Special Agent Vira Sivak believed herself wired to fail. Born that way. Part of her genetic code. Despite this, through oversight or some cosmic flub, she still managed to spend a significant portion of her life contradicting that innate impression. Never did success run in her family, nor was she gung-ho on dreaming, which in America was relentlessly touted as the principle ingredient toward achievement. This was the land where anyone and everyone was free to not only follow their dreams, but to rampage after them in manic pursuit, but where oh where did the person go who didn’t dream so much? Wither the dreamless light sleeper devoid of ambition? What on the green earth became of an individual who only fantasized in miniature? Her countrymen gave much tenor to the notion of the Great American Dream, and perhaps she was merely envious when she chose to decipher the rhetoric as meaning to get rich on the backs of others. She thought of it as the Great American Crapshoot, and not being a gambler, Vira was not particularly interested in that roll of the dice.
Nonetheless, contradicting her own expectations, she excelled.
Emerging from university, the brainy young woman was courted by IBM, Microsoft, and a pair of Fortune 500 companies she’d never previously heard mentioned which nonetheless held impressive balance sheets. The latter struck her, perhaps unfairly, as being remnants of an old world economy, to whom she conveyed her disinterest. She really wanted to be at Apple—in her shoes, who didn’t?—but Steve Jobs never called, not even after she submitted her résumé twice, something she did not need to do once for any other company. Her sense of failure properly restored, she chose to shuffle off to IBM, preferring the opportunity in product development they dangled over a generic pitch from Microsoft. Before signing—she liked the idea of keeping IBM on the hook if only to verify that their interest was genuine—Vira filtered through a few additional opportunities that were slowly drifting in. Cisco got her attention. Google, not so much. As she confided to a friend, her shilly-shally was not to determine if she could do better elsewhere, but to see if she could not find a way to screw the whole thing up.
By the whole thing, she meant her future. She meant life.
FedEx delivered an inquiry from the FBI. Would she be interested?
A laughable notion, really.
Imagine, packing a weapon. Shooting people! Me!
Hilarious. Downright ludicrous when you thought about it, and she thought about it, had a few drinks with pals and made jokes. And yet, upon quieter reflection, Vira grew curious, enough to at least check out what they had to say. A few days after an interview with the Bureau, FedEx rang her buzzer with another message in an envelope: the job at IBM had evaporated. Had she delayed too long? At least they were demonstrating that their level of interest was never all that strong and were courteous in saying so. Saddened, Vira did not dwell on her misfortune. She deserved it for procrastinating, and, as she perpetually anticipated and perhaps encouraged failure, this was a perfect example of how things were meant to be. So it begins, the downhill slide. What a shambles. She joined the FBI as if to put an exclamation mark on this blight she was obliged to call a career, which, given her sense of doom, she would also frame as being her pathetic life.
Only after she was hunkered down as an agent for eight months did the thought finally dawn on her that she’d been snookered. A colleague whispered the suggestion over lunch—IBM stepped aside from competing for her services only because they were asked to do so. By this time she was losing the shine off her innocence. She gleaned that the Bureau did not always play fair. Indeed, the Bureau played fair only when that strategy favored a positive outcome. Otherwise, the FBI did exactly what was necessary to achieve an objective.
She was an objective. They wanted her.
She got that now.
Something to do with her outside-the-box, peculiar, yet spectacularly analytical and computer-savant mind intrigued them. As she advised a colleague at the time, “Either that or my retarded social skills, one of the two.”
Nonplussed. Her failure, as inevitable as she always supposed, someday would morph into dust around the heels of those who recruited her. Given that the FBI resorted to dirty tricks in acquiring her services, she took pleasure in knowing that her eventual comeuppance—their oversight, their error, her shortcomings and eventual failure—served them right.
Vira evaluated her professional life as she drove solo through the state of Alabama in a rented SUV. She had no need for a vehicle this large or anywhere near this luxurious, but landing at Birmingham International in a downpour she opted for an upgrade in case the roads were flooded. She wanted to ride above the slosh and an all-wheel drive might prove to be the ticket. More than a size upgrade, the Acura was the only such vehicle available and, what the hell, later she could explain to Agent Dreher that it was the last black car on the lot. He wouldn’t know if that was true. Neither did she. She presumed it was a lie. But Dreher suffered from a foible: he preferred his agents to drive black cars.
That was not his only peccadillo, although in all honesty she did not find the list of his peculiarities long. What intrigued her about him the most was that he reached out across a great breadth of humanity to bring her aboard his team. She was obliged to do a few years in the field before being eligible to move up through the ranks in D.C., at 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, and he wanted her for that time. The Bureau wanted her at headquarters and, on the day her superiors found out that the CIA had their bloodhounds out and were taking an interest, rapid promotions were promised. Yet time in the field remained an obligation to fulfill, then up the ladder addressing national security and international crime issues through the use of technologies that in all likelihood had not been invented yet, possibly because she hadn’t imagined them yet. She was destined to foster a slew of high-tech developments, and in due course to administer their use. Still, a few years in the field came first, in part for the experience, in large measure to meet the requirements of a massive bureaucracy.
Dreher delved into the bounty of that bureaucracy to snag her. “Out of thin air.” She voiced that thought in that way to him. Secretly, a question.
He explained, “I take on the difficult tasks, Agent Sivak, the cases few can figure out. I’m not that bright myself so I put brilliant people to work and succeed that way.” Of course, he arranged things so that she had no choice. Being assigned to him over the chagrin and vocal objections of others, even from those who outranked him, demonstrated to Vira Sivak that he was neither “not that bright,” as he was fond of claiming, nor someone who failed to succeed on his own merit.
Despite the phony modesty, Dreher made no false assertion. He worked the difficult cases and very bright people stood dutifully in tow. She was happy to serve her apprenticeship under him and with his team. If the day came that she outranked him, which was everyone’s expectation, she might bring him onto her own team, who knew?
Driving, the young agent revelled in the Acura at speed out in the rain, appreciating the road clearance, the smooth acceleration, and having the whole of her ruffled life ahead of her. She laughed once to herself, thinking of how Dreher would fume on the day the invoice arrived. She was meant to be in Alabama semi-incognito—unknown to outsiders, scarcely known even to the FBI. Renting an Acura was not going to help that aspect once her expenses landed on a desk at HQ.
Poor Rand. She could hear him blustering already.
That was another of his peccadilloes: his adoration of budgetary restraint.
Torrential as the plane landed, the downpour persisted but was diminishing. Rain fell steadily and Vira enjoyed the rhythmic swish under her tires. Small town lights periodically reflected off the shimmering black asphalt, then all was dark again for long stretches. Vehicular traffic on the highway was not heavy, but constant, with an annoying number of tractor trailers. She was on her way to Marshall County, to the town of Albertville where she’d booked a room, then on to Geraldine in the morning. Marshall was one county over from DeKalb, which had its heart ripped out by a tornado two years earlier, but in Geraldine a couple had been murdered in the storm’s aftermath in similar fashion to the man and woman slaughtered in New Orleans. She had issues with her boss, but he consistently delivered on this one account—he drew down the complex assignments. Indeed, her boss reached across and steered the tough ones into his orbit as effectively as he selected her. Strange, that ability, yet Vira reveled in the challenges it provided.
The storm murders were especially perplexing.
She chose accommodation in Albertville for her own specific reasons. She preferred not to sleep and wake up in the same neighborhood where she was conducting an investigation. She preferred to keep her quiet time to herself across a physical boundary where people were unlikely to identify her as a special agent. Albertville was also significantly larger than Geraldine, which might permit her to go out at night and still stand a half decent chance of meeting people, men in particular, with whom she might converse and share a drink. Perhaps a liaison. She was not the first lady to whom men gravitated when she sat alone in a bar, so her odds improved when the bars were both plentiful and pleasantly populated. In a city as large as Albertville, should she find herself in company that pleased her, she might then venture an invitation back to her room without churning a small town’s rumor mill. Long before she arrived she was feeling that that’s how she wanted the evening to go, and Vira was pleased to be greeted by an abundance of twinkling lights along the strip where her motel was located.
Good. Promising.
First, a shower, a change of clothes, makeup that was apparent, yet subtle—she could manage that contradiction—then dinner.
Over honey-mustard chicken and roast potatoes, Émile Cinq-Mars and Agent Rand Dreher were discussing slime, and the biological stew in the earliest days of the fledging planet. Sandra objected to the subject matter. “Gentlemen, please! We’re eating!” Into their drinks—white wine, the Scotch put away—they cheerfully carried on.
“Here’s the thing, this is the thing,” Dreher was saying, in pursuit of a notion that kept slipping off his tongue. He couldn’t seem to get his head around his own thesis. “It’s been proven, I mean not proven, per se, but there’s been experiments—experiments! yes—to show that slime—pure simple slime, single cell slime, brainless heartless revolting slime—slippery gooey pungent—”
“Okay, thanks, I think we got it,” Sandra intoned.
“Slime thinks for itself. No, no,” Dreher protested to objections he only imagined as none were spoken in this room, and, indeed, Cinq-Mars knew of the experiments he referenced, “it’s true. I swear on my mother’s grave. Slime thinks.”
Sandra did not know what he was talking about and expressed curiosity and perhaps disbelief with a simple expression.
Cinq-Mars explained. “Slime, living slime, can follow a path to food. To sugar, let’s say. In an experiment, scientists blocked the path of slime, made it difficult, then let the slime try again. Even if its old trail was masked to a certain extent, slime figured out the route to food more quickly the second time than the first. Similar experiments have indicated—well, it depends on one’s analysis I’m sure—that slime thinks. I like the idea, although perhaps for different reasons than Rand here.”
“Slime thinks!” Rand postulated with inebriated enthusiasm. “That’s such a sublime thought! I’m in awe of that thought. Single-cell slime thinks! No wonder that the detritus of the earth, the bottom feeders, the night crawlers, and the slimiest of human specimens also think, enough to make things difficult for those of us charging with cleaning up their god-awful messes.”
Seconds were dished out. The chicken had been consumed, but Vira had plenty of roast spuds, caramelized onions, and Brussels sprouts drizzled with a secret sweet sauce, popular dishes all. Perhaps the presentation instigated Dreher to discuss life in a primordial slough. He attached himself to the subject with relish.
“This is the thing!” he sang out. “Organisms way back then in that fetid slush interchanged their cells and their DNA willy-nilly.”
“Meaning what?” Sandra asked, scooping.
“Meaning exactly that!” he enthused. “I’m talking about microorganisms, you understand, but if Polly wanted Molly’s mouth or Ralph thought that he might strike a more impressive figure in a bathing suit if only he had Harold’s pectorals, they’d just switch off. Just like that. None of this reproductive morass we’re subjected to.”
“Microorganisms have pecs? Cool.” They laughed, and drank, and dug in again. Sandra was alert to the possibilities. “Just think, Émile, you could’ve have had a new nose, on a daily basis if you wanted.”
“I’d probably wander the swamp looking for the culprit who made off with my perfectly good one.”
“Surely it wouldn’t be that hard to find,” she put in, which scored a second chuckle from Dreher.
“But seriously, this is the thing. The thing!”
Apparently tipsy as well, Émile enjoyed a laugh at his guest’s expense. Sometimes, as he already cautioned himself, folks who normally embraced decorum, yet who easily succumbed to the influence of the grape, needed to be watched. And encouraged. “What, dear Rand, is the thing now? Pray tell.”
Cinq-Mars couldn’t be certain if the drink or the subject matter was the cause, but the fellow was having trouble lining up his words. “What life used to do on this planet was comparable to one massive, messy, all consuming, wet, slurping, unrepentant orgy. A ram’s horns on a monkey’s arse, that was the way of our fledgling planet. Difficult to sit, I agree, ha ha. But it was a free-for-all in those days! Cells and DNA were traded like penny stocks. You don’t like your skin? Try scales. Don’t like your monkey face? Become a goat. Metamorphically speaking, of course.”
“Of course. But metaphorically.”
“Of course. Metamor. No. Metaphor. Phic.” He gently burped and excused himself. “But this is where it gets interesting.”
“It’s all fascinating, Rand.”
“This is the moment, Émile,” Dreher insisted.
“The moment and the thing,” Émile emphasized, yet nothing in his tone indicated that he was having one over on him.
“One species.”
“Nay. One individual within a species. One ego, perhaps. One jerk. Or one inspired and enlightened soul, who knows? But one specimen in that great global petri dish, decided, all on his own, or should I say, on its own, I mean we’re not talking people here—my god we’re probably talking faecal matter or what swam in and chewed on the faecal matter of the planet—”
“A fine meal. What else was there?”
“Gentlemen,” Sandra chastised them both.
Rand looked at him to ascertain Émile’s level of seriousness.
“Go on,” Émile encouraged.
“One specimen—perhaps thoughtful slime, but check that, the scientists would disagree—one primordial slug, say, put an end to this beautiful mucky orgy of life, and declared that he—sorry, it—was keeping its DNA and cells to itself, and henceforth—”
“Henceforth?” Émile egged him on when Dreher paused unexpectedly. Sandra could keep it in no longer, her giggles erupting into laughter at the two of them in concert.
“Henceforth, yes, henceforth—”
“This is the thing.”
“It is the thing. Henceforth that specimen, and consequently, that species, was keeping its—”
“You said that. Go on, Rand.”
“I said that? Okay. Henceforth, he—it, whatever—would only share it’s cell structure through copulation, that is, consequently, through procreation. I’ve got nothing against procreation, the way we do it, but once that selfishness, shall we say—shall we say that? Once that selfishness was observed, all the other species of the world cottoned on and they all, henceforth, kept their DNA to themselves and moved it along only to their offspring. All other species could suck lemons. That is, if they left themselves a mouth to suck lemons with when all their trading of orifices was completed, when their game of musical limbs came to a fast close.”
“Assuming they found a lemon,” Cinq-Mars added, and Dreher, confused for only a moment, concurred.
Émile poured but the bottle was dry.
“Dessert is still to come,” Sandra mentioned, “but first, I’ll get a new bottle.”
“I can go!” Cinq-Mars intoned.
“Sit. I’m already up.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” chirped Cinq-Mars.
“Don’t mean to impose,” Dreher lamented.
“Rand, I may be living on a cop’s pension, but it’s not so bad, and anyway, my wine cellar is all but bottomless.”
“Émile,” Sandra chastised him. To hear him boasting sounded strange. She slipped free from her chair and the table, beckoned to Merlin, and went through to open the front door to let him romp outside. Then she headed for the basement door. The men observed her go, then gazed back drunkenly at each other.
“She’s right,” Cinq-Mars agreed, apropos nothing whatsoever. “I’m a rooster’s fetid ass. Rand, you’ve been drinking. You must stay the night.”
Dreher resisted the idea, but added, “Here’s the thing.” He whispered for emphasis, “this is the thing!”
He was working toward a point he wished to convey, although he still had to muddle through significant mental flotsam to find its articulation. Finally, he broached his principal concern. “Before the dawn of our time, Émile, the worst and the best of swamp-dwellers commingled and exchanged their cells, their very DNA. After eons, millions of years, someone or something decided that that was a bad idea, or at least that he had enough. Perhaps he simply wanted to keep his own nose, even though no one else could comprehend why. Back then, we couldn’t talk about the best and the worst of things, because really we were all one thick soup. Interchanging our body parts and not necessarily trading up either. Just—everything goes. And that’s what’s persisted, it’s my belief. More evident in some than in others. That the best and worst of surviving cell material was passed along to us all. We’re a mishmash, Émile. And now, it’s becoming possible to take human embryos, different embryos, and mix them up in a petri dish. In a way, it’s going to be just like the old days, Émile. One big stew, except that it’s all being cooked in a lab instead of simmering out there in the orgy swamp. We’ll exchange DNA and cells and we’ll have no need to procreate. Why risk it? And this is my point, Émile.”
He seemed to be drawn to a serious moment, even a teary-eyed one.
“What’s your point, Rand?”
“Who will we reproduce? And who won’t we? The money people will have their preferences, which they may be able to bully through. Politicians will have their say, and let’s not forget the mad scientist, who might artfully trick us all. In the old days, the best and the worst commingled and thought nothing of it. I wonder what beasts such an impossible treaty will engender now, when people—people, that wretched tribe of mongoose—presume to think about it.”
“I know you’re drunk,” Émile stated. “So am I.” He paused to gather the gist of his unease. “But what is it that worries you, Rand?”
Dreher elected to mull it over awhile. “What happens,” he pondered at last, “to all the wonderful bad guys in this brave new world? What happens to us when there are no more of them? Does it not seem to you, Émile, a man of your intellectual pursuits and investigations, a man of your acumen and genius, that all of human life has been about striving and achieving amid a myriad of accidents and conflicts? We’re all about discovering. Awakening. Carrying on. And what are we to do when we mix our progeny up in a dish in a lab? Will we not pursue mediocrity with a passion? Here’s the thing. Rule out the bad guys, the villains, and without them, will we not rule out our better selves at the same time? For whose finger will be on the pulse? It’s all going to hell—may I resort to cliché, Émile? Will you allow me this one?”
His host gave him a nod of compliance.
“Émile, it’s all going to hell in a handbasket.”
They clinked glasses, before they realized again that they were still empty.
In the silence, they waited, forgetting for whom or why, perhaps. Then Émile asked, “What the hell is a handbasket anyway and why is it always hell-bound?”
Sergeant Pascal Dupree called ahead, putting on a professionally friendly voice over the phone to book an appointment with Everardo Flores when the man had an hour free. He waited for him at the taxi stand in front of the Hilton, half sitting on the rear bumper of his cruiser with his porkpie hat pushed back and small beads of perspiration spotting his brow in the warmth of the evening. Earlier, a cool rain tramped through New Orleans. Lamplights were reflected in the puddles left behind. Palm fronds caught by the breezes sashayed and rattled, then went limp once more, dormant before repeating the dance. Dupree desired a drink. He considered that he should have met the man on a barstool inside and, if it turned out that Flores could run up a bill on the Hilton’s tab, cadged a whiskey. But the spry man appeared in the front entrance patting the shoulder of a doorman who possessed the appropriate regal bearing for the task. Spotting Dupree, he jogged down the steps to greet him. Flores wore a quirky grin, as if any chance to talk cop business gave him such a thrill. Dupree felt himself weakening. He needed to boost his own resolve in order to take the man down a peg.
“Get in,” he ordered, a partial growl. “We’re going for a ride.”
“Cool,” Flores consented.
“Think that way,” Dupree warned him, “see what good it does you.”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Me?” Dupree asked him. “Something’s wrong with me now? If something’s wrong with anybody around here it’s totally with you.”
“I didn’t meant to—What’s going on, Dupree?”
“More questions out of your shit canal. But I want answers. Just get in.”
Less fond of the meeting now, Flores succumbed and got in the car.
Dupree still wanted that drink and wondered where he might go. His eyes scanned his passenger—the gelled hair, the mauve silk tie, the suit cut to a perfection that Dupree’s own slumping, big-bellied body would never permit—and hit upon the ideal spot. He had taken Cinq-Mars there for a different reason. Such a spiffy man wouldn’t feel at ease inside Sinners Too where only the tawdry and the smelly lamented their shabby lives. In there, Dupree would have him at a disadvantage, while the additional benefit of easy proximity to the back alley, what he liked to call triage, remained at his disposal.
“Don’t tell me that y’all don’t drink on duty,” Dupree warned him, “or I’ll pound the living crap out of your bones right now, squeeze whatever mush you got left in your hanging balls to secrete out your ears.”
Flores was silent as he leaned his body into a turn, then straightened up again. “Christ,” he murmured under his breath. “Get a grip, will you?”
“Me?” Dupree challenged him again. “Me get a grip?”
Flores wanted the man to be both civil and reasonable, but gathered that any such desire was not realistic tonight. He yielded to a burning premonition that matters were not destined to go well.
The worry redoubled as they entered Sinners Too at the same moment that a local drunk fell into a psychotic episode. Kicking, flailing, and bellowing straight out of his diaphragm, so rambunctious and out-of-whack was the tall, thin man’s behavior that his companion dipsomaniacs chipped in to help subdue him, assisting the bartender by grabbing an arm or an ankle, a fury that closed out only when Sergeant Pascal Dupree lent his significant bulk to the fray. This would seem to be a case for an ambulance, but the cops had already been summoned and they arrived first, surprised to find a top-drawer detective sitting on the afflicted man.
“We got this,” an officer told him, in one sense a complaint.
“Take him away,” Dupree allowed, and they did, although with difficulty and some violence.
The detective then nonchalantly settled into his favorite seat.
Adjusting his tie, not the least pinch out of place, skimming back the sides of his hair, which lay perfectly flat to his scalp, and pulling back the lapels of his suit jacket, which did not require attention either, Everardo Flores examined the seat presented to him to ascertain that no cockroach or chameleon had pitched a tent upon it first and built a nest, that no crusty aged puke preceded him.
Finally, tentatively, he sat.
Dupree leaned in to release his initial volley, even as he simultaneously raised a finger to signal the Irish barman over. “We’ve got a private patio out back where we lay the drunks down to sleep it off. Sometimes, Everardo, we lay them down out there to their eternal rest.”
“Why are you talking to me like this, Dupree? What did I do wrong?”
Despite his evident flaws, Flores demonstrated backbone.
“Because I have a mind to speak to y’all this way, Everardo. That’s why. It’s the only reason I require. I don’t need a good excuse. Anyway, you’re to blame. You’re the one who put me into this frame of mind.”
“What did I do?” That he did anything to disturb his alliance with Dupree seemed preposterous to him.
First, Dupree addressed the Irishman. “Bourbon and my usual chaser, times two.”
“I am supposed to be working again tonight,” Flores protested. The comfort of work was appealing to him at the moment.
“Why did I tell y’all before? Don’t you listen?”
“Don’t get your damn back up,” Flores conceded.
“It’s up.”
“I got that part. Why?”
“First, I want y’all to understand the evening, how it’s going to go.”
“What evening?”
Dupree nodded, slowly, emphatically. “I intend to sit here and enjoy my bourbon and my beer after a torturous day. It’s not my wish to be disturbed. If y’all disturb me, with lies, with falsehoods, with untruths, with innuendo, with ripe dog shit in this heat, I will be furious, Everardo Flores. Maybe I’ll take y’all into the back alley to be introduced to my volatile temper. Though I like to keep it a secret, y’all will discover that side of my nature. It ain’t noble. I’m advising y’all as a friend right now, to spare the surprise to your small body later on. I will leave my badge with the bartender, but not necessarily my gun, while I go whale on y’all in a haphazard fashion. It’ll be impossible to predict, but most likely I will bruise your fine bones. Am I being understood? Let me know if at any time y’all require an interpreter.”
Flores gazed back into the intent eyes of Pascal Dupree and did not doubt his fury. Finally, he said, swallowing once in mid-sentence, “I don’t need any interpretation, Dupree, but—no offense—I sure could use an explanation.”
The detective slid a hand up from under the table and gripped a single lapel of the man’s spiffy jacket and crushed the fabric, drawing Flores’s head down closer to him and to the tabletop. “On the night that Mrs. Cinq-Mars was kidnapped, y’all claimed to be heading home. But the good ol’ boys in the FBI, they have their methods, they have their fancy electronic toys to play with. They say that Everardo Flores never left the vicinity. The hotel, maybe. The vicinity, not at all. That he did not go home. That he did not even head home. So answer me this, are we going to have a polite conversation here so I can enjoy my drinks, or do I pass the bartender my badge for safekeeping so we can go out to the alley and talk this over like a couple of white-assed Neanderthals? Flores? It’s been a long time since I seen myself this pissed off with somebody. That last guy is still recovering. Mind, he has the time to do so. First we made him wobbly on his feet, then we put him away for a good long stretch.”
Flores thought it over. Dupree let him. He was serious about wanting to do this in as polite a manner as possible.
“Some things about me you don’t know,” Flores said, and Dupree let him go.
He sat back in his chair as their drinks arrived. He took a sip of the bourbon and enjoyed it and the barman departed. “I’m listening,” the policeman said.
“I’m gay,” Flores said.
Dupree’s eyes went sideways once, then back upon the hotel security man. “So?” he said.
“I’m also married,” Flores said.
“That’s what I thought.”
“So I was at my boyfriend’s place. We were having sex. All right? I can be more specific, but I doubt you want to hear it. Why would you?”
“I’ll have to talk to him.”
“Just don’t hit him. And don’t talk to my wife about this, that’s what I’m asking for and that’s all.”
Dupree kept his gaze on the man, but he already believed him. “Don’t ask, don’t tell, huh?”
The question, he supposed, was an invitation to discuss all this, but Flores didn’t bite. “I wasn’t so gay in the military.”
“So gay? What the hell is that?”
“I’m just saying. It is what it is now. I didn’t think it would be this way when I got older and got married and started having kids. But I work long nights. Things happen. I got to understand some things about myself. For the record, since you’re asking, I’m bi, but I used to be less gay. That’s just how I talk. What I used to need less of once upon a time I need more of now for some reason. I don’t know why.”
“I see.”
“I’m not asking you to understand it. You think I do? I’m just saying, I had nothing to do with the kidnapping. But I was in no position to explain my whereabouts.”
“I’ll make sure of all this—”
“Up yours, all right?”
“Hear me out, you little shit. I’ll investigate what you say, but just between y’all and me, for now, I believe you.”
That seemed to mollify Everardo Flores, and he sat back, then took his bourbon as a shot, wiped his mouth, grabbed his beer bottle, and poured it into a glass. A regular, Dupree had never been delivered a glass and took a good long swig from his bottle.
“Holy shit,” Dupree said, and wiped his mouth.
“What else do you want to know?” Flores asked him.
“Is this why nobody’s letting y’all be a real cop?”
Flores had never considered that before, but as the seconds ticked by the possibility took hold. “Crap,” he agreed. “Did the cat get out of that bag?”
“Yeah,” Dupree said. “Maybe. But this helps. At least it’s not because y’all got flat feet or no big flaw like that.”
Sandra Cinq-Mars had hesitated selecting a wine in the basement. Her hand rested first on a bottle that she thought they might enjoy, but then she remembered the price, which was high, and questioned whether the evening might not be too far along, and the men too inebriated, to appreciate it. She mulled through a number of cheaper bottles, which had their place, but none appealed. Then she noticed a pair of bottles tucked away in a corner that weren’t so cheap, but she didn’t like them very much and this might be the occasion to get rid of one. She doubted that either man would notice. She might not be able to distinguish flavors either, and anyway she wasn’t planning on imbibing for much longer. She chose one. She had recently discovered a number of decent Ontario wines from Prince Edward County—this was not one of them, but came from there. Now would be as good a time as any to put it out of its misery.
She hesitated again departing the makeshift room they used as a wine cellar. Émile had been working down there lately, adding data to his flip chart. Perhaps her own level of inebriation caused her to take a moment, reading absently what was written on the facing page, heedless of the time. After further study, she began to flip pages. Soon though, she was feeling quite sober and returned upstairs with her head abuzz from what she learned.
Vira noticed him long before he ever laid eyes on her. She hadn’t been looking around and was just starting her dinner, when she spotted him. The gentleman was eating alone, his back to her, yet somehow, in some mysterious way, she liked the cut of his jib. Oh damn, I’m projecting again. The usual indicators: broad of shoulder, nice threads, well-groomed hair and a healthy crop, too. Between courses, and he was ahead of her in this regard, he put his cloth napkin down and pushed himself up from the table to use the washroom. An assessment in a glance: muscle-tone unexceptional, yet he passed muster with a standard-issue paunch, nothing egregious, no facial hair, a lined brow, a decent jaw and a favorable overall look to him. An apparent pleasantness and a measure of confidence. He might have had fifteen years on her, or twelve, but that was not a road she hadn’t traveled numerous times.
On the negative side, he failed to notice her as he went by.
On the plus side, he was dining alone.
If this was Vegas, she’d bet that he was a traveler, too.
Married? Unmarried? This was of no consequence. More importantly, he did not make a point of looking gay nor did he advertise the preference.
Although she remained alert for his return, he slipped up behind her unnoticed, and his only negative washed away the instant he accorded her an appraising look.
Vira regretted being on her main course as his desert and coffee had arrived.
A somewhat upscale restaurant was not a great meeting ground. No elegant way was ever devised to uproot an interested party from one table to attach him or her to another across the room. When he departed ahead of her, speaking cordially to the waitress, she figured that his ship just sailed.
And so Vira took her time with dinner before heading out. Had she known that he was waiting in the restaurant’s adjacent bar, she’d have masticated her food more vigorously. Said no to coffee. Passing the small room, she paused, needing to ascertain that her reading of the situation was appropriate and not mere wishful thinking. He smiled, the only encouragement she needed to step inside the room for a nightcap. A gentlemen, he took over from there.
The guy was confident, smooth, and interested, and Vira was well pleased.
Sandra Cinq-Mars was well acquainted with her husband’s ideas on intuition. A religious man in his own idiosyncratic fashion, in mind and at heart a spiritual man, he might properly be described as a mystic. Yet he was nobody’s space cadet. Émile preferred ideas to be well grounded. If the facts did not readily align, then he preferred a reasoned hypothesis, not some wide-eyed claim descending from the ether. Intuition, he postulated—and he quoted the science to bolster his claim—was a cognitive sense. Every brain possessed a supercharged thought process at least eight to ten thousand times faster than conscious human thought. At that speed, the individual who was unknowingly doing the thinking on a subject was kept unaware of the thought process or the rationale as it was all too swift for his conscious mind to process. When a light dawned, that beacon seemed to shine out of nowhere, or descend from the heavens on a beam, spun from gossamer threads and knit in another dimension, or, at least, that was the illusion. In reality, according to recent theory, the thought owed its brilliance to mere rapid computation. What people termed intuition, then, could be considered a thoroughly processed thought accomplished at warp speed.
Sandra had been flummoxed by an intuitive notion of her own upon returning with her chosen bottle of wine from the cellar and letting the dog back in. She noticed her husband check the label, then glance at her quizzically. That surprised her. She was equally intrigued when he took his first sip, stifled a critical grimace, and carried on with his chat. That’s when she knew—intuition just told her so, but in a trice she was aware of the evidence, that he never poured as much for himself as for his guest—that Émile was not nearly so drunk as he appeared. A moment later, she elaborated on the notion, tracing an obvious deduction. Appearances be damned! Her husband, Émile Cinq-Mars, the eminent detective, was not nearly as drunk as he pretended to be. Given that he was putting on an act for his guest—surely not for her benefit, as she was not amused—for whatever reason, she chose to keep her most recent discovery, until such time as she could speak to Émile alone, secret.
Their guest really did seem to be under the impression that the wine was wonderful, so she supposed that his intoxication, at least, was genuine.
Merlin went over and nudged his thigh, deciding that it was high time the dinner guest earned his keep by giving him a pet. “Dear Sandra,” Rand Dreher intoned, “I do hope that my gluttonous self has not ruined my reputation with you for life, that in the circle of time you may find it in your heart to forgive me.”
“Don’t be silly, Rand—” He was sounding such a fool and she really did wish he’d stop.
“Is he trained?” he asked.
“Merlin?” Cinq-Mars replied. “He has his tricks. Farm life demands it. If one of us is unresponsive, say from a horse kick or a heart attack, he knows to run to get the other. If no one else is about he’ll charge off to the next farm. That’s his best trick. And, you know, I lived the life of a cop with enemies. Sandra was often alone on the farm. So she keeps a weapon and, yes, even in his old age, Merlin will refuse entry to an intruder and defend San if given the command. He’s a sweet old dog, but his bark and growl are still impressive. I heard him giving it to a racoon up a tree not so long ago.”
The agent had a silly grin on his face, and had forgotten his original question. He raised his right arm over his head and pronounced, “I am not a man with any great capacity for alcohol. Although I do enjoy it. I have a theory, namely that my parents never drank. Somehow my body developed little tolerance. Nonetheless, I have enough sense left in me to know that I will not be driving home tonight, or anywhere else—where would I go?—and so your kind invitation, your so kind, really so kind invitation, is accepted. With whatever flourish I can muster. Now if I may put bring to a close what is possibly an endless string of embarrassments, I believe that the hour has arrived for me to retire for the evening.”
Sandra showed him to his room, having to endure more babble despite his vow otherwise. Returning downstairs, she found Émile sipping Scotch again. He was hovering a little off the ground, but seemed under control.
“How can you drink that stuff?” he asked, indicating the last wine bottle, still half full.
“Not me. It’s all down Agent Dreher’s throat. Émile, I saw something in the basement.”
“Mice? Not a rat.”
“I was reading your flip chart.”
“Oh that. I’m under the impression that I don’t remember things as well as I used to. No big deal. So I’m keeping a record that’s easy to reference. I know, I know, please don’t start, I should be using a computer by now.”
“Émile, I saw descriptions of two men. If I understood your notes properly, they were associated with the Lumens. Is that right?”
Cinq-Mars lingered over another sip. “If you were on that page, yes. Description is overstating what the local farmers told me. A bald guy with biggish ears and a short-haired man with a stout build and maybe a touch of rosacea only narrows it down to, oh, I don’t know, half the general population in that age group.”
He seemed to be interested in his own thoughts, and Sandra waited, until he noticed her.
“What?” Cinq-Mars asked.
“A bald guy with biggish ears and a short-haired man with rosacea doesn’t narrow it down, unless they show up in each other’s company a second time.”
“Émile, for heaven’s sake. You should write everything down.”
“I’m trying. Why?”
“Those two descriptions, as vague and as general as they may be, also fit two of the men from New Orleans.”
“What two men?” Then he went wholly attentive. “You don’t mean—?”
“The ones who abducted me, yes.”
He looked at her and then his right hand rose to his forehead. He left it there as if holding a cap in place.
“I don’t recall you mentioning rosacea.”
“Ruddy-cheeked, I think I said.”
Now he remembered her phrase. In a moment, his hand traveled over the top of his head and down the back of his neck before returning to the tabletop. He gripped his glass of whiskey. Sipped. Gazed at Sandra again, and smiled.
“My God,” he said. “Good work.”
She laughed a little. “Yeah. Work. These dishes, this mess—”
“I can take care of it.”
“I know you can, and you may. But not tonight, Detective. We’re leaving it all until the morning. You’re coming to bed.”
He was not disinclined to go. As they went through the lower floor turning out lights, Merlin padding along behind them, they did so arm-in-arm and bound together. Even though the fit was tight, they maintained close contact on up the stairs where they turned off the last pair of overheads.