A book of any type requires the efforts of a staggering number of people, but an anthology requires the involvement of even more people as well as a staggering number of details. The likelihood is great, therefore, that I have neglected to name some people who helped create this finished book or who kindly inquired about it, and I can only hope that they will understand and forgive me. Once again, I extend an enormous merci to Vintage publisher Anne Messitte, Vintage Editor-in-Chief LuAnn Walther, and my editor Diana Secker Tesdell, who likely never anticipated that an anthology series could prove to be so compliqué. Other patient and talented colleagues in the extended Vintage family who diligently helped this book along include Cathryn Aison, David Archer, Bette Graber, Kathy Hourigan, Jo Anne Metsch, Roz Parr, Nicole Pedersen, Russell Perreault, Anke Steinecke, and Allison Zimmer. Merci bien also to Steven Barclay, Sebastian Beckwith, Carol Bonow, Ceil Bouchet, Joan DeMayo, Lindsey Elias, Barbara Fairchild, Ina Garten, Suzy Gershman, Mark Greenside, Mireille Guiliano, Linda Hollick, Ruth Homberg, Judith Jones, Sylvie de Lattre, Kim Levesque, Alec Lobrano, Kermit Lynch, Emily Marshall, Caroline Mennetrier, Jennifer Paull, Emanuelle Sasso, Clark Terry, Patricia Wells, and Molly Wizenberg. Sincere thanks to each of the individual writers, agents, and permissions representatives for various publishers and periodicals without whose cooperation and generosity there would be nothing to publish, and I would not have the opportunity to share the work of many good writers with my readers. Extra special thanks to traveling companions and friends Amy Myer and Lorraine Paillard, and to Arlene Lasagna, who bravely stepped in as amateur camerawoman in the absence of my official photographer, Peggy Harrison (www.peggyharrison.com). I am appreciative of the kind and courteous assistance from the staff at the Mount Pleasant Public Library in Pleasantville, New York, and I remain deeply grateful to my brilliant and kind boss and mentor, Chip Gibson, who has long supported The Collected Traveler. Finally, thanks to my husband, Jeff, and our daughter, Alyssa, whose favorite Parisian experience (so far) is riding the carousel near the foot of the Eiffel Tower.