Chapter 20




My life went from being absolutely amazing to are you freaking kidding me? Something told me when Dane called this morning, wanting to meet, I should have postponed and stayed in bed with Reese. Waking up with the ends of her soft blonde hair on part of my pillow felt like a dream. It made me wish it was an everyday occurrence.

Even when I went to the facility, the thought of the Rockets releasing me had never crossed my mind. Conversely, when he said he wanted to discuss things in person, it should have been a clue. Probably because I woke up on cloud nine, nothing remotely negative had been on my mind.

Last night with Reese had been more than I had hoped for. The way her body responded to mine as though she were made for me… as though we were made for each other. I could still hear her moans and smell her sweet perfume as we lay together. My hands flexed at the mere memory of how her soft skin felt like a soothing balm.

Then I left, and my world turned upside down.

Never had I thought that being summoned to a meeting would result in my unemployment. The idea of not playing football for the Rockets, a team that had been my family for the past five years, not only saddened me, but pissed me off. Hearing Dane say it wasn’t only in the team’s best interest but my own, almost had me coming unglued. If Sam hadn’t been in the room, I may have done that.

Then when I left and saw Reese in the hallway, a wave of total uncertainty washed over me.


I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through her mind. The old Reese, the one pre-phenomenal sex Reese, would have been all over this. She and Alexa probably would have made cookies with my number crossed out by a big red X on them. Those probably would have been the next top seller after the crazy bird ones.

Now what did she think? Reese knew the game like the back of her hand. I was sure she’d witnessed many a player being fired or at least heard about it. Maybe that was one of the reasons why she didn’t like working in the office, well, except for when it came to the draft. Thinking about the woman I knew now, that made total sense. She’d rather make someone’s day than destroy it. Except for our first encounter. No, take that back. In retrospect, she did make someone’s day—mine.

Pushing through the locker room door, I strolled over to the one with my last name above it, stuffed my belongings into a duffle bag, and picked up the football I kept since my first day in DC. Glancing at the oval pigskin with the number two etched on it, I tossed it across the room until it landed in the center of a garbage can.

“Whoa. What’s going on here?” Jackson strolled in, glanced at the can, and looked at me. “Just ran into Reese. I happened to be in the parking lot grabbing something from my car.”

“What did she say? That her boyfriend got cut from the Rockets because they think he’s done?”

His hands went up, then his right one reached into the garbage and picked up my ball.

“First, back up.” He ran his fingers through his hair and pitched his free hand on his waist. “I’ll get back to the boyfriend comment, but did you say you got cut? All she said was you were done with your meeting. Didn’t say why or what it was about.”

I puffed out my cheeks and exhaled right before picking up my duffle. “Sorry, man. I am. But all of this caught me off guard. Do you mind if we get out of here? I’ll explain everything when we get to my place.”

He nodded, grabbed his own bag, and we headed out. When I glanced back, I realized this was the last time I’d be in this room. Although it should have felt like a kick to the nuts, something about it told me I’d be back. Maybe not as a Rocket, but in one way or another, this team hadn’t seen the last of me.


I got up, walked to the fridge, and pulled out a beer. “Want one?”

“It’s not even noon yet.”

After the cap had been popped, I took a long pull. Cool liquid stung my throat as I swallowed a few gulps. Setting the bottle down, I shook my head. “Sorry, man. I’m just shocked.”

“You’re the only one who’s thrown to me since college.” He shook his head. “On second thought, screw it. I got no place to be, and it’s five o’clock somewhere, right?”

I grabbed another beer, popped the cap, and handed it to him. Before he took a sip, we tapped the necks together. We didn’t have anything to toast to, so instead, I answered his question. “Damn, straight.”

Needing to know if it had hit the media yet, we went into the family room, sat in our usual places, and clicked on the television.

Highlights from last night’s basketball game were on, then they moved to college hoops before hockey fodder. “Maybe they don’t know.”

Shrugging, I was about to change the channel when the ticker on the bottom of the screen flashed and white letters highlighted in red scrawled across it stating: FREE AGENT QUARTERBACK AND CHAMPIONSHIP MVP, TRENT ARCHER, IS NO LONGER WITH THE DC ROCKETS.

The host turned his chair to face a different camera, his left hand touched his ear, and then he reported the news. “I just got word that the DC Rockets will not be re-signing their star and once franchised player, and quite frankly one of the best players in the league, Trent Archer.”

“Unreal,” Jackson muttered.

“We’ll have more information on our evening broadcast but for now all we know is Archer is out, and Troy Davis will be in as the Rockets new QB. Stay with us, we’ll be back after this short break.”

A lump formed in my throat. Out. I couldn’t believe it.

When I glanced at Jackson, he looked as though he had been kicked in the gut. “Troy’s good, you’ll be fine,” I said to him.

He nodded and took a swig of his beer. “Yeah, I know. Except, you’re my guy. As soon as you land somewhere, I’m asking to be traded.”

“They’re not going to trade you. You’re one of the best ends in the league.”

“Fine, but next year when my contract is up, it’ll be the Archer and Cartwright show. We’re like peanut butter and jelly. They’re okay alone, but together, they’re the best.”

I laughed. “Thanks, man. And yeah, wherever I land, I’ll be sure to get you there.”

We raised our bottles, took a sip, and for the first time since I heard the news, I started to feel a bit better. “What about the Thunder? Donnelly should be announcing his retirement soon. At least you’d be in the area.”

“Yeah, maybe. I wouldn’t want to make Reese uncomfortable. But you’re right. I’ll mention it to Sam.”

The thought of playing for the Thunder gave me a bit of hope. Finally for the first time since that morning, I started to feel a little more positive. Maybe it will all work out after all.

“Hey, so change of topic?” he asked with a small smile on his face. “Girlfriend? You two are official?”

Of all the guys I knew, Jackson was the one who would most likely settle down. Unless they were already married, most players were just that—on and off the field. Despite Jackson having a bevy of beauties at his beck and call, he rarely dialed a number. I’m sure he wasn’t celibate by any means, but if I were going to discuss a relationship with any of the guys, he’d be the only one I knew for certain wouldn’t talk me out of it.

Commitment meant a lot to him. It was one of the reasons we meshed so well. Our friendship was the longest relationship I’ve had outside of my family. He was right, for the past five years he had been my go-to guy on and off the field. When I moved, that would end too. Not our friendship, but that comradery we shared. Who knew if I’d ever find that with another player?

“I like her a lot. She’s sexy as hell, gorgeous, loves football, feisty…” Great in bed. I left that out because that was information not to be shared. “And smart.”

“Good for you. I’ll give it to her, that woman had me at middle finger hoisted in the air.” I chuckled. “All the cookies aren’t bad either.”

“Well, that’s more Alexa and her mom.”

“Another stunning chick.”

“Erica? Yeah, she’s pretty…” I trailed off because I’d seen the way he flirted with Alexa.

“Glad you haven’t lost your sense of humor.”

I tilted my head with a tight smile before taking another sip of my beer. Glancing around my house, I wondered if I’d still be living here in a couple months.

“So, what now? I know this is all fresh and maybe you should take a day or two, but we both know that won’t happen.”

He was right. Draft day wasn’t far away. Team owners and GMs already had their favorites. If I wanted to land a starting job, I needed to do it sooner than later. “I’ll call Sam and have him reach out to a couple interested teams. Meanwhile, I’ll schedule a meeting with Charles Reese.”

“Will you tell Bird? I mean your girlfriend?”

Will I? “No. This is business. If her grandfather wants to discuss it with her, that’s his decision. Mr. Reese brought me to this town and hopefully he’ll want to keep me here.”

Jackson nodded. He grabbed the remote and turned off the television. “Pool?”

I stood. “Yeah, now that I know my girlfriend is a hustler, best to practice.” He laughed, and I knew he didn’t want me in front of the television where my career would most certainly be discussed. Jackson racked the balls, chalked his cue, and leaned over the table. “Hey, thanks for this.”

Jackson didn’t need to say anything and for the next few hours the only thing I worried about was not hitting the eight ball.