
Weidenfeld, George: Remembering My Good Friends
West, Dame Rebecca: The Meaning of Treason
Wharton, Michael (Peter Simple): The Stretchford Chronicles
“Where Engels Fears To Tread” (Connolly)
White Goddess, The (Graves)
Williams, Bob
Window, The (Clayre)
Woolf, Virginia
Yakovlev, Alexander: USSR: The Decisive Years
Young Adolf (Bainbridge)