Recipe for a Community Center


VISION: as much as you can get

FUNDS: as my grandmother would say, as much as you need

COMMUNITY PARTNERS: large pluralistic selection


PASSION: never too much

ENERGY: add at the right time


HUMOR: wherever you can find

PATIENCE: unending amounts

JEWISH VALUES: to drizzle amply throughout


Measure who is hungry in the community for a new kind of Jewish Community Center. Gather visionary people willing to work. Schedule many meetings, probably at inconvenient times. Add to mix as many friends and connections as will fit around table—use larger space as necessary. Knead ingredients into a strong rising idea. Hire fantastic executive director with boundless energy. Proof concept by sprinkling with new ideas, a little honey, and a lot of luck. Wait for bubbles, confirming it’s alive. Meanwhile, as idea rises, in separate bowl, combine: energetic staff, exciting programming, committed, generous board members, and set aside. Work in additional ingredients: brilliant architect, construction crew, patient neighborhood. Watch carefully. Glaze with inspiration, innovation, values, and culture that span the generations. Share immediately.

—Excerpt from Katja Goldman’s speech given at JCC Manhattan’s annual benefit, May 2012