


There are, of course, many different ways in which a baby might appear in your dream. In essence, a baby represents new potential as well as fragility, something which needs to be protected and allowed to grow. In this case, the baby could even represent something as simple as a new idea or recently discovered talent. However, if you are actually pregnant, such a dream might be your own way of expressing anxiety about the new life that’s inside you and the changes that it will bring to your life. If you dreamed that you had a baby that you’d forgetten about, then the baby represents a part of you, yourself, that you have neglected and that now wants attention. If the baby in your dream is dead, it signifies the failure of an idea.


Remember that dreams offer us information in all sorts of ways, sometimes in puns. To “badger” someone is to doggedly try to persuade them of something. Maybe this is happening to you or you’re doing it to someone else? The badger itself is also a symbol of hard work, determination, and stubbornness. If there is someone in your life who is set in their ways, then the badger in your dream could represent that person.


Think about the bag in your dream. Is it intriguing and full of different pockets, some of them ingeniously hidden? Then this indicates the many different “compartments” of your psyche and includes your hidden desires and ambitions yet to be fulfilled. If the bag is too heavy, then perhaps the metaphorical burden that you’re carrying in real life is similarly overloaded. If the bag is empty, it’s likely that you have a very “zen” attitude toward life and eschew material possessions.


Baking or a bakery signifies riches, success, satisfaction, and gain in all areas. Bread means money, and so does dough, right? Enjoy.


With a baldness dream, context is all. If you’re a man with a full head of hair dreaming that you’re bald, this could constitute an anxiety dream. This could be anxiety about actually going bald or anxiety about a different situation in your life. If you’re a woman in a similar position, multiply that anxiety times ten. If you’re already bald, however, dreaming of this condition is a reminder of your own wisdom.


You might be seeing a basic soccer ball in your dream, but it’s likely to have a more profound meaning than a simple piece of sports equipment. Dreams often play with imagery, and the shape of the globe suggests completion and wholeness; the Universe, no less. If you are watching a ball game and not participating, it could mean that you need to overcome insecurity or anxiety in your waking life. If you are at a costume ball, then be wary of someone close to you who doesn’t have your best interests at heart.



The saucy banana, appearing in a dream, is a not-very-well-disguised phallic symbol. You could either be unhealthily obsessed with them or repressing certain sexual urges. You can also slip on banana skins, so do be careful.


Generally speaking, the bank dream is about security—and not just the financial kind. A bank is somewhere that we put things to keep them safe, so you need to determine what you feel is being threatened that needs security. A relationship? Your job? Context is all when you have this dream. If you dream that you’re robbing a bank, maybe you feel that you’re not receiving the credit you deserve in your waking life and need to grasp it for yourself.


Generally speaking, food and eating represent spiritual nourishment rather than the bodily kind. If you dream that you’re taking part in a banquet or a feast, it’s possible that you’re not getting the sort of spiritual satisfaction that you crave in your “normal” life. Then again, if you’re following a strict diet or regime in your waking life, then it’s possible that the dream is compensating for all the treats you’re missing; your subconscious is “cheating” on your diet.


If you don’t usually go barefoot in your everyday life, how does it feel to go barefoot in your dream? If you feel nervous or uncomfortable, the bare feet could indicate that you feel exposed about someone or something. After all, footwear protects an important part of our body. If, on the other hand, going barefoot feels liberating and lovely, then the dream is indicating that you need to let your hair down once in a while and try something new. You might even like it!



Jack Nicklaus is one of the worlds’ most famous and successful golfers, but in the mid 1960s his play wasn’t on form and he had run into a bad patch of scores. It was after a dream that his luck finally turned around. Here’s what happened, as reported in the San Francisco Chronicle on June 27, 1964:


On Wednesday night I had a dream and it was about my golf swing. I was hitting them pretty good in the dream and all at once I realized I wasn’t holding the club the way I’ve actually been holding it lately. I’ve been having trouble collapsing my right arm taking the club head away from the ball, but I was doing it perfectly in my sleep. So when I came to the course yesterday morning I tried it the way I did in my dream and it worked. I shot a sixty-eight yesterday and a sixty-five today.




It’s not really surprising that the bat has a reputation for evil and devilishness. It looks pretty sinister, after all, swooping around in the dark with pointy wings and beady eyes. Of course, the bat is also associated with all things demonic—including, of course, vampires. If bats appear in your dream, it can signify irritations and hindrances as well as the other “horror movie” symbolism suggested above.


Immersion in water has a deep spiritual meaning and is an important ritual in many faiths all over the world. To dream of bathing isn’t just about cleansing the body, but also the soul—letting go of the past, washing away any stagnant areas in your life, and letting new ideas flow.


Funny places, beaches. They’re not quite land, and yet not quite water. The beach goes into the water, and the water laps up onto the beach, the sand a no-man’s land between the two elements. Therefore, the beach is considered a liminal place, a threshold between two worlds. This probably reflects your current situation. You could be between jobs, relationships, or homes. Beaches of course also signify vacations and holidays, a time away from the normal routines of life, so the dream could be your way of taking a mental vacation.


Beads (and buttons) indicate that you need to be patient. Is there an aspect of your life that seems slow at the moment? Remember that you can achieve a great deal in tiny steps—like the effort taken to string beads into a necklace. To dream of a broken string of beads is a common anxiety dream, particularly so if the beads don’t belong to you.


If you’re being chased by a bear, it could be that you’re afraid to address the bearlike side of yourself; after all, with power comes responsibility. If you’re wrestling with a bear, then two sides of your nature are at odds with one another. It’s also possible that you’re being forced to do something that is against your moral principles. A bear is a powerful totem animal, if you’re interested in that aspect of your dreams. Dreaming of one could mean you have access to all the power and might of the bear and you share its qualities.


This is where we do most of our freaky dreaming, right? Therefore, to find yourself dreaming about a bed might seem to be a curious waste of good sleep time. However, a bed is where the majority of acts of love take place, so maybe your dream hints toward more carnal matters. If the bed is well made in your dream, then this indicates that your life is in order. If it’s disheveled and scruffy, though, the opposite is true. If you can’t find your bed at all, then your dream is one of anxiety. Is there anyone else in the bed? If it’s a sexy stranger, then maybe your waking life needs to be perked up a little.


These microscopically tiny little critters are just something we have to live with since we can’t seem to get rid of them. Dreaming of bedbugs could be a reminder about a pesky and relentless situation in your own life, perhaps a problem that just won’t get resolved. If your dream bedbugs have attained an alarming size, then this dream is giving you one clear message: don’t sweat the small stuff. See your troubles for what they are, as inconsequential and as inevitable as bedbugs.


Is it you that’s reverted back to this infantile behavior? This sort of dream leaves the dreamer feeling humiliated and wretched. You could be feeling that you have a lack of control in your real life, that situations are being thrust upon you that you’re not ready for. It could be that you’re taking on too much. Also, a bed-wetting dream is a typical anxiety dream, so you need to alleviate whatever those anxieties might be in your waking life.


Archetypal symbols of industry and harmonious cooperation, dreaming about bees could be a congratulatory reminder that you are applying the same principles in your waking life—or conversely, they could be sending you a signal that certain attitudes of your could be improved upon.


BESOM (See Broom)


Whoa! If you’re dreaming about having sex with an animal, then this qualifies as truly freaky. What sort of an animal is it? What part are you playing? Is it fun, or are you on the receiving end of something way too big and scary? Before you make an appointment with your therapist, it’s important to remember that animals in dreams represent a hidden side of ourselves and the symbolism is fairly obvious; a tiger for ferocity, a deer for gentleness and fragility, a rabbit for sexuality, for example. Embrace whatever the creature is, as a part of you that needs attention.


Like the industrious bee, the bird is an important archetypal symbol, and having one appear in your dream can have profound meaning. Anything with wings can move in a different dimension and so were considered, like angels, to be messengers from the gods themselves. But how to translate that message? First, try to identify the bird. A water bird, for example, speaks of hidden depths; literally, there’s more beneath the surface than you might imagine. A large air bird such as a condor can see great distances and can assess situations almost before they happen. A flock of dark birds might seem threatening, as though you’re being beset with problems that deny you a clear vision of what’s ahead. If you’re flying with birds, then you are liberated and joyful, happy in your life.



If you dream that you’re writing a blog, this could be a sign that you need to take more control of events in your life. It’s also possible that in your waking life you’re spending more time in front of a screen than is considered healthy. Live your life actively instead of playing it out on your laptop!


An essential component of our health, the bright red color of our blood is symbolic of life itself. If you dream that blood is splattered all over the place, then your dream is straying into nightmare territory. It could be an accurate reflection of violence in your own life, but it’s more commonly a signal of anxiety. If you find yourself drinking blood in your dream, it might be that there’s a similar situation in your life; something that you’re trying to hide, a guilty secret. If you see blood pouring away down a river or into a drain, then you are feeling that your life forces are being washed away. Look to the state of your physical health.


The meaning of a “boss” dream depends on your relationship with your own boss. It could indicate that you have problems with authority figures or that you’re spending too much time obsessing about work. Alternatively, an authority figure in a dream is sometimes there to offer guidance that’s needed by our subconscious mind, so listen to whatever your boss is telling you in the dream. It’s also worth considering that your “boss” might even be your husband, wife, or partner—or perhaps your child.



Any dream about a container is about the container that is you. Is the bottle transparent or opaque? Is it full or is it empty? If it is full, then you’re feeling fortunate and all is fine. If it’s empty, you’re feeling drained and tired, with nothing left to give. If it’s a champagne bottle that you’re dealing with, then there’s something to celebrate or there will be soon; celebrate yourself!


BOUGH (See Branch)


If you’re tied up or bound in any way, this could be a Freudian dream of sexual repression. It’s equally likely that you’re feeling restricted in other areas of your life, too.


Like the bottle, this is a “container” dream. The box represents you. So, whether the box is open or shut, and whether it’s full or empty, will speak to you about where you are in your life at this particular moment. If the box is full of flowers, that’s a positive sign. If, on the other hand, it’s full of wriggly creepy-crawlies, then maybe you need to think some things through. You could be keeping a secret or repressing something. Above all, remember what happened to Pandora.


If you’re a woman dreaming of a shabby old bra, you’re feeling neglected and unappreciated. After all, a woman’s breasts are an important symbol of sexuality, motherhood, and femininity. If you dream of a sexy, lacy bra, you’re feeling confident about your feminine side in particular, and about life in general. If you’re a man dreaming of skimpy lingerie, you might be lacking physical love in your waking life.


Branches and boughs can refer to your family. If they’re broken, perhaps there’s a similar breakdown in communications or even a death. Healthy, leafy branches can suggest encouraging news, new growth, or fresh ideas—they could even act as a prophesy dream indicating a new “branch” to the family in the form of a marriage or a baby.


The staff of life, the loaf represents the basic needs in life. Not simply material—although bread is a euphemism for money—it can stand for spiritual sustenance, too. The sliced white bread that you dream of could be a reminder that you need to address your soul as well as your body.


Breasts speak of maternal nourishment but are equally valid as symbols of sexual desire and arousal. If you’re a straight female and get turned on by a dream of glamour-model-perfect breasts, don’t be alarmed by such a reminder of your own sexuality. Dreams know no boundaries.


Like the beach, the bridge symbolizes a state between two places, a suspension in the air between two landmasses. It could be that there’s a similar “bridge situation” playing out in your own life at the moment: a wedding (two families about to join), or a transitional time between homes, relationships, or jobs. Should your dream bridge be broken or otherwise precarious, the dream is simply helping you to express your own anxiety about the situation.


(Or brush or besom) signifies the need for a clean sweep; not necessarily the domestic kind, but a clearing out of your life. Sweep away the dead wood! A hairbrush carries a similar meaning.


BRUSH (See Broom)



In many cultures, the butterfly symbolizes the soul. Has someone died, or is someone about to be born? This soul could be bringing you a message. The Red Admiral butterfly that you dream about could be a reminder of this. But the butterfly is also a lighthearted creature, flitting from flower to flower, seemingly not taking anything too seriously. Its appearance could be a reminder that you might apply that same carefree attitude in your own life.


BUTTONS (See Beads)