E.E. Ottoman

E.E. Ottoman has never worked on a farm. This is probably for the best as she’s a small, rather round queer, butch intellectual. Not a farmer. Her idea of a good time is cuddling up with a cup of coffee and doing a little research on Viking age Icelandic society. She loves a good story that is fun to read. She is especially fond of writing and reading stories with geeky, masculine-of-center people doing awesome and sexy things.

When not writing (which is rare) E. spends her days cooking vegetarian food, annoying her cat and collecting antique cufflinks.

You can read updates about new projects, or rambling posts about writing in general on livejournal at:

http://acosmistmachine.livejournal.com or follow E. on twitter: https://twitter.com/acosmistmachine

Description: Description: Heart of Water and Stone Description: Description: The Kraken Lord and the Eater of the Sun cover