Chapter 14




Out of habit, I shifted my right leg only to be stopped by pain and the stabilizing brace. A grimace-filled growl rumbled out of me. The bed moved, and when I looked to my left, Reese was soundly sleeping next to me. Except she was on top of the covers rather than beneath them.

Why was she in my bed?

Why do I care?

Not wanting to wake her, and with my pain suddenly vanishing, I took time and studied her just as she had me earlier. Damn, she was gorgeous. The way her pretty lips separated as she took in soft breaths. Her lashes were gently resting just above her cheekbones while her hands formed a prayer position beneath her cheek.

Despite still being light outside, she must had been exhausted to fall asleep next to me. The urge to kiss her was overwhelming. As was my sudden urge to take care of business… so to speak. When I broke my gaze from her, I noticed my crutches weren’t in reaching distance. They weren’t clear across the room, so maybe I could make it to them on my own without waking Reese.

Slowly shifting the covers, I peeled them back, and once again angled my body.

“What are you doing?” Reese’s motherly tone had me feeling as though I was back in high school and sneaking out for the night.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

In a flash, she was out of bed, and moving toward my crutches. With both in one hand, she offered me her free one. “Here, I’ll help you stand.”

She pulled me up and when I stood our bodies were in perfect alignment. Well, as perfect as they could be considering I was about eight inches taller than she was, thanks to her sock-covered feet.

I rested my forearms on her shoulders, and my forehead on the top of her head. Breathing in the clean scent of what I guessed was her shampoo, which would most likely be on my pillowcase, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of calm. That feeling was in total contrast to the thoughts in my head.

Ever since I ended up on the turf in agony, the fear of losing my career plagued me. It didn’t matter how good of a season I had, or what a strong leader I’d been to the Rockets. What mattered to the organization was how good I’d be next season. In my opinion, physical therapy couldn’t start soon enough.

“What’s wrong?” Her sweet voice had me pulling her closer while doing my best not to set the foot of my right leg down.

“Just how much this sucks.” Her hands that had been resting on my waist, slid back, and traveled up my spine as she held me close. “Thank you for being here.”

Reese turned her head until her cheek was flat against my chest. “You’re going to be okay. I know injuries are scary, but you’re strong. I believe in you.”

I leaned back and loosened my hold so I could look into her eyes. When our gazes met, I ran my thumb from her cheekbone to just under her bottom lip. Albeit awkward, my mouth met hers in a brief kiss. Knowing my banged-up body was in no position to take things further, getting either of us riled up wouldn’t be the best idea. Between my occasional headache and the pain radiating from my knee, I’d need a week or two. Then, all bets were off.

She must have felt a similar emotion because she cleared her throat and reminded me that I got up for a reason. Chuckling, I released my hold on her, took the crutches she offered, and hobbled my way to the bathroom.

The entire process annoyed the hell out of me. I hadn’t been out of my room all day, I hadn’t watched any sporting news or even picked up my phone to check my social media. I flushed the toilet, leaned on the vanity, and stared into the mirror. The silver crutches resting against the wall were all I could see. Annoyed, I splashed some water on my face, brushed my teeth, turned to grab my crutches, and shuffled back to my bedroom.

Reese had fixed the covers, erasing any reminder that she had been in my bed. She leaned over and fluffed the spare pillow.

“Your bed felt like a cloud. It has to be the most comfortable mattress I’ve ever napped on. And I didn’t intend to sleep, that says a lot right there.”

“Have you been in many beds?” When her eyes sprung wide, I apologized. “Sorry, I’m not sure where that came from. Except that we don’t know much about each other’s pasts.”

“Not to point out the obvious, but we have the time. I don’t plan on going anywhere.”

“Reese, as much as I love having you here, I don’t want you to give up your social life. Plus, I’m tired of being in this room, and it’s only been a day.”

“Do you want to try and go downstairs? You may not be able to come back up though.”

She giggled, and I glanced around my room. “That’s fine. I’d rather be in my living room. Plus, I can manage the stairs.”

Her brows furrowed. “Hmm… not sure that’s a good idea. Jackson will probably come by tomorrow. I’d rather have him here to help.”

I knew she was right, but sitting in bed with Reese near me was like putting a steak in front of a Tiger and telling him he couldn’t taste it. Letting out a frustrated breath, I nodded and got back into bed.

“I’ll go grab some food. It’s just about dinner time. Any requests?” Steak was on the tip of my tongue, but I shook my head. A frown marred her face. “I’m really sorry that this happened to you. Your pain is okay right now though, right?”

“Yes, and I know you are. Thank you. As far as the pain pills, I’d rather switch to over the counter meds.”

“Okay, whatever you’d like. But if it gets to be too much, we go back to your prescription.”


Reese scurried out of the room, and as soon as I heard her hustle down the stairs, I slammed my arm into the pillow next to me and cursed. Rather than stare at my ceiling, I grabbed the remote off my side table and pressed a button. From across the room, my TV rose out of what looked like a normal credenza.

Turning it on and to the all-sports channel, I raised the volume and watched the college basketball game that was currently on. Better that than sports news and speculations about my career. An injured free-agent… what did that mean to my future? In an attempt to rid my head of that thought, I tossed the remote aside and watched West Virginia play Texas.


“Your wish has been answered.” Reese glided in, sporting a bright smile.

When I looked up, Jackson stood behind her. “Bird told me you wanted to hang out downstairs. Plus, I was coming over anyway to check on you. I tried calling earlier, but this little lady never answered her phone.”

I shook my head at his ridiculous nickname for Reese. And felt badly that my injury caused a disruption in my friend’s life. That being said, I was happy to get out of this room.

“Sorry, my cell was on vibrate. I never heard it ring.”

“It’s fine, you’re forgiven.” Jackson slung his arm around Reese and kissed her temple.

A surge of jealousy burst in my chest. “Stop manhandling her and give me a hand instead, yeah?”

Jackson chuckled, winked at Reese who rolled her eyes at him, and finally brought me my crutches. “Let’s go, lover boy.”

Once again she giggled before walking out of my room. I clicked off the television and with painstakingly slow steps made my way down the stairs where I was surprised to see Alexa in my kitchen.

She turned and her smile vanished. God, how pitiful did I look? “Hey, Trent. How are you feeling?”

Jackson handed me my crutches, and I used them to make my way toward the kitchen island. “Hi. I’m feeling as good as can be expected. Could be worse.” Alexa nodded and glanced to Reese, who gave her a weak smile. “All right, let’s get something straight.” My voice raised enough for the trio to look at me.

“I know that this just happened, and I know that you all feel badly about it. As much as I appreciate your concern, I’m fine, really. My leg will get stronger every day, especially after I start physical therapy. Injuries go with the territory. It’s not the first time and won’t be the last.”

“I’m sorry. This is all new to me.” Alexa’s worrisome tone made me feel terrible for raising my voice. Then she lifted a white bakery box. “I brought cookies because in my opinion they’re way better than chicken soup. Not that you’re sick, but you know when you’re down and out. Not that you’re—”

I raised my hand and chuckled. “I get it, and thank you.”

Jackson clapped his hands together. “Okay, now that we have all of that cleared up, the pizza that I brought is going to get cold. Can we eat please? I’m starving.”

“You just had five cookies,” Alexa scolded.

“Takes more than a few cookies to satisfy me.”

Alexa turned red and that seemed to have Reese, who had been quiet for the past few minutes step in. “I’ll get the plates. Trent, would you like to eat here or would your recliner be better?”

Once it was settled that we’d eat in my family room, I sat in my favorite chair with my leg up, Reese and Alexa sat on the couch, and Jackson made himself comfortable in the chair across from mine. Despite the fact that I’d rather be staring at Reese, it was nice to have them all here.