Wesley, Paul
Mild mental retardation
IQ: 68

Belial giv me this jurnul and say it wood be reel good if I rite down all abowt me and what my life is lik and what hapins to me since I came to stay at the T.O.G. center. I told Belial that sumtimes its reel hard for me to remembir all the stuf that hapins to me in all my lif because I am 30 yeers old now and I told him how I cant rite real good and I cant spell all the wurds yet but I can reed sum and I can use a dictionary to look up sum words but it take so long so I only look up sum. Belial sed thats okay just rite what I can think of and that wood be good so I hope I dont let him down becus Belial has been reel reel nice to me and give me a place to stay since I left the asisted living home where I stayed at in ventura california. Now I stay at the T.O.G. center with my new frinds and my best frind oscar who is a ferret and him and me have been best frinds for 6 yeers and now oscar is old for a ferret but still he is a reel good boy.

Belial says I dont have to talk all abowt the T.O.G. center rite away but I should talk abowt when I was littel and all. I dont remembir every thing but I remembir a reel long time ago I stayed at a trailer with my mom and she was reel good and let me have a kitty kat and I remembir that kitty reel good but I forgit what his name was. But anyway my kitty got runned over when my mom was going to work and that was the saddest day for me. But my mom was reel good exept when I wood act up. She sed when I act up she need to disaplin me and hit me reel hard with a stick and sum times burn me with a curly iron but just when I act up.

Well all this riting is reel hard and my hand is reel tired so I gess thats all I rite today. Love, paul