I heard strange music—drums, mostly—in the distance, and I couldn’t decide if it was part of a dream, or if I’d been kidnapped and was now part of some sacrificial ritual.
I ran my tongue over my dry lips, and moaned in an attempt to use my voice. “Where the hell am I?” I asked no one in particular.
“Welcome back, Red.”
I opened my eyes to find Jonas staring at me. I was in a room lit only by a couple of candles. A breeze blew through a window to my right, and I could smell the ocean in the air.
He brushed knuckles along my cheek and smiled.
“What happened?” I asked. “Actually, I don’t care. Just tell me it’s all over.”
“It’s all over.”
I leaned into his cupped hand and closed my eyes. “Are we on the island?”
“Yes, we’re back on Palmyra. We needed Lexi.” His voice cracked.
My eyes sprang open to find moisture in his. I reached up and ran a finger under one, letting a tear spill over. “It’s okay to admit you need someone else.”
“Why do people keep telling me that?”
“Because apparently, you and I have to learn the hard way.” I grabbed his hand and pulled. He took the hint and crawled into bed beside me. He brushed his fingers along my arm. “You scared me, Red.”
“I can see that. What are we going to do about it?”
He raised his head and looked at me. The light from the candle on my bedside reflected in his eyes. “Well, Lexi is going to ask you if you want a job here on Palmyra.”
“She is?”
“Yes, and your father is going to tell you the truth about his company, and tell you to come work for him. And that’s a good thing. I honestly believe he only wants what’s best for you.”
I nodded. “And you? What are you going to tell me to do?”
“I’m not going to tell you to do anything, but I hope you’ll let me join you in whatever you decide.”
We lay there, me in his arms, his fingers grazing my skin. I thought about his words, and how hard it must have been for him to admit he wanted to be with me. The music outside the window grew louder.
“There will be plenty of time for me to tell you everything that happened, but I’m sorry that I have to tell you one piece of news now.”
I looked up at him; his eyes looked sad.
“Your mother is dead.”
I turned my face into his chest and released an uncontrollable sob. My body shook, and Jonas squeezed me closer.
“I’m sorry, Red.” He held me there for what seemed like an eternity.
“Jonas?” I asked with a raspy voice when I could finally speak again.
“My mom was a horrible woman, but she was my mom.”
“Your mom lost herself in her grief and never recovered. I’ll help you mourn her.”
“Okay.” We lay there, not speaking, for a few seconds before I spoke again. “Jonas?”
“What in the world is that music?”
“Well…” Jonas began, while hugging me closer. “Barbara, our American Samoan resident, has arranged a celebration in your honor. That music is from the Siva Afi.”
“Siva Afi?”
“It’s a Samoan fire knife dance. Traditionally, the dance is performed by Samoan warriors with machetes. The ends are wrapped in towels, a portion of the knife is exposed, and the towels are set on fire.”
“These warriors dance with burning knives?”
“Yes. It’s quite impressive.”
“Jack’s here, right?” Jack could heal any wounds from these dances, I hoped.
Jonas shook with laughter. “Yes, but he won’t be needed. These warriors are experts at what they do.”
“I think I need to see these warriors.”
“I was afraid you might say that.” He crawled from the bed, then paused as if he’d remembered something. “I have something for you.” He reached inside a drawer in the bedside table and pulled out a little black pouch.
“The oracle.”
“Your father didn’t have the same ill intentions as your mother. He just trusted the wrong people. He’ll tell you everything, but I wanted you to have the oracle.”
I got out of bed and stood before him, staring at the velvet pouch. “What should I do with it?”
He placed the oracle in my palm and closed my fingers around it. “That’s up to you.”
I considered. “I think I’ll just hang on to it for now.”
“Okay,” he said, satisfied. Then he gestured to a dress of tropical fabric hanging on the closet door. “Lexi has already picked out your attire for the evening.” He looked back at me. “For the record, though, I’d be happy to spend the evening right here in your bed.”
“If someone is dancing with fiery knives in my honor, I need to witness it.”
He grabbed my hand, linking his fingers with mine. “You need to take it easy. Your body went through something pretty major.”
I reached up and smoothed out the “V” that had formed between his furrowed brows. “I’m fine. I’ll see you soon.” I lifted my head and placed a kiss on his lips.
His arm wrapped around my back and pulled me closer. He kissed me passionately, showing me just how deeply his fear had run. After he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against mine. “I’ll let you change. Don’t take long. Just follow the music.”