The House of Nameless
Jason Fischer lives in a coastal town near Adelaide, South Australia, with his wife and baby son. By day, he works with archives for a government department, while his evenings are given over to the craftings of his imagination. He tries to unleash the weird every time he gets behind the keyboard, and his fiction has been described by reviewers as “strikingly original” and “weirdly imaginative,” while noted for containing “greasier genre elements.” Jason attended the Clarion South intensive writers’ workshop in 2007, was shortlisted in the 2009 Ditmar Awards for Best New Talent and in the past two years has started to collect a respectable list of awards, prizes and publications.
He regularly entered the Writers of the Future Contest over a period of two years, during which time he collected two Honorable Mentions, landed two Semi-Finalist spots, and spent two nervous quarters as a Finalist prior to winning with this story. His stories have appeared in markets such as Jack Dann’s all-Australian anthology Dreaming Again, Apex, Black House Comics, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine and Aurealis Magazine.
Seth began telling stories through images as a young boy in school. He would grab paper from anywhere and everywhere he could get it, drawing spaceships and battles. What he found frustrating was not being able to draw or write fast enough to capture and render all the ideas that he imagined. He finished high school with some recognition of his budding talents; however, art college proved to be more challenging to him. With some reservation, he took up a graphic design job for money. But his dreams of becoming a storyteller never left him alone.
Stories waiting to be told kept pouring out of him, some written, some drawn, others shared during conversations. After a long career in graphic design, without a published story to his name, he finally decided to surrender to his passion. The stories matured and began pushing their way into being, through either images and/or words—stories all about the spiritual struggle, expanding awareness, death, rebirth and transformation.