Nick and Bernie were halfway to Vernon’s office when Nick received a call from their secretary.
“Nick, I thought you’d want to know. We just had a call from Wilma Hess, the Armfield’s maid. She said Vernon is at the house and plans to kill Mrs. Armfield. The Hess woman’s not able to help because he locked her in her quarters. I’ve already called the police, and they’re on their way.”
“Thanks, Michelle.” Stark terror rushed through him as he floored the gas.
“Don’t worry, Nick. We’ll make it.”
“I hope so, Bernie. I really hope so.” In a minute, he added, “I love her, you know.”
“I know.”
They entered the Armfield driveway just as the faint scream of sirens carried through the air. Nick jumped out of the car before it stopped rolling.
“I’m going in the side door. It’s often unlocked.”
Bernie followed.
Luck was with them. The door was unlocked.
Nick streaked though the sunroom, across the living room, and into the entry. He took the stairs two at a time, with Bernie on his heels.
At Rebecca’s bedroom door, Nick’s blood ran cold.
Vernon Armfield sat on the bed pushing the knife into Rebecca’s chest.
Nick and Bernie both shouted and fired at the same time.
Almost before Vernon’s body slumped forward on top of Rebecca, Nick shoved him off.
“I’ll call 911.” Bernie grabbed the phone in the hall and dialed.
Nick took the side of the bedspread and wiped blood from Rebecca’s chest. So much blood. He worked quickly. His heart raced because he couldn’t tell if the sticky liquid came from her chest or from Vernon.
He shouted when he detected a faint pulse. “Get some towels, Bernie! She’s alive!”
Bernie ran into the adjoining bathroom and returned with an armful of towels in all sizes. He dumped them beside Nick. “I’ll cut her loose.”
The house soon filled with police. Uniformed officers checked the rooms. One heard Wilma beating on the door and let her out. She dashed directly to Rebecca’s room and almost fainted at the sight of all the blood.
“Wilma, she’s alive,” Nick said.
She ran to the bed and helped Nick mop the blood away.
Rebecca stirred and opened her eyes.
“Hi, there, sweetheart.”
She tried to smile up at Nick. She closed her eyes again, but whispered, “Hi.”
The paramedics arrived. They asked Wilma and Nick to step aside so they could work on Rebecca.
Erica came in and hurried over to Nick. “Is she alive?”
“She spoke to me, then passed out again. But yes, for the moment, she’s alive.”
“Thank goodness,” Erica said.
“Is he dead?” Wilma looked at Vernon’s body as an officer spread a blanket over it.
“I hope they get him out of here before she wakes up,” Erica said.
A paramedic came over to Nick. “We’re going to transport her to the hospital. She’s lost a lot of blood.”
“I’m going with you.” He looked at Bernie.
“Go on, Nick. I’ll take care of things here.”
Erica took Wilma’s arm. “Why don’t you come with me to the hospital? I think you need to get that bump on your head looked at.”
“I’m okay, Ms. Erica, but I would like to go to the hospital to see that Ms. Rebecca is going to be all right.” She turned as they loaded Rebecca onto the stretcher. “You take care of her, Mr. Nick.”
“I will, Wilma. You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I know.” She smiled at him.