Further Reading and References


Braun-Blanquet & Tüxen (1952): a classic and a remarkable achievement, this paper (in German) was the fruit of two distinguished Continental phytosociologists’ participation in the International Phytogeographical Excursion in Ireland in 1949.

Hill, Preston & Roy (2004): a tabular summary of the status, size, life-history, geography and habitats of British and Irish vascular plants.

McVean & Ratcliffe (1962): a pioneering book, not entirely superseded by Rodwell’s volumes.

Oberdorfer (1983): a fascinating book for those with some German; gives a neat ecological and phytosociological characterisation of the habitat of each species.

Praeger (1934): a guidebook to the notable plants of Ireland; dated, but still a mine of information.

Preston, Pearman & Dines (2002).

Preston & Hill (1997) and Hill & Preston (1998) tabulate the geographical relationships of British and Irish vascular plants and bryophytes.

Rackham (1986): widely relevant; includes Ireland.

Ratcliffe (1977): vol. 2 contains short descriptions of many classic and interesting sites.

Rodwell (1991–2000): the standard modern account of British vegetation (‘NVC’), with comprehensive references up to the 1990s; valuable features are the essays introducing each group of communities, and the index of species in each volume listing the communities in which each occurs.

Tansley (1939): dated, but a magnificent achievement in its day, and still a valuable source.


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