1 Nosheen Iqbal, ‘Divided, pessimistic, angry: survey reveals bleak mood of pre-Brexit UK’, Observer (16 June 2019)
2 David Runciman speaking on ‘What Now?’, a Talking Politics podcast episode (16 January 2019)
3 Edward Luce, ‘Tony Blair warns US Democrats against supporting Bernie Sanders’, Financial Times (23 February 2016)
4 John Harris, ‘Britain is in the Grip of its Most Turbulent Political Time in More Than 30 Years’, The Nation (27 July 2017)
5 Joan Didion, The White Album (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1979), pp. 12–13
6 Aditya Chakrabortty, ‘Britain’s real democratic crisis? The broken link between voters and MPs’, Guardian (20 March 2019)
7 The American author Matt Taibbi expands on this in ‘Hey, MSM: All Journalism is Advocacy Journalism’, Rolling Stone (27 June 2013)
8 Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities (Nation Books, 2004), p. 6