Chapter 23




It had been nine days since I last saw Trent in person. Naturally, his face had been all over the national and local sports broadcasts. There was still a deep ache in my heart, stemming from what might come of all that had transpired. Anytime I heard his name or saw his handsome face on the screen or online, sadness washed over me. Of course, the media caught on that we were no longer a couple. I hadn’t been sure if it was out of pure speculation or if they got their intel from the source—meaning Trent.

No way on God’s green earth could I visualize Trent going to the press about our personal life—I know I wouldn’t. Nor would any of my friends or family. Yet, as usual, the news didn’t go untold. Predictably, reporters like Veronica and Casey feasted on the gossip as a shark would on bait. Still, regardless of everything, I wouldn’t change what I said to Granddad. Nor would I change my mind when it came to the stubborn man who I had fallen in love with.

Part of me wished I could go back to that moment in the small office at Thunder’s headquarters and tell him I was falling in love with him. On the other hand, how much more would it have hurt when he cast me aside? A lot more. Excruciatingly more. It had been agonizing having him walk away from me. Putting my heart on the line only to be squashed? Pass.

“What do you think of this one?” Alexa twirled in a long black gown that hugged her curves. When God doled out stunning figures to go with beautiful faces, he didn’t pass her by. He also gifted her a compassionate heart, which in my opinion had to do with Him knowing she’d have me to deal with.

“I love it.”

Since I had to make an appearance at the gala, Alexa agreed to be my plus-one. Truthfully, I didn’t want to go. It was bad enough getting gloomy looks from the customers who came into the bakery. Being in a room full of people who most likely either felt sorry for me or thought I was an idiot would be ten times worse. Sigh. But thanks to my best friend, who said wallowing at home wouldn’t do me any good, we were out shopping at a boutique.

“Let’s find you one now.”

“I might just wear something I have.”

Her slender shoulders sagged. “No way. You need something fresh.” She craned her head to look at her back in the three-way mirror before bringing her eyes back to me. “Is he going?”

I shrugged. “Not sure. My guess would be yes. It’s a charity most athletes support.”

“Then get your ass up before I start picking out dresses for you. Your grandfather gave you his credit card and said to have fun. This”—she waggled her pink-polished finger at me—“is not having fun. This is sulking. There’s no sulking in shopping!”

“You’re so—”

“Fabulous? Yes, I know.”

Shimmying across the floor, she walked up to the rack of dresses the store’s stylist picked out for us to try on. Some were sexier than others. Knowing that Alexa would pick a sexy-as-sin one, I spotted the opposite. A pretty true-pink cocktail dress that looked like something out of the 50s or 60s. It wasn’t floor-length, but I instantly loved it. The material was soft, layers of tulle made the skirt flare like a bell. Small black flowers made of the same material, dotted the boat style neckline. I was instantly transported into a fairy tale. And since reality stunk at that moment, I might as well delve into fiction.

Taking it off the rack, I held it in front of me. Alexa took a step back, the material of her dress falling away at her leg thanks to the long slit on the front of it.

“Wow. That dress deserves amazing shoes.”

The salesperson appeared out of nowhere probably seeing dollar signs flash. “What size are you?”


She nodded, took the dress from my hand, and told me it would be in room two. “Well, here goes nothing.”

Alexa squealed but not before shouting to our saleswoman that she wore a seven and a half. When I glanced at her she smiled. “One can never have enough shoes.”

Laughing for the first time in a while, I headed to room two and tried on the most perfect dress. The way the bodice hugged my torso felt heavenly. When I opened the door, the eager woman offered me two styles of shoes to try on. Opting for the black strappy heels, I sat down, slid them on, and stood. Everything about the ensemble made me feel special.

My best friend gasped. “Gorgeous.” She circled me in her own stunning black heels. “Hair up, natural makeup, light contouring…” Alexa tapped her index finger on her chin and continued, “Dark eyeliner, pink glossy lips, and of course matching toes and nails. Mani/pedis are a must.”

I nodded because she was right. My giddy friend and I changed back into our regular clothes while the saleswoman, who most likely made her weekly quota on our purchases, bagged everything for us. Once we had our new outfits, the two of us headed back to my place to indulge in my favorite Thai takeout and, of course, ice cream.

For the past couple of hours, and just like she’d been doing since my breakup with Trent, Alexa went out of her way to take my mind off of things… mainly him. Except, it wasn’t an easy feat. How could it be when his name and face seemed to be everywhere? Fans of the Rockets had a petition going to get him back. Some protested with signs outside the stadium. And through it all, Trent had yet to make a statement.

At least a few times a day, I’d grab my phone, scroll to his contact info, open a text, and stare. Some days I would go as far as typing out a message only to delete it, one letter at a time. One time I almost accidentally sent it, which would have been horrible since it said that I loved him.

I wondered if I’d ever be able to tell him or if the one time I’d fallen in love would go without speaking the words I’d waited twenty-three years to say to a man. Except, anytime I thought about doing just that, he’d reciprocate in-kind.

“Sweetie, your ice cream is turning into soup.”

“Sorry, my mind wandered.”

“Let’s watch a movie. Rom-com or horror?”


Alexa laughed and turned on the television. The channel had last been on a local one because I needed to know the weather, but rather than seeing a graphic of sun and clouds, a video of Trent at a local coffee shop seemed to be newsworthy. Leaning in a bit closer, my heart stuttered, watching him laugh. It was as though my heart grew little wings and a weight had been lifted. He was happy. Smiling. A whoosh of optimism filled my soul. Then when he stepped aside, I noticed a brunette next to him. The wings that had just sprouted stilled.

“Is that…?” Alexa asked, pulling the spoon out of her mouth.

“Yes, Casey McGrath.”


“Yeah, and I recently found out she’s also his ex-fling.”

“She’s wretched looking.” I scrunched up my nose. “Fine whatever, she’s pretty, I guess if you’re into that sort of look.”

“Gorgeous, tall, a body that doesn’t quit, and smart? Yeah, who could possibly be into that?”

As quickly as she turned the television on, she turned it off. “I’m sure it wasn’t anything. Come on, let’s get out of here. The Tavern?”

I shook my head. “No, I’m not in the mood.”

She set her bowl on the coffee table, pivoted on the sofa, and took my hand between hers. “You listen to me, Reese Parker, that man loves you. I don’t care if he’s acting like a fool right now. Maybe they weren’t together. Maybe they were just in the same place at the same time. You know how the paparazzi makes things look like something they’re not. He’s a big story right now.” I nodded. “Well, there you go.”

“Do you really think that’s all it is?”

“Most definitely. And if not, then to hell with him. You’re going to the gala of the season with the best date in town.” I laughed and she winked. “Everything will be fine. I promise. Look at me, I’m single and love it.”

“That’s because you don’t believe in commitment.”

Alexa shook her head. “Yes, I do. I’m committed to us having the best time as we paint the town in pink and black. Oh, and to having more shoes than days in the year.”

Once again I laughed at my friend. “What would I do without you?”

She shrugged and picked up her bowl. “Aren’t you lucky that you’ll never need to find out?”

Nodding, I said, “Yes, I’m the luckiest.”