chapter thirty-three



One hundred percent of my attention was focused on the Addison clone’s tumor. The mass crowded the opening to a chamber of her heart, hampering the flow of blood and starving her body of replenishing oxygen. Now she was having trouble breathing.

I kneeled above her, concentrating on the area around the tumor and what it was attached to. I began channeling all the information I had learned from my classes. From Wellington, Lexi, Jack, Jonas, and even from Seth. I’d never had the confidence to use my healing ability, but Seth assured me that if I would only focus my energy, I, too, could heal.

I gently pried back the tumor, slowly detaching it from the vessels around the heart. The process was equal parts difficult and exhausting, requiring the most delicate force possible to wrest the tumor from its hold without damaging the surrounding heart tissue. One false move would cause a massive rupture that not even Lexi Matthews could fix. The pressure of having this precious young life hanging on a tightrope was overwhelming, but I forced myself to push the doubt, anxiety, and pressure aside and concentrate on saving the little girl.

I had no idea how many minutes passed. I only knew that I had managed to detach the tumor. But this clone’s life still hung on by a thread, and the pain, nausea, and dizziness I was suffering threatened to end the process before I could finish.