

Title Page



Prologue: The Two of Them

Part One: London Pride

1: Anonymous

2: It Didn’t Have To Be This Way

3: Once

4: The Importance of Being Julian

5: Wild

6: Musketeers

7: Folgate

8: Tales of Love and Hate

9: Cripplegate

10: Blood Brothers

11: Mia, Mia

12: Falling Beams

13: Gold Rings

14: Gone with the Wind

15: The Great Fire

16: Finch and Frankie

17: Ghost Bride and Johnny Blaze

18: Deepest Shelter in Town

19: A House on Grimsby Street

20: Lunch at the Ten Bells

21: Empty Igloo

22: A Girl Named Maria

23: Two Prayers

24: Mytholmroyd

25: Land of Hope and Glory

26: Dream Machine

27: Cargo Cult

Part Two: Trace Decay

28: Morecambe Bay

29: Junk Shop

30: The One-Eyed King

31: Dark Equinox

32: Fathers and Sons

33: Silver Angel

34: Seven Stars

35: Perennial Live-Forevers

Part Three: Future Imperfect

36: Phantasmagoria in Two, Take 2

37: Paradiso and Purgatorio

38: Hollywood Hills

39: A Dress for Beatrice

40: Free Licks

41: Crystal of Souls

42: Inferno

43: The Julian by Diane von Furstenberg

44: Mystique and Doctor Doom

45: Powers Devours

46: Hey Baby

47: Pink Palace

48: Big Ben

49: Everything Forever

50: The Dungeon of the Haunted Warlord


About the Author

Also by Paullina Simons


About the Publisher