My deepest debts of gratitude are always to my wonderful family, my reason for being. My younger son, Tarun, a natural scholar, deserves much credit for key ideas that appear in this book and that continue to show their worth in our exponential-innovation workshops. My elder son, Vineet; and my daughters-in-law, Ruhi and Neesha, have all provided incredible support to help me get back on my feet after the devastation of losing my dear wife, Tavinder.

I am proud to have co-authored the book with Ismail Amla. Ismail and I worked at my first startup, Seer Technologies, to help large companies develop advanced computer systems, and we have continued to work together throughout his career. Ours is a true learning partnership.

Both Ismail and I want to thank Alex Salkever for his work in putting words to the ideas and experiences that this book comprises. In 15 years of collaboration, Alex and I have co-authored three books and many articles. Alex combines his writing skills with an incredible understanding of technology and business; he is the best of the best. Our editor, John Harvey, is meticulous in his attention to detail in guiding our narrative and polishing our prose. As with all of the other books that I have authored and hundreds of columns for The Washington Post, Fortune, MarketWatch, Hindustan Times, and other publications, John played a crucial role as a trusted friend, adviser, and pain in the butt.

Lastly, we would all like to thank the people who rarely receive thanks: our book agent, Kathleen Anderson; and our publishers, Neal Maillett and Jeevan Sivasubramaniam. All of them go out of their way to be helpful, and thereby help authors make an impact.

—Vivek Wadhwa

My contribution to this book is based on experience I have been lucky enough to accumulate over the past 30 years in working with the great leaders of some of the world’s most iconic brands. I am deeply indebted to Keith Wilman, David Thomlinson, Lis Astall, Rob Heyvaert, Bridget van Kralingen, and Jon Lewis.

I am also very grateful to Vivek. He inspired me, pushed me, and coached me in writing this book. The Capita Institute’s Dr. Oli Freestone, conducting important research in the world of work, was indispensable in providing feedback and ideas.

Lastly and perhaps more importantly: thanks to my friends and family for encouraging me to make the world a better place. Without your support and love, nothing would be possible.

—Ismail Amla