Further Reading

Alexander, Alison,

Tasmania’s Convicts: How Felons Built a Free Society, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2010.

Binks, C.J.,

Pioneers of Tasmania’s West Coast, Blubber Head Press, Hobart, 1988.

Binks, C.J.,

Hills of the West Wind - Reflections on the Tasmanian Landscape, Barrallier Books, Geelong, 2006.

Boyce, James,

Van Diemen’s Land, Black Inc., Melbourne, 2008.

Branagan, J.G.,

A Great Tasmanian: Frederick Smithies O.B.E., Explorer, Mountaineer, Photographer, Regal Press, Launceston, 1985.

Buckman, Greg,

Tasmania’s Wilderness Battles — A History, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2008.

Chapman, John,

South West Tasmania, John Chapman, Melbourne, 2008.

Collins, Paul,

Hell’s Gates: The Terrible Journey of Alexander Pearce, Van Diemen’s Land Cannibal, Hardie Grant, Melbourne, 2002.

Connolly, Bob,

The Fight for the Franklin: the story of Australia’s wild river, Cassell, Sydney, 1981.

Corbett, Keith, and Howard, Kieren,

‘The Darwin Meteorite Crater’, Tasmania 40 Degrees South, no. 40, Autumn 2006.

Doran, Kevin,

Tasmanian Summits to Sleep on, Desdichado, Hobart, 2011.

Finlayson, Damien,

Crumps and Camouflets: Australian Tunnelling Companies on the Western Front, Big Sky Publishing, Sydney, 2010.

Haygarth, Nic,

The Wild Ride: Revolutions that Shaped Tasmanian Black-and-White Wilderness Photography, National Trust of Australia (Tasmania), Launceston, 2008.

Hughes, Robert,

The Fatal Shore, Collins Harvill, London, 1987.

Kerr, G. and McDermott, H.,

The Huon Pine Story: A History of Harvest and Use of a Unique Timber, Mainsail, Portland, Victoria, 2000.

Kleinig, Simon,

‘Overland to Macquarie Harbour’, Tasmania: Forty Degrees South, no. 46, Winter 2007.

Kleinig, Simon,

‘Journeys to the Ivory Tower’, Wild, no. 77, 2000.

Kleinig, Simon

‘Pioneers of Tasmania’s Wilderness’, Wild, no. 95, 2005.

Kleinig, Simon,

‘A Visit to Frenchmans Cap by Paul de Strzelecki’, Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Papers and Proceedings, 51:1, 2004.

Kleinig, Simon,

‘Hiking With Hurley’, National Library of Australia News, August 2003.

Kleinig, Simon,

‘55 Years at Tahune Hut’, The Tasmanian Tramp, Hobart, no. 34, 2002.

Kleinig, Simon,

‘Frank Hurley visits Frenchmans Cap’, The Tasmanian Tramp, Hobart, no. 35, 2004.

Kleinig, Simon,

Jack Thwaites: Pioneer Tasmanian Bushwalker and Conservationist, Forty Degrees South, Hobart, 2008.

Maxwell-Stewart, Hamish,

Closing Hell’s Gates, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2008.

McGoogan, Ken,

Lady Franklin’s Revenge, Bantam Press, London, 2006.

McGregor, Alasdair,

Frank Hurley: A Photographer’s Life, Viking, Melbourne, 2004.

Norman, James,

Bob Brown: Gentle Revolutionary, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2004.

Philp, J.E.,

A Solomon’s Sojourn: J.E. Philp’s Log of the ‘Makira’, 1912-1913, R.A. Herr (ed) with E.A. Rood, Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Hobart, 1978.

Philp, J.E.,

Whaling Ways of Hobart Town, Walch & Sons, Hobart, 1936.

Philp, J.E.,

The Harriet McGregor: a staunch ship’s sea story, Davies Brothers at the Mercury Press, 1934.

Roberts-Thomson, Peter

First Impressions: accounts of early European visitors to Tasmania’s Wilderness Parks, Seaview Press, Adelaide, 2011.

Robson, Lloyd, (2nd edition, revised by Michael Roe),

A Short History of Tasmania, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, 2002.

Ryan, Lyndall,

Tasmanian Aborigines: A History since 1803, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2012.

Thwaites, J.B.,

‘Philp’s track to Frenchman’s Cap’, The Tasmanian Tramp, no. 12, 1955.

Thompson, Peter,

Bob Brown of the Franklin River, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1984.

Whitham, Charles,

The book of Mount Lyell and the Gordon: a land of riches and beauty, John Vail, Government Printer, Hobart, 1917.

Whitham Charles,

Rambles in Western Tasmania, edited by Simon Kleinig, Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Hobart, 2010.

Whitham, Charles,

Western Tasmania: A Land of Riches and Beauty, Robert Stitch Memorial Library, Queenstown, 1949.

Whitham, Lindsay,

Railways, Mines, Pubs and People — and Other Historical Research, Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Hobart, 2002.

Wilkinson, Bill (editor),

The Abels: A Comprehensive Guide to Tasmania’s Mountains over 1,100 Metres High, Volume II, Tasmanian Outdoors Collection, Hobart, 2011.


Jack Thwaites Bush Diaries


John Chapman


State Library of Tasmania


Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service
