
prologue—dedication: Nebraska Maids

Part I: Initiation

zero: Rant of the Homemade Magician

one: Who Are You?

two: Your Homemade Magical Motto

three: Homemade Initiation

four: Homemade Ritual of Self-Initiation

Part II: Magical Weapons

five: What Are the Magical Weapons, Really?

six: The Magick Disk (or Pantacle)

seven: The Magick Sword

eight: The Magick Cup

nine: The Magick Wand

ten: Homemade Consecration Ritual

Postscript to Magical Weapons

Part III: A Magical Lodge in Your Home

eleven: Think You Have Nowhere to Go to Learn Magick?
Start Teaching What You Wish to Learn!

twelve: Raising Children in a Magical Home

thirteen: Magick on the Road

fourteen: Challenges and Rewards of Being Married to Another Magician

fifteen: Homemade Tarot Cards

sixteen: Do I Have to Get a Job

seventeen: Homemade Monastery

eighteen: The Demon Who Saved My Life

nineteen: Backyard Mystery School

epilogue: At the Gate of the New Year

Eliphas Levi’s “Prayers to the Elementals”

Interior Photo Credits