A gloomy dream to have. Criminals were once hanged from the gallows as a form of execution, and their appearance in a dream is an indication that something in your life is about to come to an end. This could be a relationship or a job, for example. Because the gallows are about “hanging,” it’s possible that whatever it is that’s going to end is long overdue.
Garages are transitional places, not somewhere you’d necessarily want to spend a long time, but closely associated with vehicles and therefore with travel. To dream of a garage could indicate that you’re waiting for something to happen or that travel or a vacation is in your future.
Garbage only becomes garbage because we no longer have a use for it. Similarly, garbage in a dream represents ideas, relationships, and situations that have passed their sell-by date and that need to be cleared away.
Broadly speaking, the garden—and gardening—represents your spiritual side and the nurturing of it. Accordingly, if everything is rosy in the garden, then all is well. But if the garden is unkempt and disheveled, then your subconscious mind is telling you, metaphorically, to get out there and do some weeding.
The shape suggests wholeness and completion, a never-ending circle, the same as the wedding ring. If you are garlanded or being crowned with flowers, then perhaps your dreams are giving you the praise that you feel you’re not receiving in your waking life. (See Wreath in Chapter W.)
If you dream that you’re eating garlic, then this could indicate that you feel that you need to protect yourself from something in your waking life.
If you dream that you’re wearing a gas mask, it’s likely that you feel the need to filter out an unhealthy influence in your life; this is unlikely to be a noxious substance, but more likely a person or situation that’s just not very edifying. The dream is telling you to tackle whatever it is that’s causing the anxiety in the first place.
In Japan, there’s a sacred gateway called a torii that marks the boundary between a secular space and a sacred space. This is the perfect expression of the primal idea that a gate or a gateway marks a definition between two states of being. This idea isn’t something that you’d necessarily think of in your normal waking life, but one that is known by your subconscious mind. If you are stepping through a gateway in your dream, then a transition of some kind is occurring in your life. Although the gate is a luminal, threshold place, the transition is swift; it’s not like a bridge, where the process is slower and more gradual. Bear in mind that the two “states of being” separated by the gateway can include geographical states as well as spiritual and psychic ones.
GAY (See Homosexuality)
Chances are that if you dream of gemstones, then you’ll be pretty certain that you dreamed of them in color. The jewels in your dream are a reminder of the treasures in your waking life. This doesn’t mean that you’re suddenly going to see a significance increase in your bank balance—riches are not just about money. After all, gemstones are taken from the ground and only ascribed a value by the people that want them. Some of the most precious gems are the things in your life that are, effectively, free, so think about who or what the gemstones are representing in your life.
If you dream of a ghost, then try to remember the feeling that you had when you encountered the dream apparition. Some people believe that if the spirit of a deceased person appears to you in a dream, then it’s likely that the actual ghost is really trying to make contact with you. Or it could be that you feel something was left unresolved in the relationship.
If you dream that you yourself are the ghost, then this could indicate that you are somewhat disenfranchised from your own life; that people don’t hear what you are saying or take no notice of you. If you feel like a ghost in your dream, you need to find ways to come back to life, metaphorically speaking, when you’re awake. If someone you know appears as a ghost in your dream, this could be an instance of your friend doing some astral traveling into your sleep space…or it could be an anxiety dream related to death and loss.
If you receive a gift in your dream, the gift itself is likely to be a metaphor, a symbol of something else. It could be something that you have forgotten that you already have that the dream is reminding you of. Or it could be something that you need in your life. If, on the other hand, you are giving a gift to someone else, remember that you can only give something that you have already, and that giving is closely aligned to sharing. Once again, the gift you are giving will be symbolic of something else, and only you will be able to interpret what the object actually signifies.
If you see a model globe of the Earth in your dream, this means that you are or likely will be planning a long trip.
Are you wearing gloves in your dream, or do they feature prominently? We generally wear gloves if we want to protect our hands from something. If you are the one wearing the gloves in the dream, then you are trying to keep a secret or hide something. If someone else is wearing the gloves, then they are hiding something from you.
Whether or not you’re a soccer aficionado, the dream of scoring a goal with the crowd going crazy is probably not one you want to wake up from too soon. If you have this dream, it implies that you’ve been striving for something very difficult, but it’s not unobtainable. Keep working at it!
Goats are determined, hardy, adaptable, and are, of course, the totem animal of people born under the astrological sign of Capricorn. Perhaps the goat is a reminder of someone in your life with these qualities? Goats are also symbols of sexuality and lechery. So if, for example, you’re afraid of the goat in your dream, then perhaps you’re scared of expressing your sexual desires.
Within 24 hours of seeing the god, Jupiter, in his dream, Caligula was efficiently assassinated and presumably got to meet Him in person (see Chapter J for more details about Prophecies of Doom). If you find that God is talking to you in a dream, it’s unlikely that you will suffer the same fate, but it’s important to pay attention to whatever He (or She) is telling you. Which brings us to another point; how does the deity appear in your dream? Is it the bearded old gent of the Judeo-Christian persuasion? Although many of us eschew this image, it is iconic, and instantly recognizable and therefore good material for your subconscious. If your God appears in the form of a woman, then part of what She is telling you is that anything is possible, and to unexpect the expected in your waking life.
Consider the alchemist. We have an idea that his or her quest was to turn base metal (lead) into a very valuable one (gold). However, the real alchemical mystery was about finding the inner gold of man’s soul. Although gold can represent greed and corruption, here at Freaky Dreams Central we prefer to take the view that if you see ingots or bullion or doubloons in your dream, then you, too, are being shown that beautiful inner wealth that’s all yours.
(See Musical Instruments)