Actium, battle of
adultery laws
Ady, Cecilia M.
Aeneid (Vergil); Ariosto's adaptation; Chaucer's adaptation
Affrican (Scipio Africanus) (The Parlement of Foules)
Africa, Thomas
aging process
Agramante (Orlando Furioso); authority of, threatened
agricultural imagery, cultus and
Alan of Lille
Alceste (Legend of Good Women); as adviser; antecedent in French poetry; as intercessor; multiple significances; as voice of poet
Alcina (Orlando Furioso)
Alcyone (Book of the Duchess)
Amores (Ovid); Augustus, references to; cultural climate, commentary on; Cupid's entourage; diminution in; Epigrama ipsius; generic decorum violated; hopelessness, comic effect of; impotence as theme; jealousy; lost control, images of; narrator-lover; negative allusion in; poetic traditions, commentary on; recusatio; shift in perspective
Angelica (Orlando Furioso); masculine honor and
Anne of Bohemia
Appellant Lords
Ariodante (Orlando Furioso)
Ariosto, Ludovico; Aeneid, adaptation of; as courtier; influences on; Italian peninsula, politics and culture; narratorial personae; Ovid, allusions to. See also Orlando Furioso
Ars amatoria (Ovid); allusion to love as warfare; challenges to Augustus in; comic deconstruction in; as comic mirror; commoda (fringe benefits); cultus in; flattery, use of; folk remedies, aversion to; instructions for women; as intended for neophytes; lack of system in; magister/praeceptor amoris,; military triumph, as pick-up spot; mirrors in; misogynist commonplaces in; mythology, comic appropriation of; period of freedom recommended; on poets as suitors; public places associated with Augustus; pursuit, rhetoric of; references to in Chaucer; reversals of, in Remedia amoris; rhetoric of seduction; on stages of wooing; structure of; system of techniques of seduction; theater, behavior in; urbs, view of
ars longa, vita brevis est
“Articles of Deposition,”
Astolfo (Orlando Furioso)
Atlante (Orlando Furioso)
auctores; challenge to repute of; cultural authority of; manipulation of; misuse of
audience; authority of; commercially constructed; imagined; limitations placed on; male; relationship of, to poet; resistance of, to authority; social and cultural context of; sophistication of; twenty-first-century
Augustus, Octavianus; bread and circuses policy; Ovid's challenges to; as princeps; seizure of absolute power; threats to
authority: of auctores; career of poet and; language, changes in; of magister in Ars armatoria; memory of reader and; narratorial; of reader; threatened. See also authority, Augustan; cultural authority; desire; imperialism; political authority
authority, Augustan: comic defiance of; marriage laws; threats to
Axton, Richard
Bacchus and Ariadne (Titian) Baiardo (horse) (Orlando Furioso)
Barbiere di Siviglia, Il (Rossini)
Becket, Thomas
Beethoven, Ludwig van
bird imagery; Chauntecleer; in “The Manciple's Tale,”. See also Parlement of Foules
Blanche, duchess of Lancaster
Boccaccio, Giovanni; Decameron; Il Filostrato; Teseide
Boiardo, Matteo Maria
Bonneürté (Judgment of the King of Navarre)
Book of the Courtier (Castiglione)
Book of the Duchess, The (Chaucer)
Bradamante (Orlando Furioso); rescues Ruggiero from castle
bread and circuses policy
Brunello (Orlando Furioso)
Burley, Simon
Bush administration
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer); Chaucer's self-mockery in; Cook; General Prologue; Harry Bailly; “Manciple's Tale,”; “Man of Law's Tale,”; “Miller's Tale,”; “Nun's Priest's Tale,”; organizing principle; Pardoner; Sergeant of Law; Sir Thopas; social hierarchy in
Carlson, Paula
Carmen saeculare (Horace)
carmen (song)
Carne-Ross, Donald
Carter, Bill
Castiglione, Baldesar Catullus
Cenerentola (Rossini)
Ceyx (Book of the Duchess)
chanson de geste
Charlemagne (Orlando Furioso)
Chaucer, Geoffrey; adaptations from classical sources; anti-courtly views in works of; audience; career as poet; criticism, concern about; as customs officer; dream vision as form in; historical background for works of; justification for writing in English; language, comments on; literary heritage; negative self-presentation; outsider status of narrator; Ovid, allusions to; patronage and; persona in works of; translation, concerns with; Vergil, references to; Works: Anelida and Arcite; The Book of the Duchess; The House of Fame; “Lak of Stedfastnesse,” . See also Book of the Duchess; Canterbury Tales; Legend of Good Women; Parlement of Foules; Troilus and Criseyde
Chauntecleer (Canterbury Tales)
chivalry: chivalric romance; irony at expense of
Chronicles of Jean Froissart,
Circe Cleopatra
Cloridano (Orlando Furioso)
coded signs between lovers
Colbert, Stephen
Colbert Report, The
comedy-2; consumption of; dangerousness of; evaluation of; mythology, appropriation of; production of See also mirror, comic
Comedy Central
Commedia (Dante)
Confessio amantis (Gower)
Connors, Catherine
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius)
Conte, Gian Biagio
Cooper, Helen
cosmetics; concealing use of; surprising unprepared lover. See also Medicamina faciei
court; anti-courtly views in Chaucer; climate of competition at. See also patrons/patronage
Crook, J. A.
cultural authority; of auctores; of Este despotism
cultus; agricultural imagery, ; coded signs between lovers; cosmetic use and; counterfeiting; critique of; early Roman history, view of; folk remedies, aversion to; hiding shortcomings; love letters; masculinity; mind, cultivation of; self-knowledge; urbanitas compared with. See also self-construction
Cupid; elegiac poetry as domain of; entourage of; as stand-in for Caesar
Daily Show, The
Dalinda (Orlando Furioso)KJ-20
Dante Alighieri; Ariosto's adaptation
Dardinello (Orlando Furioso)
Davis, P. J., “Praeceptor amoris,”
Decameron (Boccaccio)
decorum, principle of
Delphic oracle
De planctu naturae (Alan of Lille)
desire; in action; classical impact on; error and; externalization of; fear generated by; forest represents; as function of ideology; as furor; genuine vs. feigned; honor and shame, masculine code of; illusory; as irrational; labyrinth metaphor; placed before obligation; prudence and; pursuit, rhetoric of; return of rationality; self-knowledge and; social hierarchy of; suppressing; thwarted; as uncontrollable; as unmanageable. See also authority
Dido (Aeneid); in House of Fame; in The Legend of Good Women
disputatio ad utramque partem
Dit de la marguerite (Machaut)
dits (narrative poems)
Donato, Eugenioni
Doralice (Orlando Furioso)
Dreamer (The House of Fame); (The Parlement of Foules); (The Legend of Good Women)
dynastic myths
Early History (Livy)
Edward III
elegiac couplets
elegiac poetry; conservative complaints about; as Cupid's domain; dare verba; imperialism, critique of; paraclausithyron. See also generic decorum
Elizabethan/Jacobean theater
eloquence; female, in Chaucer; lies preferred over truth; nonverbal; reversal of
entanglement, imagery of
epic: Ariosto and; subversion of. See also Aeneid
errancy; fountain metaphor; misperception; moral choices; spatial and mental/moral; wandering, vocabulary of
Este, Alfonso d’ (duke of Ferrara); library of
Este, Cardinal Ippolito d'
Este dynasty; cultural authority of; synthesis of humanism and chivalry
Ethics (Aristotle)
expertise, culture of
Ferrau (Orlando Furioso)
Filostrato, Il (Boccaccio)
Finucci, Valeria
focus groups
French Arthurian prose romances
French courtly poetry
Frontino (horse) (Orlando Furioso)
furor/madness; desire as
Fyler, John
Galafrone (Orlando Furioso),
games, seductive behavior at
gender relations: double standard; legitimacy of offspring; misogynist commonplaces; self-construction
generic decorum; send-up of
Georgics (Vergil)
Germi, Pietro
gifts, sex for
Ginevra (Orlando Furioso)
God of Love (The Legend of Good Women)
Gonzaga, Elisabetta
Gower, John
Gradasso (Orlando Furioso)
Great Rising (Peasants’ Revolt) of 1381
Greek culture
Green, Richard Firth
Habinek, Thomas
Hale, J. R.
Helen of Troy
Henry IV (Henry Bolingbroke)
Hercules furens (Seneca)
Heroides (Ovid)
hierarchy of genres; generic decorum; subversion of; truncation, imagery of
Hoffman, Katherine
honor: defending; political authority and; and shame, masculine code of
hopelessness; comic effect of; critique of Augustan state; self-induced
House of Fame, The (Chaucer)
Huizinga, Johan
Humphries, Rolfe
Iliad (Homer)
Imagines (Philostratus)
imperialism; critique of; public places; structures of
Inferno (Dante)
“Invention of Sexuality” (Habinek)
Italian peninsula, politics and culture
Italiana in Algeri, L' (Rossini)
John of Gaunt
John the Evangelist (Orlando Furioso)
Judgment of the King of Bohemia, Them.
Judgment of the King of Navarre, The
Julia (Augustus’ granddaughter)
Kiser, Lisa
labyrinth metaphor
language: authority and; limits of
Leach, Eleanor Winsor
Le Bel, Jean
legend, as term
Legend of Good Women (Chaucer); antecedents to Prologue; catalogue of Chaucer's works in; daisy image in; Dido legend; dream sequence in; F Prologue; G Prologue; justifications of earlier Chaucerian texts; “Legend of Jason and Hypsipyle,”; “Legend of Philomela,”; references to Troilus and Criseyde; religious language in; translation, concern with. See also individual characters
Lex Julia de adulteriis coercendis
Libro del cortegiano. See Book of the Courtier (Castiglione)
Life of Augustus (Suetonius)
Loeb Classical Library
love letters
lucid interval
Lurcanio (Orlando Furioso)
Machaut, Guillaume de
madness. See furor/madness
magister amoris: in Ars amatoria; in Remedia amoris
Malagigi (Orlando Furioso)
Mandricardo (Orlando Furioso)
Marfisa (Orlando Furioso)
marriage: misogynist views of; Roman laws
Marsilio (Orlando Furioso)
Medicamina faciei (Ovid). See also cosmetics
Medici, Magnifico Giuliano de'
medieval narrative traditions
Medoro (Orlando Furioso)
Melissa (Orlando Furioso)
Merriam, Carol U.
Metamorphoses (Ovid); Ariosto's use of; Chaucer's use of
military triumph
Miller, Jacqueline T.
mirror: associated with women; imitation of lover; self-construction and; truth-telling
mirror, comic; in Ars amatoria; in Chaucer; in Orlando Furioso
misogynist commonplaces: in Ars amatoria; in Orlando Furioso; in Remedia amoris
Montefeltro, Federigo di (lord of Urbino)
Morgante (Pulci)
mythology; comic appropriation of; dynastic myths
narratorial polyphony
narratorial reversals
natural law
Nature (The Parlement of Foules)
negative voyeurism
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians
New York City, Augustan Rome compared with
niche groups
Oenone (Heroides)
opera buffo
Orlando Furioso (Ariosto); benefits of poet to patron; Christian-Saracen confrontation; desire as furor; editions of; errancy, spatial and mental/moral; forest metaphor; furor/ madness in; guns, description of; hippogryph; labyrinth metaphor; magical artifacts; magicians and sorcerers in; martial plot; narratorial asides; narratorial reversals; parallelism in; persona of chronicler; persona of courtier; persona of lover; praise, poetry of; prudence as theme; psychological meaning in; quadro di stupefazione; “Scottish law,”; wandering, vocabulary of. See also errancy; individual characters
Orlando Innamorato (Boiardo)
Orlando (Orlando Furioso); desire placed before obligation; madness of; sanity of, found on moon
otium-negotium binary
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso); addresses critics; audience; Augustus, challenges to; background; Chaucer's allusions to; empathy of; equestrian rank; helmsman image; historical background for poetry of; potions and spells, aversion to; relegation of; self-censorship; serial impersonation; as trained orator; Works: Ex Ponto; Fasti; Heroides; Medicamina faciei; Metamorphoses; Tristia. See also Amores; Ars amatoria; Remedia amoris
Palmer, R. Barton
Pandar (Troilus and Criseyde)
Paris (Heroides)
Paris (Orlando Furioso)
Parker, Patricia A.
Parlement of Foules, The (Chaucer); anti-courtly views in; “Dream of Scipio” in; Nature, role of
patrons/patronage; Augustan Rome; Chaucer and; Este dynasty; poet's flattery of. See also court
Pertelote (Canterbury Tales)
perurbani (hyperurbane)
Petrarchan lyric
Philippa of Hainault
Phoebus (Canterbury Tales)
Pierus, King
Pinabello (Orlando Furioso)
poet: belatedness and; career of; impact of political authority on; patrons and
poet-lover; effeminacy imputed to; soldier as rival of. See also elegiac poetry; Ovid
Polinesso (Orlando Furioso)
political authority: fight for honor; impact on poet. See also authority; authority, Augustan; cultural authority; imperialism
Politics (Aristotle)
praeceptor amoris
praise, poetry of
public places: avoidance of, as remedy; imperial; to pick up lovers
Publius Ovidius Naso. See Ovid
Pulci, Luigi
Purgatorio (Dante)
pursuit, rhetoric of
quadro di stupefazione
queens, intercession by
Quint, David
Raybin, David
Reason (The Judgment of the King of Navarre)
Remedia amoris (Ovid); as addict-rehabilitation system; another mistress as remedy; busyness, program of; Cupid, elegiac poetry as domain of; “end of love” as trap; on escaping love affair; faults, focus on; flight from Rome as remedy; folk remedies, aversion to; impetus and ratio compared; misogynist commonplaces in; mythology, comic uses of, poetic strategy; potions and spells, aversion to; pursuit, rhetoric of; as reversal of Ars amoris; reversals in; self-censorship in; self-control techniques; self-deception as strategy
res publica
reversals: disputatio ad utramque partem; narratorial; merits of urbanity and rusticity
rhetoric: color; schools of; of seduction
Richard II; Appellant Lords and; Chaucer's advice to rulers; tendencies toward absolutism
Rinaldo (Orlando Furioso); return of rationality to
Rodomonte (Orlando Furioso); fights for honor
romance, chivalric
Romance of the Rose, The; references to, in The Legend of Good Women
Roman cultural revolution
Rome; civic topography; decline, fears of; description of; lack of code of values; new wealth; Principate; public places associated with Augustus; shift to imperial power; as world city. See also authority, Augustan; urbs
Ronconi, Luca
Ross, Stanleyon
Rossini, Gioacchino
Ruggiero (Orlando Furioso); Este destiny and; moral choices made by; struggles over honor
Sabine women
Sacripante (Orlando Furioso)
Scott, A. O.
Seduta e abbandonata (Germi)
self-construction; masculinity and; mirror and. See also cultus
self-deception as strategy
Senatorial class
Seneca the Elder
Seneca the Younger
serial impersonation
sexuality: Augustan imperial control over; commodification of. See also desire; marriage
Shakespeare, William
Shemek, Deanna
Shoaf, R. A.
Simpson, James
social hierarchy; in Canterbury Tales; of desire
Solodow, Joseph B.
Stewart, Jon
tail-rhyme romances
television; rating system
Thais (courtesan)
theater, behavior in
Thebiad (Statius)
Thousand and One Nights, The
Toohey, Peter
translation; justification of
Travis, Peter
Treggiari, Susan
Trevisa, John
Tristia (Ovid)
Troiano (Orlando Furioso)
Troilus and Criseyde (Chaucer); limits of language in; ordering of sections; reference to, in The Legend of Good Women
Trojan War
truncation, imagery of
twelve virtues
urbanitas; reversal of
urbs (city of Rome)
values: lack of; otium-negotium binary; of Republic
Vergil; Ariosto's adaptation; Chaucer's references to; Eclogues; Georgics. See also Aeneid
Virgin Mary
Wallace, David
war, poets’ distaste for
warrior narrative
Wiggins, Peter de Sa
Williams, Deanne
Zerbino (Orlando Furioso)