One of the most prominent bird symbols, an eagle appearing in your dream speaks of glory, grandeur, royalty, authority—and immense power. The word “acumen,” meaning keen-sightedness, shares its root with the Latin word for eagle, aquila.
Eagles soar high and can see things at great distances—and while you’re dreaming, the skill of far-sightedness can also be used in relation to events in your life. Because of its power, the context in which the eagle appears in your dream is similarly amplified. If you’re soaring with the birds or feel that you are the bird, this is a very good omen because of the bird’s power and far-sightedness. On the other hand, if you see eagles chained up or confined in any way, then your dream is relating an incredibly frustrating experience that you are currently experiencing in your life. The bird’s confinement parallels your own frustrations. If you kill an eagle in your dream, then this has two potential meanings. The first is that you believe you are more powerful and ruthless than an eagle. The second is that you are somehow destroying the most important and powerful aspect of yourself in your waking life. Take care.
If ears figure prominently in your dream, particularly ones with earrings, this is a nudge that you’re not listening properly. The earrings draw more attention to the ears and so “amplify” their meaning.
Earthquake dreams have a clear meaning; there’s a huge shake-up going on in your life, the outcome of which is still unpredictable. If you’re rescuing people from the fissures in the earth, you’re in charge of this shaky situation. You’ll soon overcome any challenges that occur as the result of your changing circumstances. If you’re not doing anything during the earthquake dream, then it indicates that you believe the situation’s outcome is out of your control.
Fertility, birth, new beginnings, and potential; this is what the humble egg stands for. A nest egg (a nest full of eggs) also indicates financial security. If the egg is broken deliberately, then you’re happily in charge of your life. If the egg breaks by accident, however, events and situations in your life might be heading in the wrong direction. Scrambled eggs speak of confusion and misunderstandings.
Not nice. An electric chair could indicate that you’re feeling under threat from a particular person or institution.
We associate elephants with longevity and memory. Generally, they move slowly because of their cumbersome size, but if they need to, they can run like hell.
If you dream of an elephant, the context of the dream will indicate which elephant association carries the most important message from your subconscious. Has something from the past cropped up that you need to forget about again? Is there a large and cumbersome problem standing in your way? A white elephant indicates there is an unwanted element in your life. Because of their longevity and their powerful memories, elephants are believed to be wise. If you are an elephant in your dream, or are riding one, then you share its powers of wisdom.
Oh dear! This is quite a feature of modern dreamers. If you dream of e-mails, then you either need to communicate something or you’ve been spending too much time in front of a computer screen.
Green is the color of growth and healing, and the emerald is one of the most precious gems. Therefore, to dream of emeralds is very auspicious. You could be experiencing growth in a particular area of your life, and emeralds could also indicate you have nascent healing powers.
If you dream that you’re happily engaged, this could speak of your desire to “belong” to someone else, and you might want to question why this is, especially if there’s no significant relationship in your life. If the dream engagement makes you nervous, on the other hand, you have to ask yourself why. Maybe there’s a very good opportunity staring you in the face that you’re reluctant to accept for some reason? It could also indicate that you’re commitment-phobic, not necessarily about getting married, but about a potential new job, for example?
Entrails, at one time, were an important means of predicting the future. The efficacy of such a method would presumably depend upon the owner of the entrails. If the entrails in the dream belong to you, then the future outcome is unlikely to be fabulous. If you dream that you are handling entrails, then you’re getting into the heart of an important issue in your waking life.
An unopened envelope signifies an exciting opportunity. If the envelope is red, then it’s particularly good news.
Erotic imagery in your dreams usually indicates a lack of sexual excitement in your real life. If this is the case, you have two choices. Either get out more, or sleep more, hoping that more of those saucy dreams will come your way.
This is a good dream to have if the evergreens are healthy. It indicates prosperity, security, and youthful qualities for you. If the evergreens are being chopped down, however, you might be anxious about something you’ve not yet discussed with anyone.
Sometimes, certain dreams have a palpable feeling of evil attached to a particular person, place, or situation. If you’ve experienced it in a dream, then you know it. Some schools of thought believe that this is genuine evil, sneaking into your dream, and that you should protect yourself before you fall asleep. Others will tell you that the evil feeling exposes your own true feelings about the person, place, or situation in the dream, and that it’s nothing to worry about. It’s up to you to decide which you believe.
Taking an examination or test is a very common dream—so common, in fact, that it’s one of the most popular dreams out there. (See THE AWARD FOR “MOST POPULAR DREAM” GOES TO… for a full analysis of this dream.) If you dream, however, that you are closely examining the internal workings of anything—a human being, a machine, plants—then you need to take a closer look at something in your waking life. This is a call to action.
Digging in the earth is a dream metaphor for trying to understand ourselves better. Usually, we excavate in order to find treasure of some description, or to equip ourselves with information and knowledge about how people lived in the past. Such a process is painstaking and careful, but usually worth it since we’re looking into our own past. The dream is encouraging you to try to find your own inner treasures so that they can be brought into the daylight as well as into the future.