Wesley, Paul
Mild mental retardation
IQ: 68
Well Belial reed my first jurnul and he laffed and I laffed and he sed man Paul you make me laff. I sed you make me laff Belial. Belial sure is a nice frend. Im reel glad me and Oscar came to live here at the T.O.G. center. It is more nice than the asisted living home.
Belial says I shud rite abowt when I came to the T.O.G. and how come. He says remembir when you saw me on TV Paul? And I remembir that. I remebir cause I was thinking this must be a movie on TV when I saw this reel big dinosor on TV and police men was all arownd and ladies with microfones was on the news saying this was a reel speshul day for America. That was after the dinosor stood up and talked. Everybody thot it was ded cause one of those police men shoot it in the hed and it died but then it was alive again and talked. Thats how come I was thinking gee this must be a movie cause I never seen a dinosor or a dinosor that talks or a dinosor that come back to life after its hed gets all shot up.
I dont think the asisted living home was to bad I guess. All the people there liked Oscar a lot and he got to sleep in my bed on my pillow so I can heer him breath at night and it help me sleep. I take care of Oscar all his life even when he was just a baby. There was this girl with long yellow hairs and everyone sed she was reel reel pretty. She volunteer at the home cause of comuntiy servis. I heer one of the other volunteers say she was a drunk driver and a slut. I dont know what a slut is but I dont think that yellow hair girl was a drunk driver cause they are reel bad and kill people.
She had this littel bag she carry on her sholder with sparkels all on it and I see a littel ferret in her bag cute as he can be. Well that girl with the ferret did not like working much or even say hi to me she just sit down all day and push butuns on her fone. She says to one of the other lady volonters that she cant take care of that ferret no more cause he chews up her clothes and she not suposed to have him anyway cause ferrets is braking the law in the state of California. I wonder what ferrets did to brake the law in California cause Oscar has always been reel good and my best frend I ever had.
I was real shy and scared since that girl was maybe a drunk driver and also a slut but I did not know what that was. But I ask her if maybe I can keep that ferret cause Im reel good with animels and I had a kitty kat befor my mom run it over. She grab the ferret out her bag and say dont kill it I gess. Then she start to tipe on her fone again. I tell that ferret Im going to call him Oscar. Im not sure why I give him that name he just looks like a Oscar to me and he like his name just fine.
All over the yeers I had lots of frends that live in that home and some stay and some leev and sumtimes they had volunteers that was reel nice and sumetimes they had some that was down rite meen and even hit me and call me retartid. Thats why I like Oscar so much cause he likes me best and if I was a littel ferret maybe I wouldnt want my best friend to be some dum old retard but Oscar love me anyway he loves me a lot. He sleep on my pillow every night for six yeers.
Thats why one of the first things I ask Belial is can Oscar come to. Im not going anywhere without my best pal and he not going anywhere without me. Belial said he love for Oscar to come and thats when I decide to stay at the T.O.G. and not go back home to the asisted living bilding.
First everyone sees Belial on TV and they scard. Then when Belial talk he say lots of big words I dont understand and everyone say Belial is radical. They say Belial can change the hole world and then Belial on TV all the time and then the state of California let Belial turn the jail into the T.O.G. and he start letting guys like me stay ther. At first they would not let me leev but soon Belial got so famos everyone is real happy to do what he says. Thats how come I got to leev. Cause if Belial says it then it must be the best thing. Thats what everybody says.