And now, dear reader, we have come to the conclusion of A Warrior’s Curse.


I hope you found your most recent journey into the Known Lands to be…well, if not pleasant, at least enjoyable. The next book in the series will be coming soon.


In the meantime, if you’re looking for something else to read, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered.


Want another story of an anti-hero in a grimdark setting where a jaded sellsword is forced into a fight he doesn’t want between forces he doesn’t understand?

Click here to get started on the bestselling seven book series, The Seven Virtues.


Interested in a story where the gods choose their champions in a war with the darkness that will determine the fate of the world itself?

Click here to get started on The Nightfall Wars, a complete six book, epic fantasy series.


Or how about something a little lighter? Do you like laughs with your sword slinging and magical mayhem? All the world’s heroes are dead and so it is up to the antiheroes to save the day. An overweight swordsman, a mage who thinks magic is for sissies, an assassin who gets sick at the sight of the blood, and a man who can speak to animals…maybe.

The world needed heroes—it got them instead.

Start your journey with The Antiheroes by clicking here!


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