JACKET (See Clothing)
JACK-IN-THE-BOX If you have fond memories of a jack-in-the-box as a child, then this could be a nostalgic dream indicating a desire to return to innocent and easier times. But these toys can be pretty scary and creepy. If you were frightened by the jack-in-the-box in your dream, then it’s also possible that you’re in for a surprise in your waking life.
JAIL (See Prison)
Are you feeling jealous of anything in particular in your dream, or is it less specific than that? Jealous is a byproduct of insecurity, and however much you might protest your own emotional stability, jealous feelings in a dream tell a very different story. You should examine your feelings closely in your waking life and avoid suppressing your emotions.
JEANS (See Clothing)
Recently, when the census returns came in for the population of England and Wales, 0.8% of people stated their religion as “Jedi,” surpassing Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Quite a result for the quasi-religious knights of the fictional Star Wars sagas. We all know what the Jedi stands for: truth, honesty, and a great reliance on mystical and instinctual powers. It’s not surprising that more and more people find such honorable values appearing in their dreams, in the guise of the Jedi. If the Jedi appears in your dream, he’s there as a reminder that there are answers to your problems in both ancient wisdom and in modern philosophical literature.
While it’s more commonly associated with its partner in crime, peanut butter, Jell-O is also a euphemism for a person who has no “oomph,” no backbone; someone who is easily persuaded. Seeing Jell-O in a dream could mean this euphemism applies to you, or to someone you know. Harmless and sweet, but kind of useless.
It’s almost impossible to remove Jesus as a personality from Christ as a religious figure. There have been millions of words of analysis into his character as a human being, but it’s fair to say he was a highly controversial political figure as well as being a healer and philosopher. In what context does he appear in your dream? Whether or not you’re not a staunch Christian, the likelihood, nevertheless, is that you will regard the appearance of such a powerful and auspicious figure as something to be taken seriously. It is a good omen to see Jesus in a dream as it indicates that you will get through troubled times with strength and forbearance. Bear in mind those legendary healing powers too; Jesus’ appearance in a dream could mean that you, too, have talents in this area.
If you’re dreaming of a jet plane, it could be that you’re feeling highly energized or that events in your life are moving at a colossally fast pace. It could also indicate that there is a trip in your future; leaving on a jet plane? Alternately, Whitby Jet is a black-hued mineral that, when highly polished and faceted, was much in demand by the Victorians, who had an epidemic fascination for all things to do with death and mourning. Perhaps you’re mourning something in your life, too, if this is the jet that appears in your dream.
This is generally a good dream. All the different valuable gems and jewels that you see are actually aspects of you, wonderful you! Acknowledge the fact that you are beautiful, talented, valuable; positively jewel like.
It’s unlikely that the jewels are being taken away from you, but if they are, then the dream is telling you that you should be on your guard against people that might be taking advantage of your good nature. Perhaps you’re being underpaid for your talents and efforts? Only one person can fix this injustice.
The incoherent pieces of a jigsaw puzzle combine together to make a coherent whole. With a real-life jigsaw puzzle, we can refer back to the box lid to see what’s going on in the picture. If you dream of a jigsaw puzzle, however, you’re dreaming of all the incoherent pieces of your own life and trying to make sense of them. In many ways, you might think it’s a shame that you don’t have a picture to refer to. But then if you knew exactly what was going on in the jigsaw puzzle that is your own life, how tedious would that be?
Even if your job is highly charged and highly paid, you wouldn’t necessarily want to spend 24 hours per day thinking about it. If your work life impinges on your sleeping life, then it’s possible that you could be optimizing your waking, working hours more effectively. It’s also likely that you could be spending too much of your waking life on your job; leaven the load with more of a social life, including sports activities.
To dream you’re riding a horse is to know that you are in charge of your own destiny. To dream that you are a racing jockey is even more so; the speed and danger involved, and the elevated position on the back of a very fast horse, shows that you’re seriously in control of matters in your life.
It is interesting to dream of playing cards of any type, since each individual card carries a great deal of significance. The Joker translates into the Fool of the tarot, and stands for endless possibilities; a childlike state where we simply have no limits. Seeing this card in your dream is a reminder that this state of mind is accessible to you as well as the possibilities. If someone you know appears as the Joker in your dream, then you could be seeing the true nature of this person, since the Joker is also a master of disguise. Proceed with caution.
If you dream of a journal, be alert; this could be a very informative dream. It is entirely possible that you find yourself on the brink of a prophecy dream, in which you’re writing about future events in the journal. Or you might be writing about past events in such a way that you have a greater understanding of them. Remember that dreams are sometimes skewed, and so the contents of the journal—should you be lucky enough to be able to read it—might be slightly scrambled.
Life itself is a journey—isn’t it? So to dream that you’re on a journey means that you are appraising your life as a whole. Forward motion and expansion are inevitable, but the journey dream also allows you to take stock of where you are along the road. For you to properly understand this dream will require a degree of detachment, an ability to see your own life as from above.
If you’re seeing a typical courtroom judge in your dream, then it’s possible that you yourself might be feeling judged—particularly if you’re standing in the courtroom dock. It’s also possible that you might need to apply better judgment to a particular situation in your own life. But remember to be kind to yourself in the process; we often tend to judge ourselves far more harshly than we judge others.
If you had a dream that implied you’d be pushing up the daisies sometime soon, that probably wouldn’t be very comforting. Chances are, though, that you wouldn’t record it in any way. You might mention it to a friend to dispel the trauma, and then after that, you’d probably forget all about it. And yet there have been occasions when such dreams have actually come true. Not very many of these dreams survive, admittedly, because the odds stacked against proving it are very high indeed. Think about it.
You need to have the dream—and remember it—in the first place. You would need to record it in such a way that makes it accessible after your demise, so you’d probably need a witness. The dream would actually need to come true. After all these points have been met, you’d probably still need to have some kind of public persona otherwise no-one would give a damn. This might seem harsh, but we live in a celebrity culture.
In view of the points above, consider poor Caligula. Hardly one of nature’s Mr. Nice Guys, this vicious Roman emperor must have been pretty mad when he dreamed one night that he was standing before the throne of Jupiter (implying power and riches) only to be kicked back down the stairs, so to speak, by God. We can only wonder if this depressing dream haunted him all day and was the last thing that occurred to him as he was assassinated later that night.
Former U.S. President, Abraham Lincoln, like Caligula, was assassinated. And a dream predicted that assassination. Evidently, Abe Lincoln held great store by the messages in his dreams, and described how certain dreams presaged “big” events. But none as big as the dream he described to his wife.
Here’s what he told her:
..There seemed to be death-like stillness about me. Then I heard subdued sobs, as if a number of people were weeping. I thought I left my bed and wandered downstairs. There the silence was broken by the same pitiful sobbing, but the mourners were invisible. I went from room to room; no living person was in sight, but the same mournful sounds of distress met me as I passed along. It was light in all the rooms; every object was familiar to me; but where were all the people who were grieving as if their hearts would break? I was puzzled and alarmed. What could be the meaning of all this? Determined to find the cause of a state of things so mysterious and so shocking, I kept on until I arrived at the East Room, which I entered. There I met with a sickening surprise. Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments. Around it were stationed soldiers who were acting as guards; and there was a throng of people, some gazing mournfully upon the corpse, whose face was covered, others weeping pitifully. “Who is dead in the White House?” I demanded of one of the soldiers “The President” was his answer; “he was killed by an assassin!” Then came a loud burst of grief from the crowd, which awoke me from my dream…
One wonders if there was anything that Lincoln could have done to avert disaster, whether the dream could have been treated as a warning, not a prophecy. One person who did treat such a dream as a warning is Adolf Hitler.
When Hitler was an infantryman during the First World War, he was asleep in a trench when he was awakened by a dream. In the dream, he saw the trench filled with molten metal and blood-splattered earth. Taking this as a warning, he took himself elsewhere. Shortly after he did so, the trench was indeed hit by a mortar and the vision of twisted metal and gore became a reality. It’s a hideous irony that, because he paid attention to a dream, Hitler would become the future Fuhrer, responsible for the murder of millions of people and the ghastliest war ever endured on this Earth.
“I’m looking for the fairies. I HAVE to find the fairies. They’re not fairies as in fairies with wings, but fairies as in proper magic little people, the old type. I can hear their voices but I can’t see them.”
Besides the circus performance act, when we speak of “juggling” things we mean, metaphorically speaking, that we are trying to keep many diverse things in the air at any one time. The implication being, of course, that if any one item hits the deck, then it’s smashed to bits—a disaster. If you dream of juggling, it might be better to selectively put down a few of the items that you are trying to balance, in order to avert such a calamity. If you’re juggling balls, however, it could be time to let go and see just how high they can bounce!
Are you lost in a dream jungle, unsure of which way to turn, afraid that there could be dangerous animals lurking behind the trees? The jungle itself represents those parts of your life that are uncivilized, untamed, and unknown. The “jungle” also represents similar aspects of your character. It’s good to dream that you’re in the jungle, because it means that now is the time for you to take a walk on the wild side.
Rubbish, trash, garbage, refuse, junk…whatever you call it, in a dream this represents exactly what it does in our everyday life; the stuff that we no longer need and that needs to be discarded. Not just physical objects but ideas, relationships, and connections to the past that we might have trouble letting go.
JURY (See also Judge)
If you dream of a jury, there are two scenarios. If you are a member of the jury, then this means you are passing judgment on to others in your waking life. If you are standing before a jury, however, then someone is passing judgment on you. So the first thing you need to determine is how the jury appears in the dream—and remember, dreams are neither logical nor are they obvious. You also need to ask yourself why would you be judged and what for; or, alternatively, why do you find yourself in a situation of passing judgment? Think critically about recent events in your life.