In an effort to avoid sounding pedantic, we have not specified “organic” before every ingredient in our recipes. However, we believe in buying organic as often as possible. Organic farming reduces the synthetic chemicals and poisons put into our water sources and soil, which would otherwise be harmfully consumed by humans and all living things. Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce (including the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen”) at for starting guidelines.
But we also suggest using organic eggs, grains, sugar, dairy products, meat, poultry, and nuts. One of our particular obsessions is to use organic lemons, limes, and oranges as we frequently use the zest with the juice (and we highly recommend squeezing your own citrus juices).
We also feel strongly about cooking with ingredients that are in season and locally grown, when available. Food tastes better when it’s eaten close to its harvesting and from a nearby source.
Obviously, where you live plays a big factor in how you shop, and we are aware of the challenges that you might face. Still, we urge you to shop conscientiously. Above all, we encourage you to shop for what is fresh in your markets and use those ingredients to inspire your cooking.