“Willard, can you believe we were so involved with the figures at lunch that I forgot to ask if you ever got in touch with Millicent?” Vernon said into the receiver.
“I thought I told you I did. She came by, and I told her I’d have everything ready for her to go over later. I called her early this morning and set up a meeting with her tomorrow. She didn’t suspect anything. I’m sure of that.” He cleared his throat. “How are the books coming?”
“We’ll have them done by tomorrow even if I have to work all night. I want everything to look great to the old biddy, and I’m sure it will. Robyn is doing a good job.”
“You’re lucky to have her, Vernon.”
“I know I am.” He changed the subject. “I’ll get the books to you tomorrow. What time is Millicent coming to see you?”
“I told her three o’clock. She’ll be early, though.”
“We’ll have the books there by lunch.”
“Sounds good.”
Vernon hung up the phone. Seconds later, a knock rattled his office door.
He frowned and called out, “Yes?”
Diane, his receptionist, poked her head in. “I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Armfield. It’s your maid. She says there’s been some kind of accident at your house.”
“Is she still on the phone?”
“Yes. On line three.”
“Wilma,” he said into the phone. “What’s the matter?”
“Oh, Mr. Armfield. It’s awful. Miss Davidson had a fall. I came in from the store and found her.”
“Have you called the doctor?”
“I called 911.”
“How is she?”
“Not good, sir. I think you should come home.”
“Have they taken her to the hospital? Maybe I should go there.”
“No, sir. Miss Davidson is dead.”
“Oh, my word. I’ll be right there, Wilma.” He hung up the phone and hurried out. “Diane, I have to go home. There’s been an accident.”
“Not Mrs. Armfield, Sir.”
“No. It’s her aunt.” He put on his suit jacket. “I probably won’t be back today. Take messages. I’ll try to call you before you leave.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Robyn came out of her office. “What’s going on?”
“Walk to the car with me, and I’ll fill you in,” Vernon said.
When they were outside, she asked, “What’s up?”
“Millicent has had an accident.”
“Damn. Is she hurt bad?”
“Dead, I think.” He half-smiled. “Funny turn of events, wouldn’t you say? I still want you to finish our project. Someone else might want to go over the figures. I’ll be in touch with you.”
“Do you still want to get them to Willard tomorrow?”
“Absolutely. By lunch time.”
“Will do, boss. Take care.”
“Thanks, Robyn.”
* * * *
Nick turned off I-40 onto Hanes Mall Boulevard and headed toward the Silas Creek Parkway as the sun went down.
“Nick, I’m so glad I went with you today.” Rebecca smiled at him. “Visiting the grave helped me come to terms with Mindy’s death. It still hurts, but I know now I’ll survive it.”
“Of course you will.”
“Do you think going to South Port helped your investigation?”
“Yes, I do. Everything helps. The puzzle has a lot of pieces, but we’ll work it out. I’m sure of that.”
“I feel renewed and ready to help you all I can. You’ve been a wonderful friend. That hour we spent at the park in South Port watching the boats go out to sea helped me put things in perspective.”
“I’m glad.” He wanted to tell her how much her sitting with him on the swing and resting her head on his shoulder had meant to him. He’d let her cry, and then they’d talked about nothing in particular. Just about things they both liked. He didn’t tell her any of this because he was trying to keep in the forefront of his mind that she was a married woman. She might not have a good husband, but she was tied to him.
“Dinner was delightful, too. I’d never eaten at Lone Star before.”
“After a Bo ‘jangles’ lunch, I thought we could handle something different.”
He paused and turned onto Country Club Road.
“I forgot to ask,” she said. “Did you watch the DVD we found in Mindy’s safe?”
He smiled. “I’d hoped you wouldn’t bring that up.”
“Pretty bad, huh?”
“Pretty bad.” He glanced at her. “It was a porno flick, Rebecca.”
“Starring my sister, I presume?”
“That’s right.”
“So that’s what she was into.”
“Looks that way.”
“We were so different. She never seemed to want the normal things in life.” Rebecca laughed. “And that’s all I ever wanted.”
“You chose the best road.”
“For me, yes.”
He didn’t say anything else. He was thankful she hadn’t asked who else was in the DVD. He made two more turns, and then approached her driveway.
Four police cars sat in front of her door.
She looked startled. “Oh, my Lord, what could have happened now?”
Nick pulled in behind them. “We’ll soon find out.”